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mintbbb (Member Profile)

Mimic Octopus - can Mimic at least 15 separate species!

Badass Homemade Racing Simulator That You Now Want

Geoffrey Jr. is pissed,and for damn good reason!

State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^dag:

Perhaps we could have an option not to use the fancy quote formatting. That would solve most problems.>> ^ForgedReality:
Dag, problem with the quoting system. Is there a way to make it not use HTML tags, and be more intelligent? This is aside from the quote appearing beneath the quoter's message (something that I still dislike greatly), but I believe it happened when that transition occurred.
The problem is, it's a lot more confusing to look at in the message you're editing, so if you want to remove old quotes, like when the quote string starts to get long, you have to be very careful what you remove, or you'll end up screwing up the whole rest of the page, as seen here:
It's not my quote that did it, it's residue's, the person above mine. His quote was all screwed up when I went to quote him, and I had to edit mine to be cleaner, but as you can see, the html tags in his message are screwing up the rest of the page. The quote/reply stuff appears after his message, but before the quoted text, when it SHOULD be at the bottom of the message box. Then when I quoted him, the page still thinks that the information belongs within the same element on the page, so now my message is all screwed up. I suspect that the next person to post on this page will continue that trend.
I tried putting closing divs in the top of my message as well as other things, to no effect.

I use the block quote feature that the Sift has always allowed if the quoted text is discombobulated. But given that most users don't eat, sleep, and breath code that could be asking too much of the average user.

Quoted Text using the tags above and below this line of text.
Adding @dag to mimic contacting someone about quoting them with the blockquote HTML element.

It's not a solution, it's just a work around. One that has always worked for me.

first person view of what it's like to have schizophrenia.

rottenseed says...

>> ^Don_Juan:

As a psychotherapist, I have made several dents in schizophrenia patients. Milton Erickson's success in denting a schizophrenia patient was to sit beside him on a park bench, mimicking the patient's every move and sound, until the patient was dented.

Usually when I mimic somebody's every move, it drives them crazy. Next time I'll just note that I'm doing it as a prophylactic for their potential schizophrenia.

You're a PC (Blog Entry by dag)

NordlichReiter says...

I read an article about Browser spoofing via User-Agents. It's not that hard to do, with a Firefox add-on called tamper data and others. Basically you can make Firefox mimic IE, and those mobile browser and other things manipulating the User-Agent.

Did you know that you can even make yourself appear to be the Google Spider?

This thread reminded me of that, cool none the less. I'd like to see more Linux users.

Parade Magazine tests Project Natal

Croccydile says...

It is pretty easy to poo poo this stuff after a rather poor history of peripherals such as the Power Glove or worse the Sega Activator and Nintendo U-Force. The Sony EyeToy was a similar concept back in the day... hindsight is 20/20 and it will really come down to whether they make useful games for this. Alot of people bought the Wii just for Wii Sports alone initially and didnt give fuck all a care about anything else.

I think the coolest part though is they give each other a high five at the end and their on screen characters mimic the same. There will likely be some sort of lag that is inevitable from frame storing and the fact some TVs lag behind the input signal anyways.

Controversy Over Girls Doing Beyonce Dance (Video)

ctrlaltbleach says...

No LOL I'm from Texas. Besides that I'm really not very religious and I'm not saying dancing is proven to be provocative just my own opinion for why we do it. It's been around since life began in my observation so how did it start? Well even animals dance right? Why do they do it? Because spring has hit and its time to procreate. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with dancing at all its just a courtship ritual in the primitive form. I love the old Lindie Hop myself some dancing is more provocative than others. Why must they be doing a dance thats a directly mimics sex? Also girls are objectified anyway in life why make it worse? Or start it at such an early age. I don't know maybe I'm backwards on this subject but thats the way I look at it. Oh and I'm not 70 either I'm 30.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

You are from Salt Lake City, I presume?
>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
Dancing is provocative to begin with, the whole point of dancing is to attract the opposite sex.

3 Reasons to Legalize Pot Now!

Opus_Moderandi says...

it seems there is a predisposition for schizophrenia among those cases...

"Schizophrenia can sometimes be triggered by heavy use of hallucinogenic drugs, especially LSD; but it appears that one has to have a genetic predisposition towards developing schizophrenia for this to occur. There is also some evidence suggesting that people suffering from schizophrenia but responding to treatment can have an episode as a result of use of LSD. Methamphetamine and PCP also mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia, and can trigger ongoing symptoms of schizophrenia in those who are vulnerable."

>> ^Raaagh:

is on wiki, kids used to smoke at 4:20 in the 70s...
Also weed is harmless? try telling that to the kids for whom it triggered a debilitating-life ruining schizophrenic episode.
Even so, legalizing would do a fuck load more good, than bad.

Does the State make money on Prisons/Prisoners? (Law Talk Post)

choggie says...

^ One solution, NR, would be to criminalize the process of creating criminals, of providing them with the programming to encourage recidivism instead of rehabilitation. Begin with a flow chart of just who profits from the prison system in this country.....(BF, it's closer to 2 percent of everyone in prison now)

The trail of money that starts with a profiling quota for routine stops by a petty thug, bully or bullied damaged fuckstick in the form of "peace officer" (oxy fucking moron), is designed as a cyclical money siphon. Arrest, litigation or incarceration, repeat. More laws mean more revenue for states, municipalities, more cips, more prisons-

The "prison" described above mimics the prisons those who manage to stay out of that system work hard to remain in....the prison of unending wage-slavery....So that one day, they too might be found to be worthy of a part of,,,,sayyyyyy, for deciding to boycott the IRS-If enough people would drop a motherfucking nut simultaneously, perhaps we would not be party to our own, languorous demise. It's called civil disobedience and in my experience, people are all about talk, and programmed to take no action for the fear that has been systematically instilled......

Yeah man, prisons make money hand over fist, and the subsidies they receive form the feds would probably be dwarfed only by those doled out to Agribiz and Pharmaceuticals. The two-fold benefit to the system is that they program each new generation to believe their fucking lies and act accordingly.....

Superb Lyrebird imitates construction sounds

Virtusphere - Full Body Immersion Virtual Reality

ponceleon says...

I'm sorry but this takes the crappyness of the Wii control theory and just expands on it.

When will people realize that people play videogames not to poorly mimic motions that they do in real life, but to explore stories, action, and compettition in order to relax and escape from reality? By forcing the user to mimic real movement (poorly I might add) you actually take away from the experience.

This thing looks cumbersome, uncomfortable, and generally stiff in its control.

I think Jatzee from the Zero Punctuation series said it best (and I'll paraphrase): when I want to relax playing a game, I just want to play it, I don't want to flail my arms around like an idiot trying to get the poor "motion" control to respond...

The world's most generic news report - Newswipe

The Best "Sweet Child O' Mine" Cover!!!

spoco2 says...

Wow, really, you're going nuts for this?

Yeah, he can play, but as a video to watch, it's really quite boring until the solo.

And then he plays, like every little random bit from the album (as in, all the incidental noises and such which aren't 'part' of the music as such, just slash phaffing around), which kinda points him as a great mimic, but I'd prefer to see someone make it their own, that shows real talent rather than just ability to learn by rote.

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