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uhohzombies (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

You have my heartiest endorsement, good sir. You'll probably be Gold100 before I am! I really wouldn't put it past you.

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
lol! yeah, siftbot mouthing off to me caught me off-guard, but I bet it's Dag or Lucky having a bit of fun with it.

i have a collection of Fallout line art that I've cropped to use as avatars in the future. don't sue me, but i planned to borrow a bit of your thematic mojo this weekend and submit vintage and modern gangster/mafia related content to match the avatar. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, sir.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Where are these avatars coming from UhohZ? I like them. Good continuity.

And what's with SiftyBot cranking you off? Haha!

schmawy (Member Profile)

uhohzombies says...

lol! yeah, siftbot mouthing off to me caught me off-guard, but I bet it's Dag or Lucky having a bit of fun with it.

i have a collection of Fallout line art that I've cropped to use as avatars in the future. don't sue me, but i planned to borrow a bit of your thematic mojo this weekend and submit vintage and modern gangster/mafia related content to match the avatar. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, sir.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Where are these avatars coming from UhohZ? I like them. Good continuity.

And what's with SiftyBot cranking you off? Haha!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Haha! Oh man, that one had me in hysterics. That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I'll buy you a virtual beer right now buddy. I must warn you that I get a little wild when I drink a lot. My friends say that by "wild" I really mean "gay", but don't listen to those douchebags. They wouldn't know a 110% heterosexual male if one tried to mount them when they were passed out on my couch.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I'm so glad we have you around. I need to buy you a beer one of these days.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
"the song that fuels KPs mojo"

More like "the song that IS kp's mojo". But I'll have you know that on some night's I can go 8 minutes. If I've been drinking.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I'll buy you a virtual beer right now buddy. I must warn you that I get a little wild when I drink a lot. My friends say that by "wild" I really mean "gay", but don't listen to those douchebags. They wouldn't know a 110% heterosexual male if one tried to mount them when they were passed out on my couch.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I'm so glad we have you around. I need to buy you a beer one of these days.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
"the song that fuels KPs mojo"

More like "the song that IS kp's mojo". But I'll have you know that on some night's I can go 8 minutes. If I've been drinking.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

If R&B Songs Were Honest

If R&B Songs Were Honest

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'songs, honest, runawaybox, the song that fuels KPs mojo' to 'songs, honest, runawaybox, the song that fuels KPs mojo, chafing' - edited by CaptWillard

If R&B Songs Were Honest

jonny (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

smibbo says...

and actually, NCFOM held me and Soupskin's attention the entire time. Believe me, we were RIVETTED by it. So much so that the credits had been rolling a while before we fully took in that it was over.

What I did miss, and I think this is bad direction/production is that Moss was dead. The camera showed it for all of a second (maybe) and I was supposed to deduce that fact from his clothes, being as he was one more body lying on the floor covered in blood?
I'm not stupid by any means, I'm not inattentive - especially during that movie - but I am nearsighted slightly and I COMPLETELY missed that Moss was dead. Thus perhaps the ending missed the mark for me a bit. I didn't know Carla Jean was a widow when she made her statment. She mentioned her mother dying and that was it. That's some crappy acting/direction right there. I "get" subtlty. I'm probably the only person in the whole bible belt who "got" "Jacob's Ladder" and rolled my eyes at how overdone the ending was (still in my top five of movies) so it's not that I "missed" the meaning. I just feel that the ending was not meaningful (as was the whole movie) it was thematic

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:

NCFOM does have quite a bit of humor in it and isn't nearly as dark or gloomy as se7en. It plays as a tight little thriller for 2/3rds and then turns very real, which is a nice twist you don't see coming.

If you like Coen films like Blood Simple or Fargo, then this one shouldn't be a problem.

The meaning of the film is in the title, and this revelation is tossed at you very softly minutes before the abrupt end of the film, so don't blink or go to the bathroom.

------MAJOR SPOILER-------

The scary dude DOES get called on his pseudo masculine fatalist bullshit by the wife just before she is killed. She tells him that he is the one who makes the decision to murder, not coins or games. His mojo is thrown off, which results in a nasty car accident. I personally assume that the character recovers to kill again, but with out the glee and games of the past. In keeping with the title, I believe he becomes an old man in that scene, just like TLJ in the last hotel scene.

There is plenty of meaning in the film if you want to find it.

IMO, this is one of the best films of the year. It held my complete attention up until the very last scene, which I missed because I went to the bathroom.

Movie Review: No Country For Old Men (Blog Entry by smibbo)

dystopianfuturetoday says...


NCFOM does have quite a bit of humor in it and isn't nearly as dark or gloomy as se7en. It plays as a tight little thriller for 2/3rds and then turns very real, which is a nice twist you don't see coming.

If you like Coen films like Blood Simple or Fargo, then this one shouldn't be a problem.

The meaning of the film is in the title, and this revelation is tossed at you very softly minutes before the abrupt end of the film, so don't blink or go to the bathroom.

------MAJOR SPOILER-------

The scary dude DOES get called on his pseudo masculine fatalist bullshit by the wife just before she is killed. She tells him that he is the one who makes the decision to murder, not coins or games. His mojo is thrown off, which results in a nasty car accident. I personally assume that the character recovers to kill again, but with out the glee and games of the past. In keeping with the title, I believe he becomes an old man in that scene, just like TLJ in the last hotel scene.

There is plenty of meaning in the film if you want to find it.

IMO, this is one of the best films of the year. It held my complete attention up until the very last scene, which I missed because I went to the bathroom.

Phalanx (CIWS) Block 1B LPWS Testing and Firing

World's first Male Pregnancy

oxdottir says...

Oh, I think you are right, Captain. Also, I think it is one of those situations where people who are normally enemies would find themselves on the same side of the fence. Fundamentalist Christians won't like it, but neither would Zero Population Growth Environmentalists. I think even some feminists would think it was just a way for men to steal the mojo of women.

One of my favorite parts of the film was the red haired woman who I think was meant to know the story and recognize the pregnant fellow. The way she rattled on was so believable. I am certain the first man who gets pregnant will listen to tons of long pointless stories even from those on his side...

Test Driving a Bentley

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bentley, cars, auto, luxury, test, drive, mojo, hd, hdtv, hidef, tv, television' to 'Bantley, bans, banto, banury, test, drive, banjo, hd, hdtv, hiban, tv, televisban' - edited by MarineGunrock

Test Driving a Bentley

djsunkid says...

This is a clear example of a spindoctor driveby account.

A quick googlesearch for fanscape video is quite damning. Fanscape is on a few other sites pimping this mojo whatever.

No tase warning- this is a deliberate hype-bot. Take your "viral expertise" elsewhere. We are NOT your "market". *ban

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