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Crowd Chants "F*ck FOX News!" live on FOX News!

9058 says...

Yeah i think this only strengthens Fox News by showing these retards, which im sure Fox had planned all along. Nothing takes your credibility away like guys who just seem like angry teenagers. Protesters that MLK and Gandhi would of wanted wouldnt need to create a scene or offend. They would let the anger of the opposition create the scene and then when broadcasted to the world it would offend. Thats what gave those movements credibility. Today it just seems like there is less tact and a more "lets yell and break shit" attitude.

"Bill Hicks Award Winner" jokes about assassinating Obama

thinker247 says...

She said: "Knock off Osama. I mean Obama. Well, both, if we could."

He said: Many positive things about Obama, thus relating: "Oh my God, he's going to be assassinated." Seeing that Obama is often compared to MLK Jr. (in regard to his speaking ability, and his message of hope), I see the context of the joke.

Ignoring Member Comments (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^Eklek:
Life's not à la carte..

In life...

If a neighbor is bumping music you don't want to hear you have the option to close your window.

When you get to the gory scenes in Hostel you can cover your eyes.

When a telemarketer calls during dinner you can hang up your phone.

If you don't want to watch commercials during your favorite show, you can skip them with your Tivo.

If you're bored on stage during a MLK Jr. Day speech you can doze off.

Huckabee jokes about someone aiming a gun at Obama

9058 says...

Not being sarcastic at all when i say that he makes a point. I worry that someone WILL do something stupid this election year because a good chunk of people will not see a black man become president. Im sure Obama is aware of the incredible danger and hope is secret service will be up for the task. Much like MLK speaking his mind or JFK who also pushed for "change". Thats why in the worst parts of my nightmares i realize that Hillary still actually might win by default. Not saying it will happen and lord knows i dont want it to, but the very real possibility can be frightening.

Martin Luther King less then 24 hours before assassination

John McCain booed giving speech about MLK

E_Nygma says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
I can understand liberal jadrools' personal contempt for McCain, because with liberals it's ALWAYS personal.
Hey, I don't agree with much of what McCain has done in his career, but implying he's a racist because of a few boos by idiots is just pathetic.
You want a Klan member to boo? Go wiki up Robert KKK Byrd, the Dems' "conscience of the Senate."
Barack X is a phony, a substance-less lightweight unfit for the Oval Office. He aligns himself with a racist "preacher" who Gawd-damns America and no lefty bats an eye, but a Black man holds McCain's umbrella and suddenly it's the Jim Crow south again.
Race- and class-obsessed marxist liberals, a shameful lot and a lot of nothing.

1. i agree with your point about mccain.

2. if a "preacher" i knew gave up his student deferment in the past to voluntarily join the Marines and subsequently became a Navy valedictorian and corpsman, became a cardiopulmonary technician, was assigned to the Bethesda Naval Hospital as a member of the President's medical team, and after six years of active duty was awarded three letters of commendation by the White House, I'd say he has the right to damn America as much as he wants.

Olbermann smacks down more Bush/McCain lies and incompetence

CaptWillard says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Why is a failed sportscaster talking about politics?

Dude, sometimes I SWEAR that you're a sock puppet of a liberal sifter, bent on giving conservatives a bad name. Seriously. You write some of the most inane shit, that even if I were a conservative I would still be embarrassed. Really.

Please, develop a cogent argument to downvote this video. Not that you have to, mind you. But everything Keith Olbermann said in this video was accurately reported. Everything. And yet you downvoted it. Why? Do you hate the truth, or do you just hate Keith Olbermann? I upvoted your video of Rev. Wright's inflammatory remarks, because I felt like the truth should always be out there. What do you have against this video? Is the truth THAT big of an enemy to your belief system?

Therealblankman's right: You are an asshole. And I really don't give a fuck if I get permanently banned for writing that. At least I wrote something in good conscience, rather than downvoting a bunch of videos solely because you didn't like the submitter. Dickweed.

John McCain booed giving speech about MLK

NetRunner says...

>> ^dgandhi:
McCain's speech writers suck, why even bring up that you voted against MLK day? I understand having an answer if asked,but putting it out here, especially when standing near where the man was shot in the anniversary of his death. Tactical incompetence.

That's the thought I had when I first saw this too. As soon as I saw a member of the right-wing media respond to it, I got it.

The jist of it is that we should all praise McCain for his "bravery" and "honesty", and see how wonderful a person he is for changing his mind.

Juxtapose that with the audacity of how wrong he was. It's not like he voted against it because MLK was some obscure member of some obscure ethnic group he'd never heard of. It's not like there hadn't been enough time for history to reflect on the importance of what MLK did -- MLK was assassinated 15 years before McCain's "no" vote.

Personally, I think it was the same old juvenille hostility I've come to expect from this party. It was an opportunity for McCain to stand before a sea of black faces, and say "I didn't think this was important", while spinning it as lovely self-deprecation that we should respect him for.

John McCain booed giving speech about MLK

dgandhi says...

McCain's speech writers suck, why even bring up that you voted against MLK day? I understand having an answer if asked,but putting it out here, especially when standing near where the man was shot in the anniversary of his death. Tactical incompetence.

John McCain booed giving speech about MLK

Chill Out! -Bill 'The Boss' Clinton

Lewis Black on MLK

Obama Is A Rock Star Now

therealblankman (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I'd feel like an ass-hat if I couldn't hide under that "ignorant American" blanket. I wear it whenever it's convenient. You jealous?

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
agreed! Are you in Autralia? I have a buddy that just got back from there. It's good to have him back and all but I'd really wish that you aussies were to take responsibility for your trash.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Laziness has nothing to do with it, mate! It was a good post the first time around, but it's a GREAT post without the pointlessness.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
done and done...I apologize for the laziness.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Dude, it would really be a mitzvah if you could find a different embed to replace your MLK/Boondocks video- one without the distracting, irrelevant and poorly-spelled interruptions.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...


In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
agreed! Are you in Autralia? I have a buddy that just got back from there. It's good to have him back and all but I'd really wish that you aussies were to take responsibility for your trash.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Laziness has nothing to do with it, mate! It was a good post the first time around, but it's a GREAT post without the pointlessness.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
done and done...I apologize for the laziness.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Dude, it would really be a mitzvah if you could find a different embed to replace your MLK/Boondocks video- one without the distracting, irrelevant and poorly-spelled interruptions.

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