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38 year old woman has 44 children

JiggaJonson says...

Yeah, we have it much better here

"last October, a 58-year-old woman died of cardiac arrest on the warehouse floor after complaining to colleagues that she felt sick, according to a police report and current and former XPO employees. In Facebook posts at the time and in recent interviews, employees said supervisors told them to keep working as the woman lay dead.

If companies “treat their nonpregnant employees terribly, they have every right to treat their pregnant employees terribly as well,” said Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York, who has pushed for stronger federal protections for expecting mothers."

At this plant 5 pregnant women had miscarriages in 2 months time. So yeah I guess it could be worse. I'm sure Judge "You should have died in your truck" Gorsich will vote to improve worker conditions before we go full Upton Sinclair. *eyeroll*

Meanwhile. My sister-in-law's school ran out of paper. She's buying her own to make copies and there's still 1/2 a year left. Maybe Trump can barter for some from mother-Russia made out of asbestos.

bobknight33 said:

No social welfare?

If she can do it Why can't Americans.

Tom and Jerry

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

McKenna Denson Testimony in Joseph Bishop Mormon Church

newtboy says...

Well, you're probably right, but today the New York attorney General subpoenaed every diocese in his state due to sex abuse charges. Not RICO, but a good step in that direction.

RFlagg said:

RICO will never be used against churches. Kavanaugh's appointment means more and more power handed to churches so long as they are Christian. We are heading to a theocracy, and it'll get worse. Kavanaugh doesn't believe in the separation of church and state, at least keeping the church out of the state and believes in the privilege of the church. Gay rights will go out the door. Give them time to replace one more justice on the court, and it may even become a crime. Kavanaugh believes that neutrality between faith and non-faith matters is in fact hostility against the faith.

Don't Get Neil Tyson Started on Water Towers

BSR says...

Someone asked Mayor Ed Koch: (mayor of New York City from 1978 to 1989)

"What is your favorite thing to do in Manhattan that you can do nowhere else?"

"Count the water towers within my sight from my terrace."

I don't know why I remember that but, now that I've finally used it here, I can let it go.

McCain defending Obama 2008

bobknight33 says...

Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.

newtboy said:

Did you ever consider they ganged up on him because he's so incredibly anti American and destructive that anyone who cares about American Democracy would oppose him, Democrats, Republicans, independents, honest media, the intelligence community, law enforcement, etc? Probably not, you're convinced his party is turning on him because he's winning too much.

Lol. Steele dossier....the one that was just upheld in court when Trump's lible/slander cases were thrown out....or did you not know that?

Yes. It was the turn to backing him that was the wrong, self serving, proven short sighted move.

Trump has not sold out conservative principles, he's thrown them in the trash and shit on them. Clearly principles are NOT what you hang your hat on, he has none and you've admitted it privately.

The creature from the bronze lagoon was hardly the one to help clean up the swamp, and his most criminally convicted administration ever is pretty good proof of that.

That $80 you got goes away in a few years and becomes a raise in your taxes by around $160, in case you won't read the actual law. You didn't get a tax break, you got a tax raise and a 5 year loan packaged as a tax break, and you bought it. Trump, according to economists that studied his public holdings, stands to gain around $1 million per year forever....his tax breaks are permanent. Not what he said, but you don't care he outright lied to you about it for months, do you, yet one corrected mistake by Clinton (Benghazi was a protest over Koran burnings in America, quickly retracted) and you still think she'll be indicted for....something you're incapable of naming, but something.

Fuck, Bob. Your insistence on backing Trump's every move no matter what has made you bat shit insane, inconsistent, and totally disconnected from reality. I hope you can get therapy.

notarobot (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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notarobot (Member Profile)

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

Drachen_Jager says...

Let's call them what they are.

Concentration camps.

The first stages of Ethnic Cleansing.

I'd like to point to the following article via

"As one of the few journalists permitted to tour the government’s new internment camp, about 40 miles from the southern border, the New York Times correspondent tried to be scrupulously fair. Forcing civilians to live behind barbed wire and armed guards was surely inhumane, and there was little shelter from the blazing summer heat. But on the other hand, the barracks were “clean as a whistle.” Detainees lazed in the grass, played chess, and swam in a makeshift pool. There were even workshops for arts and crafts, where good work could earn an “extra allotment of bread.” True, there had been some clashes in the camp’s first days—and officials, the reporter noted, had not allowed him to visit the disciplinary cells. But all in all, the correspondent noted in his July 1933 article, life at Dachau, the first concentration camp in Nazi Germany, had “settled into the organized routine of any penal institution.” "

Yes... he did it. If there were any doubts left, this should remove them. Trump officially put the United States on the same path as Nazi Germany.

What are you going to do about it?


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


Mic'd up ump dealing with a pissed off manager

eric3579 says...

It was thrown at him or behind him in retaliation. I'm sure it was no surprise to anyone involved this might be coming.

"The background for the explosive moment was an incident in the 2015 playoffs, when the Dodgers’ Chase Utley broke the leg of the Mets’ Ruben Tejada on a slide into second base that many observers, and not just in the New York dugout, thought was dirty. Utley was initially suspended two games, but he appealed and was able to stay active for the rest of the series, won in five games by a Mets team that chose to save retribution for a less meaningful time." -Washington Post

In context, makes more sense how pissed off the manager was and how understanding the umpire was to what the manager was saying and angry about.

Here is the Utley slide.
As a side note due to this play MLB changed the rules of what is an acceptable slide.

RFlagg said:

Okay, so many questions as I don't do baseball much.

First, why would he throw the ball so far behind the batter? Just to walk him? Whenever I've seen them walk a batter, the catcher just stands and they just throw high and over to the side. Why would he be ejected for walking a batter? Batters are walked all the time. What is the situation where you can't walk a batter? Is it the way he's walking the batter being far off normal?

Joe Arpaio Learn His Pardon Was An Admission Of Guilt

Big Chuck and LIl John: Self Service Gas Station

NirnRoot says...

Stuff like this still happens at New York gas stations near the New York / New Jersey border (New Jersey gas stations are "full serve" and many natives are completely clueless when they are forced to pump their own gas).

Dramatic Rescue of a Fallen Big Wave Surfer

Halloween Levitating Star Wars Speeder Costume

Sheriff Steve Prator, Unwittingly Admits Modern Day Slavery

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