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Jamie Oliver Misunderestimates stupidity of American Kids

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

Sometimes you just want your McNuggets

How would you guys like a *bestof .....or *nugget? (User Poll by bleedmegood)

How would you guys like a *bestof .....or *nugget? (User Poll by bleedmegood)

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

Video footage of woman freaking out over Chicken McNuggets

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^jwray:

More than vandalism, they could nail her for assault and attempted robbery. She was forcing the window open and trying to climb through it.

What was she trying to steal? It would be closer to Breaking and Entering, but she didn't manage to enter, hence vandalism or something else related to property-destruction.

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

Stonebreaker (Member Profile)

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