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Windmill Destroyed By Wind

grinter says...

..and nuclear waste is a lot easier to manage than global warming.

let's switch to wind and solar, as soon as possible, but instead of building new gas/coal/or biofuel plants/cars we could take advantage of RELATIVELY clean nuclear energy.

Get down to Birdtown ♫♪

Nuclear energy is your friend

yaroslavvb (Member Profile)

Nuclear energy is your friend

Nuclear energy is your friend

Nuclear energy is your friend

This commercial will blow you away...

jimnms says...

Personally I think wind farms are beautiful. Green hills, dotted with massive wind turbines is just an awesome site. Which would you rather have?

wind farms?,0.jpg

or nuke plants?

If you decide you don't like wind turbines, they can be moved. If you decide you don't like that new nuke plant, tough you're stuck with it for at least 100 years. Nuclear energy may be relatively safe, but it is not clean. The nuclear waste has to be stored somewhere, and even when a nuclear plant is decommissioned, it can be up to 60 years before the land can be safe to use. That's even if the plant is torn down, the owner can decide to turn it into a spent fuel storage facility and make more money out of it.

All it takes is one nuclear disaster (Chernobyl), and the environmental impact lasts for generations. If there's ever an accident at a wind farm, at least you don't have to evacuate entire cities and contaminate hundreds of square kilometers of land for decades. Yes I know all the experts say that the chance of a Chernobyl happening with US designed reactors is low, but with each new nuclear plant built, that chance goes up.

EV-1 : Who Killed The Electric Car ? OPEC ? US Govt ?

choggie says...

agreed enzolube, and the capability to press forward with technology heralding in the 20 century, has been around since Nicola Tesla, walked into Edison's office and basically shot his little empire to shit with a few scribblings....genius is a threat to the powermad, and the fact is, that free energy has been here all the time, kept in a box by those whose pathetic puppets we get to vote for.....Do you know how many people have been paid off or eliminated, that have produced in their garages, cars that will run on gas, but that get a hundred miles to the gallon....go check it-

Marconi did not invent radio...Edison was not the father of anything but a fucking East coast, DC fire hazard, and of everything you think you know as fiction, the truth is even stranger.......Solar, wind, and nuclear energy is a schoolkid's Heath kit experiment, compared to what is out there that we don't get-Some day perhaps. But for now, keep voting, paying your taxes, and other such self-destructive and anti-evolutionary activities.........

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