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The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

Plastic Fork Removed From Sea Turtle's Nose

newtboy says...

This is the lucky 1/1000 that gets found and saved.
This is becoming the norm rather than the exception, although often it's a plastic bag, mistaken for their food source, jellyfish, that horrifically chokes or suffocates turtles to death.
The ocean is chock full of petroleum products like plastics, mostly in near microscopic pieces. If you eat seafood of any variety, so are you.

Dennis Rodman gets emotional after Trump-Kim summit

newtboy says...

That's true, only Lil Kim can make his country change.
His grandfather, his father, and he destroyed the land and murdered thousands. What gives you the mistaken idea it stopped with his grandfather, it absolutely did not.
I do hope for the best, but it's prudent to prepare for the worst, not assume the best before starting the process. What's proposed makes the Iran deal look iron clad and secure, there's no mention at all of verification, time tables, or even a listing of what he already has.
Keep in mind this was a meeting of two well practiced, professional liars, you can't take either of them at their word....ever.

I can only hope people with some clue what they're doing get involved and write a binding agreement for Trump, he clearly has no clue as he just gave Kim his top requests for nothing in return.
Time will tell, if Trump manages to put together a peace agreement that's meaningful, I'll give him credit, but he doesn't get credit for just sitting down, that was a win for Kim, not us.

bobknight33 said:

Like it on not Rocket man is the only one who can start the change.

Kim study abroad, saw what the free world has to offer and wants it his homeland.

Yes he Grandfather/ father destroyed the land and murdered thousands and Kim was taught to follow. Now he is in charge and is thinking of WHAT IF?

If the world can get this man to open up would be a great thing.

Kim picked Rodman and not you. Just hope for the best.

When Driver And Co-Driver Don't Mesh

Payback jokingly says...

Definitely one of the reasons I think "the Gays" are somewhat mistaken in wanting the right to marry in the first place. Hells, I'm completely baffled even straight people want to.

TRRazor said:

I thought this was a pretty normal conversation between a man and his spouse on their way to their honeymoon domicile, right?

"You are to TURN the wheel, Samir!"
"Yeah, yeah, SHUT UP, yeah..."

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Twins aren't genetically identical, even at birth. They begin separating from each other genetically when the zygote splits. Environmental factors determine how genes are expressed, and those factors are not identical. That makes twin studies a piss poor method of gene study. All it can tell you is how much the environment might effect their expression over time, and they aren't very good at even that.

Now that genetic testing is cheap, we're finding out most identical twins aren't identical at all. Proper gene testing doesn't assume twins are identical clones for life, it actually disproved that hypothesis. The space study with twins showed that in under a year their genes permanently diverged a full 7% (with a larger temporary change initially that lowered as they returned to similar environments).

I feel that people often misuse mistaken assumptions to validate their prejudices. If the science isn't clear and validated, using it against others is improper in the extreme.

Discriminating against people for their legal, culturally accepted, natural behavior makes the person doing the discriminating an asshole. Homosexuality is quite present in nature, is now culturally accepted in western cultures, and is legal. Tolerance is a learned behavior I wish was taught better, especially by churches.

bcglorf said:

"A twin study of self-reported psychopathic personality traits"

Perhaps the above is more to the point. Similar twin study showing identical twins having similarly significant genetic component to psychopathy as the prior studies show for sexual orientation.

Should we be similarly upset at people assigning morality to psychopathic behaviours?

"Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religious Interests, Attitudes, and Values: A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Together"

Religiosity shows the same thing, strong correlations for identical twins, raised apart from one another, and much weaker correlations for non-identical twins also raised apart.

If Tom Cruise claims his belief in Scientology is a birth right and how dare we judge him, is he really backed by the science?

Where I am coming from, is insisting that for all the factors involved in human decision and behaviours, I still want to conduct ourselves as though free will exists.

More importantly, the freedom to discriminate against people based upon their behaviours must be defended as strongly as the right to discriminate based upon purely in born, unchangeable attributes like race, gender and ethnicity must be opposed.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know, but I also know many people don't bother reading that. If it's to be a kid safe place, it seemed prudent to avoid mistaken assumptions....more so than any other channel.

oritteropo said:

The channel description is actually fairly clear:

Sandbox for Sift Tots. This is a realm for videos that are suitable for children to enjoy. Non-kid-friendly videos that simply happen to contain a kid do not belong here.

Trump's Brand is Ayn Rand

My_design says...

I thought it was in the Fountain Head, but I'm so far removed from AP English at this point I am likely mistaken. All that means is that I found The Fountainhead to be completely unrelatable and boring to the point that I don't remember a damn thing about it. Kind of like Anna Karenina.
Nothing like early Russian politics and the rise of socialism to pique a high schoolers interest. I was more interested in when the next Dragonlance novel was due out.

Fantomas said:

Pretty sure you're thinking of Ragtime by EL Doctorow.
I read it in High School English and it's the only thing I remember about it too (apart from the title).

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

What the hell?!?
What about your dad, brother, or son? They've got to fend for themselves?!

Please don't let this be portrayed as a crime only men do to women, I posted a study above that dispels that myth. This is a crime people do to other people nearly equally based on sex, astonishingly. Even if that wasn't the case, that's still no reason to pretend there aren't some male victims and female perpetrators, it's outrageous when you consider the facts instead of mistaken historical cultural assumptions about the sexes.

Payback said:

My personal view is, how would I react to a specific action being used on my mom, sister, girlfriend or wife. If I'd kick the guy's ass so hard he'd have to undo his collar to take a shit, I don't do it. Hell, if I found it mildly irksome I'd avoid it too.

Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

newtboy says...

Because one "feminist" decided to attack everyone in the video because she sees athletic women working together (fully clothed, mind you) as, in her words, "only sex workers", requiring her to launch a derisive attack on any male near them, labeling them creeps, and against the women labeling them as unprofessional hooters girls and now sex workers.

Slut shaming women based on insulting mistaken assumptions and their athleticism is not feminist...imo it's not even rational. Trying to shame men for the women's fitness is just irrational.

...besides, what's wrong with shooting at children? ;-)

Payback said:

Why the fuck is everyone on about the women and no one is noticing all the child-sized targets Keanu was blasting away at...

Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

newtboy says...

See the photo at 3:02, then consider retracting your insulting mistaken assumption about their employees, please.

bareboards2 said:

. I didn't need to do any research to know this company ignores competent, talented women with gun skills and normal looks for women who are glossy.

Dear Satan

newtboy says...

There is no evidence whatsoever that he lived again, and barely anecdotal evidence that his body went missing.
You vastly overestimate the theories acceptance outside devout religious theological scholars.
It's not all nonsense, just the magic parts.

History. Constantine converted and compiled the bible to consolidate and grow his political powers.

Satan wrote and fulfilled the bible and prophecies to trick you, just like every other religion. See how that falls apart?

Verified "truth" is a fact demonstrable in the physical world.
I don't buy into isms.

No, they were clearly instructions to individuals, not government...please. Even accepting your view, it's still killing, so no one could carry out the governmental stoning imperative...catch 22, you defy god either way.

But, since I don't believe, I don't accept or reject him.

Ahhh, so he didn't die for the world, only his supporters, you say, with non supporters (mostly tricked thorough no fault of their own) getting eternal torture. Diabolical, monstrous in fact.

Only like cancer that only exists when you believe it does.

I do those things for myself, it's working fine and I take responsibility for myself. I would suggest if Jesus worked as you say, to perfection, no Christian would ever be depressed or do wrong, they would be perfect people without problems....1)what about when you/they don't behave perfectly, is Jesus busy?

If there was zero law enforcement on earth and no vigilantes, it would be like that.

A sign, like the cardboard sign the driver's holding? Yep.

I might get in the car out of curiosity, but wouldn't just accept that coincidence or mental implantation means divinity. I would think it's likely I'm being visited by ET, who would be easily mistaken for gods by believers.

2)Again, I must ask, if you know he has that power of personal revelation, but chose to not use it, why would you defy your own God's wishes to try to convert others? Maybe he needs us heathens to be heathens.

shinyblurry said:

1) The resurrection is absolutely not historical. Jesus the man MIGHT be.

There is a lot of scholarly research that says it is historical,

Creatonotos gangis

radx says...

The extremeties on the back are the moth's version of a peacock's plumage if I'm not mistaken. Attraction, maybe a bit of sedation -- you know, the usual.

Just how smart is Donald Trump?

notarobot says...


Have a look at this interview from 1980. Pay attention to the patterns of his speech. Notice how they are different than the example used in the Nerdwriter analysis I posted above.

At a later interview (1988?) you can hear that the patterns in his speech are a bit closer to the Nerdwriter. You can hear how he occasionally repeats words. He has had more practice with interviews here than in 1980 and it shows. How he crafts his speech is not a product of an untrained mind--it is intentional.

The way he dodges the "are you smarter than other people?" question is also interesting.

Again, I'm not arguing that he's a genius. Just that assumptions of his intellect based on the choice to use simple language have been mistaken. His choice to use simple language is a big part of what gave him broad appeal among voters for whom higher education was out of reach. It may have won him the presidency.

I don't like him, but he isn't stupid.

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

newtboy says...

You're mistaken. I've heard exactly that suggested by multiple people....not that there's any actual push for disarmament.
No reasonable person suggests that, but people are often unreasonable about this topic.

scheherazade said:

I don't think anyone suggests that civilian disarmament encourages tyranny, merely that civilian armament discourages tyranny.

The Way We Get Power Is About to Change Forever

newtboy says...

Ok....they start with a few mistaken premises.
Most importantly, the premise that energy is best stored in a chemical battery. It sounds good, but it's simply wrong. The best way to store large amounts of energy is in a hydro/gravity storage system. This is a two basin system, with two basins at different heights with a pump/generator linking them. When you have excess power, you pump water uphill. When you need more power, you let it flow back down. It's ecologically friendly, cheap, and effectively never wears out like batteries all do, it can work on any scale, and unlike most hydro doesn't impact a living river system. It's proven technology that's head and shoulders above battery banks.

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