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WTF? Tone Deaf Star Wars Trumpet Beauty

Volvo 940 Estate vs. Renault Modus

Read a Mother Effing B-O-O-K

Will it Blend? - Transformers

The Blues Brothers - Shake Your Tail Feather

The Evangelical War On Science

Nancy: A Lesson In Newspeak

choggie says...

Think of it terms of the description of the singularity in a black hole-all matter is eventually gonna collapse in to that jelly doughnut, given the predictable nature of that phenom in the universe....
As above, so below-
What has historically been the nature of power and control in the current paradigm of recorded history?? Ever-tightening spirals of concentrations of power until there can be only one...cept' for a few that disappeared at some great apex of their civs, yadda, yadda

The empire never really dies, it just hides out for a while, and reemerges in some similar form, until some catastrophic event, or its own insanity, burns it out......

Most systems of government lead that direction, even more so now, as the world gets tighter, more treacherous, and, less linear by the second.

The model of the two-party system is perfect for countries who have such forms of diversion and mob-suppression as sporting events, 40-hour work weeks, pharmaceuticals, computer gaming, and alcohol, as the last legal drug-

Oh and, humans are very predictable, habitual, and symbol-addicted-easy targets for bullshit like party systems....Nobody can solve the world's problems, nobody can lower taxes, nobody can stop Wobal Glorming,....Nobody For President!!!!

Every Day is Earth Day

Fedquip says...

er.. I don't know why you wanted to be a part of this collective Choggie? Considering a recycling box is part of the logo... I have always encouraged the appreciation of Nature here.

It's nice to see that you are worked up about this, but I think it doesn't really lead to any progression on the subject. I am far beyond debating whether Global Warming is real or not.

THEN SHOULDN'T THE BULK OF FOCUS BE SHIFTED TO THIS INSANITY, and not how imporrrrrtantit is that we should recycle, buy fuel-efficient cars and re-newable crap, and use bicycles and skateboards to go to work????

Probably, but do you think average Joe Canadian has an ounce of influence when it comes to the oil industry.

I have been watching the hockey playoffs and every 2nd commercial is for an automobile. Yet I have not seen one commercial for a fuel efficient car. I believe we will see progress once we see average Joe Canadian being more environmental and if that means recycling or biking to work then yes it is important.

FUCK FUCK BULLSHIT FUCK (just trying to speak your language)

I am not sure we're you are from or how you were raised, maybe you think the world would be better if we didn't worry about the Environment. I come from Southern Ontario and in my lifetime it seems the air is more polluted (it is). More importantly our forests are covered in garbage and our water is full of crap, crap thats worst then pooh, I'm talking about toxins and garbage and shit like that.

Maybe it takes a scare tactic like "Global Warming" to get people interested in the Environment. Thats fine with me, as long as we don't have to go to war with anybody. I can see through obvious scare tactics, Global Warming is in the same category as the "war on terror".
One difference, nobody dies + It encourages people clean up the earth.


Over 100 Horses Rescued From Island - Amazing!!!

choggie says...

This was up already, remember commenting on it. Must have been self discarded.
Say the same as before-Herd animals play follow the leader-these ladies knew they would fall in line, when they went out there....the "drama" created by the producer, came from their ignorance of the beast, and their own, unwarranted concern, for the poor, poor, horsies, oh the humanity, yadda yadda yadda

Hen-pecked Duck-(and scurrying cockroaches)

"You Shook Me All Night Long" - Celine Dion butchering AC/DC

It's so beautiful. Mantis eats brains of dragonfly.

The Hollow Men: The Courtroom

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