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Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

If the same standard applies, then yes, you are saying you expect a lone BLM activist at a clan rally to be treated better...because this treatment is unacceptable in your opinion.

His speech, or at least the speech he's defending, has been used to exactly that effect publicly and repeatedly in recent past, maybe just seconds earlier we don't know, so now it seems you've come around to my side. Am I wrong?

No, I never heard of this before this video, I have no other info, nor have I independently verified what I found. That said, a gallery that repeatedly hosts Nazis and white power speakers, surely bringing with them crowds of Nazis and white power groups into a neighborhood IS acting as a neo Nazi hq, at least during those multiple events.

I think if the gallery wasn't in a residential neighborhood but in the country, the "wrong think" would be fine, it's that they repeatedly turn the neighborhood into a race war zone by holding what amounts to white power rallies people would be outraged by, imo...but I'm not British, I can imagine they think worse about Nazis than Americans do and might be less tolerant.

I don't disagree that the gallery may have intended to just be an open space available to anyone, but what they became was a beacon to Nazis and racists, a safe place to hold rallies and events in a neighborhood that clearly doesn't want them. A place from which to provoke. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
When they saw how angry their neighbors were at the groups they brought to the neighborhood they should have changed how they operate, or where, but seemingly didn't.

So, while the gallery may not be specifically a Nazi HQ, by hosting the speakers and groups it does, it supports their ideologies and facilitated spreading their message by offering them a platform. That makes them complicit, intentionally so after the first protest when they were put on notice the neighbors are outraged.

bcglorf said:

Do you honestly believe a BLM sign holder at a clan March would be treated better? What about at a Trump rally? If you claim to think either case wouldn't end in hospitalization, you're not being honest.

Not only did I never claim that, I have trouble figuring why you think I would? My second sentence again:"My opinion though lies the same whether it’s this guy treated as he was in the video, or if the situation was reversed and the lone guy had a BLM sign instead, same standard applies."

I oppose meeting speech with force excepting when that speech is being used to promote violence or harm, I'm also willing to allow that 'speech' can also amount to being disruptive or harassment like your notion of bringing inappropriate material to a kids park, or using a megaphone inches from someone's face.

I kind of thought on that point we'd find agreement, or at least understanding and agree to disagree?

Opening a new point from you're statement:He was the instigator. His sign amounts to "you will not silence our Nazi voice" at a rally pushing to silence their Nazi voice in their neighborhood.

I've read a few of the links you provided, and looked up a few articles on the gallery and I'm having troubles with the characterization. Do you have a good specific link that more clearly focuses on the nazi support from the gallery? The reading I've done seems to describe an art gallery, that allowed exhibits and talks from far-right and at least arguably fascist speakers on possibly a few occasions. You seem to talk like it was operating openly as a neo-nazi HQ.

So, what I've looked up so far, it does look an awful lot like a gallery pulled in speakers that people disliked, so they rallied to shut down the gallery as punishment for allowing wrong-think to be spoken. Then when guys like the one in the video came to defend free-speech, they too were classed as nazi's and lumped in as enemies too. Last article I found by the guy in video, so maybe he's lying, but other articles I've found also suggest that the gallery operated more generally rather than being an explicitly alt-right hub:

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

bcglorf says...

Do you honestly believe a BLM sign holder at a clan March would be treated better? What about at a Trump rally? If you claim to think either case wouldn't end in hospitalization, you're not being honest.

Not only did I never claim that, I have trouble figuring why you think I would? My second sentence again:"My opinion though lies the same whether it’s this guy treated as he was in the video, or if the situation was reversed and the lone guy had a BLM sign instead, same standard applies."

I oppose meeting speech with force excepting when that speech is being used to promote violence or harm, I'm also willing to allow that 'speech' can also amount to being disruptive or harassment like your notion of bringing inappropriate material to a kids park, or using a megaphone inches from someone's face.

I kind of thought on that point we'd find agreement, or at least understanding and agree to disagree?

Opening a new point from you're statement:He was the instigator. His sign amounts to "you will not silence our Nazi voice" at a rally pushing to silence their Nazi voice in their neighborhood.

I've read a few of the links you provided, and looked up a few articles on the gallery and I'm having troubles with the characterization. Do you have a good specific link that more clearly focuses on the nazi support from the gallery? The reading I've done seems to describe an art gallery, that allowed exhibits and talks from far-right and at least arguably fascist speakers on possibly a few occasions. You seem to talk like it was operating openly as a neo-nazi HQ.

So, what I've looked up so far, it does look an awful lot like a gallery pulled in speakers that people disliked, so they rallied to shut down the gallery as punishment for allowing wrong-think to be spoken. Then when guys like the one in the video came to defend free-speech, they too were classed as nazi's and lumped in as enemies too. Last article I found by the guy in video, so maybe he's lying, but other articles I've found also suggest that the gallery operated more generally rather than being an explicitly alt-right hub:

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Sorry @Buttle it seems you fell for some far right bullshit.
This video is apparently three years old.
It also hides the truth of what's happening, this is not some man on the street, he's a public figurehead of white supremacist organisations in the UK, standing in front of what amounts to their headquarters.

From Reddit-
u/kanyeguisada did the work on this three years ago - here's there very level headed account of this.

"So looking into this...
The place being protested was the LD50 gallery in Hackney, London. They and owner Lucia Diego describe themselves as "neo-reactionary" but they are in fact supporting literal fascists and white supremacists and were trying to become the organizing spot in London for such groups to give them legitimacy and attempt to convert white progressives to their cause through the art world:

In the summer, it held a “Neo-reaction conference” which included a talk by Brett Stevens, a white supremacist who has lauded the “bravery” of Anders Breivik - the Norwegian white supremacist who killed 77 people in 2011.

Mr Stevens' writing was said to be an inspiration to Breivik.

The "free speech protestor" in this video is Daniel/DC Miller, who not only gave his name to the media, but is a public figure apparently widely known in Hackney for his support of LD50 and who holds (and tries to hold) public lectures on literal white-supremacist fascists:

Now I'm all for free speech in the US. I think even white supremacists like the KKK have the right to speak their disgusting speech and hold rallies and people thinking otherwise should ask themselves what happens when speech they support suddenly might become considered hate speech. For instance many people on the left who support BDS/sanctions on Israel are often accused of "hate speech" simply for calling Israel an apartheid state. Free speech isn't just something the right cares about.

However, other people have the right to free speech too, and can yell right back at you and of course The guy in this video wasn't just some guy off the street supporting free speech rights but was actually a supporter of literal far-right white-supremacist fascism and was known to the community before this happened, so maybe hold off on the outrage about how mean the protestors were to him until you get the whole picture."


Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Who wants proven innocent blacks executed anyway because, based solely on their skin color, he believes "they mugged someone"? Mr Don Trump- Trumpublican

Who wants to shove more "thugs" (his word for blacks) in prison for longer sentences? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who complained loudly that the Biden crime bill didn't lock up enough blacks for long enough? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who wants to execute way more "thugs" (blacks), but wants something less "comfortable" than lethal injection (like slow public hangings)? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who thinks white supremacists, treasonous confederates, and neo Nazis are "good people" who shouldn't serve time for rioting and attacking peaceful anti-racism protesters? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who still holds these beliefs and has never once apologized for them? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

You are so dishonest and desperate.

bobknight33 said:

Who is behind shoving blacks in jail? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Who does not care about locking up blacks? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

newtboy says...

Kinda gonna disagree with YOU here.

So, you think nuttiness directly correlates with violent tendencies? But you then admit the nuttiest Christian group is Westborough, who has not been violent, just outrageously disgusting. You seem to think these democratic socialist people are nuttier than the moronic right, yet you admit they have yet to become violent, unlike many on the right. Even if it's also a function of numbers, there should be some violent acts if not murders coming from both outrageously nutty groups, right? But there just isn't.
Remember, Manson's family only had a few members, but a ton of nuttiness. They murdered many trying to start a race war.

Today, the left has more members than the right. Why, then, is the right so much more violent and terroristic? Simply because the far right has more members than the far left? That still doesn't jibe.

Granted, the lunacy on display here is over the top, but less so than the disgusting and divisive dehumanizing rhetoric coming from the right's leaders, spokespeople, and splinter groups. Indeed, this groups nuttiness is based on not upsetting others, antithetical to mass murdering.

There's FAR more crazy anger on the right. For every triggered democratic socialist or ANTIFA there's a dozen seething right wing white supremacists itching for a race war. Look at the numbers here, 500-1000 active democratic socialists? many right wing neo Nazis were in Charlottesville?

It follows to me that group murder rates come from not just the level but the type of nuttiness, number of members, uncontrolled anger/rage/hatred, group acceptance of violence, and access to weapons capable of murder. The right is miles ahead on every count besides membership. That's why, imo, there's got to be more to the equation than just nuttiness times membership.

bcglorf said:

Kinda gonna disagree with you here.

I like sorting nuts by nuttiness. I expect murder rates to follow from the combination of nuttiness and number of members. I'm not aware of murders out of the Westboro Baptists(yet at least). Plenty of murderers though have claimed generic christianity though. I still class Westboro as less tolerable than generic christianity.

Going back to the video, this crowd is pretty far over on the nutcase scale.

It's Not Okay

newtboy jokingly says...

As far as remodeled swastikas go, I like the neo fascist Africanner symbol better.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If you're keeping track, the hashtag/pound sign is now a nazi symbol as well.

This will never end, stop accepting their reality.

The Truth About the Sri Lanka Attacks

newtboy says...

Fuck this hyper Islamophobic lying nut job.
Why has Trump never said the words Right Wing Terrorism, even though they're by far the most active terrorists in America? Why doesn't he label the black church burnings as attacks on Christianity? Why does Trump stand with the neo-Nazi terrorists, calling them "good people"? You won't hear PJ ask that, will you?

Some background on this liar and provocateur....Paul Joseph Watson's career emerged through his work for liar, conspiracy theorist, disingenuous character, snake oil salesman, and radio host Alex Jones. As editor-at-large of Jones' website he helped promote fake news and conspiracy theories such as the claim that 9/11 was an inside job, the chemtrail conspiracy theory, the New World Order and the Illuminati. Subsequently reaching a significant audience, both Watson and Jones altered their focus. Presently their commentary is mainly focused on criticizing feminism, Islam, and left-wing politics.Watson also contributes to Infowars' talk radio program The Alex Jones Show, where he occasionally either hosts or co-hosts. Watson has been working on since October 2002.
Skankhunt33 strikes again....obviously a trolling attempt.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Oh Bob...
2017 extremist related murder numbers are out....
71% were by right wing extremists-many neo Nazis
26% were by Islamic extremists
And those numbers should only include the murders, not the myriad of failed right wing terrorist acts like the multiple failed right wing mail bombers and caught in the nick of time right wing Coast guard terrorists.
Not sure how you plan to make a case that egg wielding left wing extremists are the real pressing danger, but I'm all ears.

In 2018, every single terroristic attacker in the U.S. had ties to right wing extremist organizations, although one had converted to Islamic extremism before attacking that doesn't mean (and there's little evidence that) they abandoned their right wing politics or philosophy.

Try to absorb that information instead of just being defensive and ignoring it....please.

bobknight33 said:

neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

bobknight33 says...

neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.

newtboy said:

I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.

bobknight33 said:

You are losing your shit there Newt.

So sad. I’ll come visit you you in the psych ward.

I’ll come cheer you up and bring you a TRUMP button.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Aaaaaahahahaha. just.....omg. the tears are streaming, buddy. You got us. The total, complete, utter lack of self awareness......thanks. I think everyone needs a good laugh today, nice of you to make yourself the butt of a joke for us.

Yep, Bob, that's right....Democrats are a party of fear mongers, snowflakes, and hoaxers, not Trump Republicans. *facepalm

Omg....I can't breathe. Good job, Dimitry. You ARE learning to be funny at least.

SJW, I suppose the left must take responsibility for the same way the right must take responsibility for alt right neo Nazis and the wave of racist right wing terrorism. Guess which is a more pressing and destructive problem.
Guess which party, by it's own definition, is also a violent terrorist organization....go on, guess.

bobknight33 said:

And you party is nothing but a party of fear mongers. They created this hoax, snowflakes and SJW..

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

The Christian right wing kids left the March against choice unchaperoned and decided to be morons and intimidate this small group.
Edit: New videos show both groups were antagonize by a group of black Israelites first, not that it excuses the kids.

The articles I've read said the native group was performing a closing ceremony when the kids approached them. The leader tried to retreat to protect his group when the smirking kid and others stood in his way while the rest mocked him with derisive Indian noises, insults, derisive laughter, screams, and Trump slogans.

No surprise you defend this, they wore the right that, so must be the good guys.
Fortunately most others aren't so deluded.
At the least, they represented their school and town so disastrously and publicly that there will be some consequences, but because they certainly learned to be disrespectful douche bags from their parents, those consequences will likely be minor.

And no, spitting is not Ok, show me who said it was, please.

Meeting a loud crowd of angry Neo-Nazis with a larger and louder crowd of angry anti nazis is totally appropriate. Driving a car full speed into that counter crowd from behind is not appropriate....sad I think I need to say that but I do.
Surrounding an elderly veteran who's leading a performance of a closing native ceremony and derisively mocking him and his culture, well, you think that's ok's not, and it's decidedly unChristian (in theory, it's very Christian as practiced).

Yes, forming in a circle around him to interrupt his ceremony and intimidate an elderly man and small group by smirking in his face and chanting "hi-ya-hi-ya-hi-ya" while tomahawk chopping and holding up an "L" on their foreheads is berating, and is volatile. Trump asked for people doing <1% of that to be beaten before being arrested, and many were. Fuck, Bob. Try to be just a little rational and not so biased you completely lose touch with reality. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

AS usual media spins this as something it is not.. Guess why they are call FAKE NEWS.

The Native Man walked into this and he was un harmed. Not berated, not spin on. no volatility against this man.

If it were ANTFA group facing down a MEGA hat wearing dude ALL IS OK even if ANTFI spits and intimidates MAGA to leave.

Grow up Sifters.

Speech Pathologist in Texas Fired for Refusing Israel Oath

bcglorf says...

The social media mobs that take it on themselves to get 'bad' people fired and ideally unemployable make this problem more in our faces now too.

It even leaves me a bit skewed too. If someone kept on an employee that was in the KKK or a neo-nazi group, I'd then wonder about that person for NOT firing them. If the employee was a model employee and kept their beliefs quite though is that right? I see a lot of the SJW lynch mob firings and the only difference is I consider KKK membership bad enough, while the SJW crowd just picks a different political line...

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, it’s a tricky problem.

I while there are certainly cases where an employee can impact their employers business through their beliefs, statements or actions, in general I think the burden of proof should be on the employer.

And there’s certainly no way an employee should ever be made to sign something like this.

And for the record, it goes the other way too. If a “liberal” company fired someone for refusing to sign an anti trump thing, they’d be wrong too.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

What "facts"? Your opinion? That's just, like, your opinion, man.
Edit: Facts that Trump said aren't facts? That's the best indicator today that they are factual.
I'll take the dozens of convictions and guilty pleas based on those facts as proof enough they are true and well vetted. People don't agree to years in prison based on nonsense that's been proven false....especially not people with money like these people have.

As the exalted leaders #1 choice for (mis)information that becomes policy and platform for the right, and part of the right wing triad ministry of truth, you simply can't leave Jones out of any media discussion, particularly one where someone paints the BBC as having an (anti?)American political bias, and not just a bias for reality.

Yes, it's all fine and dandy. Any investigation of an investigation by the subject being investigated (or their proxies) is patently ridiculous and a clear political ploy to satiate your need for corroboration of what you want to believe, fact based or not. They knew they couldn't write the investigation's findings, nor could they accept the truth being made public, the only option left is to discredit the investigation, something they've been trying since before it began. I find it incredibly sad that so many are so thoroughly indoctrinated that you buy that obvious, self serving ploy to discredit the entire FBI and intelligence community in favor of a consummate narcissist and convicted fraud's self serving and baseless stated opinion about himself.
I guess you believe mob bosses who claimed they were framed and are just legitimate businessmen too, tapes and other evidence of them planning crimes and committing them are nothing in the face of their denials, right?

Yes...yes he did say that about central American immigrants....are you just parsing the fact that he didn't specifically say EACH AND EVERY ONE IS A RAPIST, while not acknowledging what he did say...."They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."? Strictly read, he's saying they're all rapists, but some are good people anyway....just like some Neo Nazis are good people in his opinion. You're attempts at rectifying oldthink (rewriting history) only work with people who have no memories. I watched him say it and I can remember yesterday without big brother telling me what to remember.

I can't dive into your paranoia to decipher what you're feeling. If you can't hear "accosted" and gather they likely arrested her aggressively and instead read that as some hidden agenda to.....well, you didn't articulate what the motive would be...., perhaps reading comprehension isn't a strong suit.

ac·cost. /əˈkôst,əˈkäst/ verb
past tense: accosted; past participle: accosted
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.

I disagree with your characterizations. Considering the constant vitriolic, dangerous, demonizing, now blatant terroristic threats from Trump directed at all non right wing propaganda outlets that won't spread his propaganda and stroke his ego, amplified through his right wing minitrue and interpreted by his base that he's trained to hear his dog whistling, and in the face of the same, they display a mature, composed, restrained, unbiased, and inhumanly patient character, including the three you listed.
Yes, they are mature and reasonable adults under constant attack from a serial con man/cult leader and constant threats against their lives, not one Fox host, Jones host, or OAN host is 1/4 as mature, honest, or unbiased as the worst you can mention from CNN.....and no, CNN is not my preferred news source, but they are infinitely better than anything the evil trinity of right wing propaganda produces, including the totally dishonest smear campaign against all news organizations that you are part of now, willingly or not.

That's what the ministry of truth does. They get you to repeat their lies until you believe them enough to be the enemy of anyone still believing fact and reality. It clearly worked.

Btw, still waiting on the names of CNN reporters who have gone on the campaign to stump for the left, like Fox hosts did on the right. You insanely claim CNN is more biased than Fox, you should be able to name at least 4 off hand then.

Briguy1960 said:

You can label it whatever makes you sleep better but choosing to ignore facts that don't fit your agenda is silly at best.
Not sure why you keep bringing up Alex Jones...
Do you share Trumps love for him?
The investigation itself has been investigated and don't tell me it is all fine and dandy how they did it or the people involved with it.
Also Trump never called all the folks in the caravans rapists.
You should know that if you actually read what he said and not the way your treasured media bends it.
Just today a topless woman jumped over a security fence to protest Trump in France and CNN reported she was "accosted" by security officials.
I tried to watch the BBC for a while a couple of days ago and can't recall what upset me other than the way they seemed to frame everything
in this weird way.
Bending the facts of stories to fit something.
I have no idea what they would want to be pushing on people.
Do you?
It simply felt like I was being brainwashed to see everything their way.
Not a good feeling but I can't recall the story or stories now they were covering.
I too hope they get rid of Trump as I'm tired of a draft dodger talking about heroes and for many of the same reasons you don't like him.
I just wish the media was more mature about it.
Don Lemmon
Jim Accosta
Chris Cuomo
None of the above are mature.

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