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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Official trailer

RFlagg says...

@criticalthud We just saw Agent Coulson stabbed and pass out, which they passed off as a death to make the Avengers gather as a team and avenge his death. They never showed the medical team confirm he was dead. It is more about what you don't see than what you do see.

The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

Insurance Scam, Road Rage, Or A$$hole? - (I Can't Decide)

chingalera says...

Flat-out road rage.

Now look dude: Don't use your footage of the guy's plate number to hand this shit over to any authorities, that costs everyone money. Track him down with his plate, arrive uninvited at his home, find his vehicle, and disable or otherwise vandalize it alla, felt-tip-penis-on-forehead-while-drunk-and-passed-out, and teach the cunt a lesson no cop can by citing him.

Yeah, needless to say you don't wanna rage against MY machine....

Years ago....Guy threw dip-spit out his window and it hit my windshield and got all over my arm-Ran his plates, arrived at his home, car in front, he got a gallon of Penetrol rubbed on with gloves like a glaze from bumper-to-bumper. Paint me with spit, you need a new paint job. He may have learned his lesson....Left a cup of dip-juice-looking stuff on top of his car.

Dying Dog Snowflake Finally Finds A Home

TheFreak says...
So what?

People do this all the time. You can go right now and adopt a terminal dog from a shelter. My mother has had at least three, two with cancer, one of those with only 3 legs. Some people want to give a sick dog a comfortable life and every living creature deserves at least that. Still, not exactly material for an inspirational film, more like a nice footnote in your annual holiday card to the family.

If your great profound contribution to the world is showing empathy to a sick dog...then you live in a tiny world and you're more than likely oblivious to real suffering around you.

PS: I still upvoted because I'm probably just being cranky and taking it out on this video. Even though that music did make me want to smash things with my forehead until I pass out.

Teen passes out TWICE!!! on slingshot ride

"That Wasn't So Bad"

Teen passes out TWICE!!! on slingshot ride

deathcow (Member Profile)

"That Wasn't So Bad"

"That Wasn't So Bad"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'That Was Not So Bad, rollercoaster ride, gravity, rise, fall, intense, pass out, faint' to 'rollercoaster ride, gravity, rise, fall, intense, pass out, faint, sling shot' - edited by messenger

TheGenk (Member Profile)

How do you deal with drunk women passed out on the couch?

Worst Product Placement in TV

shatterdrose says...

People started skipping commercials, then bitched about commercials, and then pirated to avoid commercials, then tivo'd pirated material to avoid commercials . . . What did you expect?

But seriously, this isn't new. It's so old it's frightening that people are only realizing they're being sold to through product placement.

Grocery stores . . . the company pays the grocery store to be placed at eye level.

Smokers . . . companies used to pay (and still do) pay hot chicks to go to bars and clubs and smoke their brand. Or vodka. My neighbor does liquor promotions. That's all he does. Hires hot 18 year old to go pass out vodka.

Why? It works. Simple.

Dirt bike vs. Tractor

Darkhand says...

Wow he passed out from the pain that must have been intense

Also Random TRactor wtf?

This would be a great meme; just randomly overlay tractors onto russian crash videos.

Domino Style Frozen Lake Rescue Attempt

robbersdog49 says...

Applying external heat to a hypothermic person is a great way to put their body into shock. Dry them off, cover them and insulate them. The worst thing you can do is try to heat them up too quickly.

When the body becomes hypothermic all the blood rushes away from the extremities and to the centre of the body, protecting the major organs, particularly the brain heart and lungs. Warming the person using external heat makes the blood rush to the area which is being heated and away from the brain heart and lungs.

I work as a rescue person at a sailing lake in the UK and we have to deal with a lot of hypothermic people in the middle of winter. All they want to do is go and get in a warm shower, and when they do you end up with heads split open from when they pass out from the shock.

A properly wrapped up person will warm up (as long as they aren't too far gone, which the person in the video clearly wasn't). It won't be what they want to do, and it's not what feels the most comfortable to them, but it is the safest option for them.

we used to be advised to put the hypothermic person in a sleeping bag with another person. This changed when it was found that more often than not this ended up with two hypothermic people, as the cold person chilled the well person faster than they could support.

It was a very brave thing for the guy to do, stripping off in those conditions isn't comfortable or easy, and he did it for a great reason. It just wasn't necessarily the right thing to do.

Sniper007 said:

Mad props to the guy who stripped down to give skin to skin contact. That is a life saving tactic in so many situations it isn't even funny. You do have to discard many social norms in addition to your clothes to pull it off though.

Also, never stand on ice when trying to save another who's fallen in: You should LAY DOWN on the ice.

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