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Faces Of Death

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
I remain neutral. I don't care to watch it, so I don't press play. I don't see an issue with having it here, personally.
When I think snuff, I think of someone filming the murder of someone in a basement somewhere in New Jersey. But, that's me.

According to snopes, under those standards, there is no known snuff films in existance...

Faces Of Death

blankfist says...

I remain neutral. I don't care to watch it, so I don't press play. I don't see an issue with having it here, personally.

When I think snuff, I think of someone filming the murder of someone in a basement somewhere in New Jersey. But, that's me.

Corruption: NJ Mayors, Legislator, and Rabbis Arrested

rottenseed says...

Sounds like the intro to a joke...

" 2 New Jersey mayors, some rabbis and a state legislator walk into a bar..."

The only thing is the real life punch line is way better than what any joke could be

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

quantumushroom says...

Only "gummint busybodies and religious crusaders" are going to be sympathetic? I think that you have spent too much time on the internet. It doesn't take crazy people to realize that nothing good comes from porn and that it is a destructive, disgusting, immoral industry.

The quantum side of the mushroom is that I agree and disagree at the same time. Pr0n is a con, a tease and an addictive surrogate for a great many men. But it also fulfills a biological need (if women wanted to fark as much as men, there'd be no one doing anything else) as well as a need for illusion and fantasy. One could also make a pretty convincing argument that all the romance crap that women willfully subject themselves to creates an unhealthy and unrealistic view of men and relationships. Many a man has suddenly found himself in the doghouse for not being able to telepathically read a woman's mind.

The majority of sane people believe (pr0n is bad). It is not an unusual, backward, or unfounded notion. I don't think that people of my parents' generation realize the extent to which their sons and daughters are falling victim to the lie and becoming involved in or addicted to porn.

Billions are being spent on pr0n, but watching pr0n is just one of those things that people do that they see no reason to admit to. Sexuality cannot be separated from humanity and it's been around awhile.

If we create a market for this filth, someone is going to do it.

It's economics. The human sex drive came first (sorry) and pr0n is just the latest incarnation of market forces fulfilling a need...and it's only going to get worse (or better). To paraphrase (and update) Dennis Miller: If some unemployed construction worker in Trenton, New Jersey, lying on a sofa with a bong, can jack in to his computer and make love to Megan Fox for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka."

I realize that sex workers have more options than 19th century factory workers, but there is no way that working in the sex industry is psychologically healthy. Someone is always going to do it as long as the industry continues to grow.

Just like Lubben says, those who are involved defend the industry. I find that porn users defend porn like it's their firstborn. Regulate and make as many laws as you want. Porn is and always will be a plague on society.

Pr0n has its place in both society and life itself. A great many religious people can and do watch it.

It would be wonderful if everyone found the love of their life and had a committed relationship, etc., but that's not how the world works.

Prostitution should be legal the world over. The Europeans are light years ahead of us on this, and Jerusalem is the prostitution capital of the world.

The internets must be used for more than witty political remarks and sifting!

Cop beats man with a mental disorder

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cop, beats, man, mental, disorder, New Jersey' to 'cop, beats, man, mental, disorder, New Jersey, fascist cop' - edited by therealblankman

Olbermann Debuts "WTF Moment" Segment - Miss California

Air Force One Stunt freaks out New Yorkers

chilaxe says...

Louis Caldera's stupidity is a national insult. Such lack of judgement makes him extremely unreliable in any position as a decision maker.


Louis E. Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, who served in the Clinton administration as secretary of the Army, said in a statement:

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

This is the 4th unannounced flyover in NY since 9/11.

Air Force One Stunt freaks out New Yorkers

Chick makes same dumb face in every damn picture

Chick makes same dumb face in every damn picture

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

How easy is it to fool UFO believers?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'very, ufo hoax, Morristown, New Jersey, flares, helium baloons, prank' to 'very, ufo hoax, Morristown, New Jersey, flares, helium balloons, prank' - edited by jonny

Guido Beach in Jersey - Real Life Idiocracy?!? WTF

Guido Beach in Jersey - Real Life Idiocracy?!? WTF

Darkhand says...

I'm from Jersey but I never go down the shore. Now you know why

I love lots of things about New Jersey but the Guidos do ruin it for a lot of people. The reason Jersey Shore is so popular is that Guidos and Guido Lovers can find each other so easily. The problem is when I'm forced to inter-mingle with this group

If women don't want to like me because I'm skinny and well educated, I'm not going to hate on them for it. The problem is this Minority (Guidos and their Lovers) are entirely too vocal and violent as you can tell towards the end of this video. I live in basically a College/Bar Town so I end up running into these people on a regular basis and god forbid you offend any of their sensibilities because it always ends up with them wanting to hit you or their girlfriends wanting to mock you.

Sadly this will be my second year with my motorcycle so I am probably going to take a day trip down to the shore, but since I'm half Italian and my bike is totally Italian maybe I can blend in enough to not warrant getting my ass kicked for merely existing.

On NJ as a WHOLE: I actually Love this state, there are a lot of GOOD things to New Jersey. I'm not working for the tourism bored (intended) because I dunno what the hell people would do when they come here on vacation that they can't do where they live. But in Northern NJ, Essex and Morris to be specific, it's nice.

The New F***ing Citibank

Trancecoach says...

Hm, so if the mail carrier takes a note from my hand in San Francisco, and puts it in the my mom's hand in New Jersey two days later for $0.42, that's considered ... a bad thing?

God forbid, we should have banks that, instead of stealing the money or folding it into a "Collateralized Debt Obligation," actually do what they're fucking supposed to.

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