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Street repaving in San Francisco

Impala leaps through window of SUV to escape cheetahs

eric3579 says...

I was more impressed by how far those Impalas jump. Also in all the nature videos i watch you never see paved roads with lines of cars and people clogging them up. Reality can be disappointing.

Problems with French Numbers - Numberphile

Sagemind says...

Apparently you, sir, have never tried to explain to anyone who is French, that they are wrong. I believe that too is another word they choose to ignore in the French language. (the word, wrong)

My Mother in Law was French and being correct was the only option - ever. Which led to my wife explaining to me that "I" needed to be the one to let it go. Something that is very hard when you know the facts and they do not.

Things like "No it's okay to cross the white line and drive on the shoulder of the road, that's why they pave it. (the line is just a guide) It's up to pedestrians to to stay clear of the shoulder and never walk on it because that's just for cars!"
(That's a little one) Now, telling me it's daytime when it's clearly night time was an argument I'd rather not relive

PS: I know you were being sarcastic and facicious and all that. But I'm not -It's still a sore spot with me

gorillaman said:

Can't someone explain to France that they're doing it wrong?

French is just a terrible language in general; the sooner everyone's speaking English exclusively the better for humanity.

America: Land of Socialism - Thomas Peterffy

thejsmithba says...

Peterffy is right on everything except that voting Republican will help solve the problem. Both democrats and republicans strongly support social welfare/safety nets, bailouts, big military/national security spending, and many other forms of government expansion. The LIBERTARIANS are presently the only major party that is a realistic alternative to the socialist/Keynesian agenda. Too much socialism will eventually destroy the economic power of the USA. Many people, unfortunately do not understand this concept because 1) the major socialist/communist superpowers of years ago have collapsed and are long gone (and the horrors of those regimes are largely forgotten), and 2) People have become increasingly dependent on social programs, subsidies, & government employment to survive.

As Upton Sinclair once said, "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." How do you explain to a government worker that people in the private sector make 35% less in pay & benefits? You don't, they'll still ask for more by striking & threatening to shut down 'indispensable' government services--and they'll get what they want every time because their employer is already in the business of giving handouts. When they win it will be reported as a 'victory for labor' or the 'middle class', but it's really only a victory for the ballooning protected government/elite class. How do you explain to a long-time welfare recipient that the check won't be in the mail this month? You don't. You buy votes with social programs or the promise of a cushy government job. This is how the slippery slope of socialism works and eventually there will be more people in the wagon than are actually pulling it. The economy will gradually become less innovative, creative, dynamic, & productive as a result. The overall standard of living will decline and there will be continued threats to freedom & prosperity.

Socialist policies may have great intentions, but the actual results are often very different from such great intentions. As the old saying goes..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Socialism is a great example of such a road. Unfortunately many people have to see it to believe it.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

poolcleaner says...

>> ^jmd:

Looks like cops and a dose of Mr Obvious.
The war on drugs is because a significant part of the population does not want drugs in their country. Now is it having a huge impact on us because of our poverty rates? yea.. if anything it is a holocaust on the dollar bill. The more we spend on drug wars, the more people that get poorer. There isn't a GOOD ending to this scenario.. either we stop fighting it or it will eventually makes us broke.. how ever...
Still doesn't stop the fact that we don't want these types of drugs around, or the people that use them. Find a different country if you want to shoot up. A country I can't go around without seeing people overdosing in front of me is not a country I wan't to live in.

I took your advice, rounded up all the drug users, quickly organized them for a mass exodus, and gleefully watched as they ratified amendment after amendment into their own system of government. I take no credit in this feat, as the combination of their GEDs and generations of unchecked family abuse paved the way. If their government fails they can always move to Liberia and die in a torrent of AIDS and more AIDS. Thanks for the advice, fuckface.

Ted Williams and Dr. Phil the Useless Prick

Sagemind says...

Tow the line Ted - Society doesn't like a dissident.
Society will hold your hand and keep you safe. Just do what we tell you and how to do it and your life will be a miracle of plenitude. Don't over-think it and don't have your own opinion, just let it happen....

On the flip side, yes Phil has a big ego that throws around a lot of weight and he can be heavy handed. But, I do believe his heart is in the right place and he genuinely wants to help people. People in distress sometime need a heavy hand to make the decisions easy for them because they can't cross the line and make the decision for themselves.

People living in trauma, not only need the lifeline, they need someone to hold it for them as well. It's unfortunate, but it's true. If you haven't been there, you can't understand.

I'm not a Dr. Phil lover but If I had to have someone on my side fighting for me or in defense for me, I think I'd welcome him in and allow him to pave-the-way to healing whatever it was I couldn't get past. He may not always be right in the observation (who is) but he is genuine in the fight.

Revolution - Trailer

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Don't think nature would take over the world so much in just 15 years as they show in a few of those clips, especially urban paved areas.

It's amazing how fast nature reclaims things once they are no longer used or maintained. The ruins of The Concord had trees growing out of the concrete floor in the lobby less than a decade after it was abandoned.

Revolution - Trailer

Porksandwich says...

What about Americans afraid of aliens?!?!?! and bears?

Looks like it could be a good show. Wondering what the reason will be, stopping chemical reactions in non-living things or virus permeating non-living things (I really hate virus story lines, especially inanimate affecting strains).

Don't think nature would take over the world so much in just 15 years as they show in a few of those clips, especially urban paved areas. Nor would a car be a complete rust bucket in that same amount of time.

If it ends up being good, it will be canceled. Sci-Fi and non-family oriented comedies don't make it past season 1 much anymore, or spend the rest of their seasons continually being threatened and budget cut until they suck enough to take off the air.


Im with dag on this though, I like these types of topics. But I don't hold much hope for television anymore to produce sci-fi or fantasy shows that aren't kid oriented. They were bound and determined to end Fringe, I am shocked it got one more season. Game of Thrones....just waiting to see what they do to ruin it.

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

NetRunner says...

I see what you're saying, and that seems plausible on the surface. I could easily see Universities and Colleges just taking "profits" and folding them into projects around the university that don't directly impact their productivity (hey, let's build a new art museum, hey let's build a supercollider, hey, let's pave the walkways in gold...). That way the increased revenues don't show up as profits or even budget surpluses.

But again that speaks to a more general market failure. In a situation like that, competitors should be able to recognize that there's inefficiency, and take it as an opportunity make a profit by opening a competing firm that's more efficient.

This is supposedly the mechanism that punishes firms that grow fat and inefficient -- a more efficient competitor can swoop in, sell an equivalent product at a lower price and make what used to be your profits into their profits.

All this is making me want to go googling for an economic analysis of the drivers in tuition cost increases. Unlike with health care, I can't really think of much that's special about the higher education market that would make traditional market mechanisms break down.

>> ^direpickle:

Universities are like businesses: they like money. Even if they're not stockpiling cash or being 'for profit', they like money. They like to tear down their old buildings and build new expensive ones so that they can get on the covers of magazines. They like to hire prestigious faculty. They like to get money, and they like to spend money.
Even if their fixed maintenance/faculty/staff/utility/etc costs are "low" (which I'd dispute, but even putting that aside), they will always find ways to spend money, and since they continue to have record enrollment rates even with tuition hikes, they'll just continue to raise tuition (and, yes, perhaps hire more professors) until demand stabilizes.

Ron Paul Recites Revisionist History Before Confederate Flag

quantumushroom says...

Top Five Causes of the Civil War

1. Economic and social differences between the North and the South
2. States versus federal rights
3. The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents
4. Growth of the Abolition Movement
5. The election of Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Paul isn't presenting "revisionist" history, he's bringing perspective to the "winner-written" version of history. The first 18 months of the war were about the "other things" until Lincoln made the war about slavery (say, wasn't Lincoln a REPUBLICAN and the klan democrats? Libs seem to downplay that little fact).

Just another reason to get rid of federal government schools. Are you surprised big government is the "hero" in these creative interpretations of history when it runs the schools?

Slavery is the lazy, convenient answer for the Civil War, just like the Big Lie about FDR's big-government socialism "saving" the country from the Depression when in reality it prolonged it, and paved the way for the federal mafia we have today.

FDR: I Welcome Their Hatred

quantumushroom says...

Oh yeah, Hoover, acting like a liberal, paved the way for FDR. You might agree that without Hoover's antics clearing a path, there would've been no New Deal.

FDR is a sacred cow of the left. You here would have a better chance of convincing shinyblurry there is no God than me convincing you FDR was clueless, and overrode the the original power-limiting intent and meaning of the Constitution.

>> ^crotchflame:

>> ^quantumushroom:
"High tariffs and government-sponsored deflation followed by enormous taxation and unthinkable government expenditures turned a stock market stumble into a decade-long nightmare."

Jesus. Neither of those could be attributed to FDR. The tariffs were under Hoover and massive government spending under the new deal is anything but deflationary.
I mean, go ahead and say the New Deal did not work and all that vague nonsense. You would be wrong but at least it would look like a sensible statement.

FedEx Guy Going To Be Looking For A New Job

Before Occupy Wall Street, There Was Occupy Kent State

marbles says...

by accident, @marinara?

How do you accidentally open fire on protestors?

This is an excellent article on the events:
New Kent State Video Evidence Points Towards FBI Provocateuring

The word “Guard!” can be heard around 11 seconds. “All right, prepare to fire” begins at around 20.5 seconds. “Get down!” is spoken at 23 seconds. The final “Guard!” is at about 25 seconds, and the gunshots begin at 27.5 seconds.

The order to fire directly contradicts claims from guard commanders who testified that there was no order to fire and that troops unloaded their weapons only after receiving incoming sniper fire.

The tape was given to Yale in 1979 for its Kent State archives by an attorney who represented students in a lawsuit filed against the state over the shooting. It was originally recorded by a student named Terry Strubbe who put a microphone at the window of his dorm, which overlooked the rally.

Subsequent analysis of the tape also uncovered an altercation and four pistol shots a little over one minute prior to the Guard gunfire. It is believed that the shots came from Terry Norman, who was at the time believed to have been an FBI informant.

Despite attempts by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to pave the way for a new federal investigation, the evidence has remained largely ignored.

The Poop Snake

Porksandwich says...

>> ^raverman:

I would have thought such waste could be processed and used to add fertilizer and nutrients in such a desert region?

I was doing some paving at a landfill a couple years back. They had an uncovered truck that would show up with this jello pudding like substance (human waste) visible when it got on an incline at a distance. They were dumping that stuff in the landfill. Someone there said that while they do reuse it, they can only use so much of it and the extra has to be disposed since storing it for use later is a losing battle.

But if we have some sort of massive epidemic run through the country, it will probably be due to using near straight solid waste on our crops....having them develop some kind of infection that can transfer to us and it being too late to stop by the time it's hit us. I always wondered where the first zombie came from.

OWS 'Wayward Mom' reacts angrily to NY Post article

blackoreb says...

I think you've dismissed the tone too readily. And also the content.

The article tells us:
She is "obsessed" and "abandon[ed] [her] family" to "[cozy] up to some like-minded radicals". She is "otherwise 'occupied'" and "plans to stray awhile". She is "keeping herself warm at night with the help of a young waiter". In the morning "the pair... woke up... on their little patch of paving stone... and dashed off... to wash up." Her slogan is to "Make Love Not War".

I'm pretty sure there is some defamation of character in there somewhere.

>> ^marinara:

>> ^notarobot:
Is there any law that allows her to sue (faux/NYpost) for defamation of character for being misrepresented?

Besides the tone ofthe piece, How was she misrepresented?

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