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Amazing Video of Stingray Giving Birth

ponceleon says...

>> ^Hybrid:

As unexpected and amazing as it is to see, that guy took a little too long getting them all back into the water in my opinion.

Yeah, seems just a little bit cruel... but fascinating. Maybe he was just mesmerized and not just being an asshole about it.

Muskrat Love - Captain and Tenille

Bleep Bloop: Uwe Boll - Video game Movies

ponceleon says...

You know, as bad as Uwe is, it is kinda like the Plan 9 From Outer Space phenomenon. Like Ed Wood, his movies are just so bad that they mesmerize. I think I've seen maybe half of the ones mentioned and have always been highly entertained by the level of badness.

Food ballet

kronosposeidon says...

I don't know what it is, but I've always found stop motion animation of food mesmerizing. Ever since I saw this as a wee lad I've been hooked:

Contact juggling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'crystal, balls, mesmerizing, illusion, fire' to 'crystal, balls, mesmerizing, illusion, fire, miss frix' - edited by Deano

Meet Egypts Strongest Man

Tyrsis says...

This contains so much awesome-sauce that it's hard not to applaud.

They say that god has blessed him with great restraint, yet he has to have sex with 4 women 15 times a day?

I love when they pan to one of the wives, and she looks like someone is holding a gun to her head, and she is on the cusp of crying in terror. Then the reporter asks permission to talk to the wives, and asks if there are any beatings involved, then immediately laughs.

The whole coin bending magic trick that mesmerizes all onlookers, shows that all magicians are the strongest men / women alive!

I think the reality is, he's not allowed to work because he's clinically insane. The tests they gave him to check his strength seems like something out of episode one of star wars. I wonder what his metachlorian count really was?

At least we are all safe in knowing that Allah chose this man to carry the burden of superman powers. I guess we're all lucky that god also didn't bless him with the will to wear spandex tights, as his shirt was struggling just to stay on him.

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

People who say this is about racism are missing the point entirely. This is all about people getting their knickers in a twist and overreacting. But that seems to be the way things have turned out on this site, which is a shame for the sift in general.

I feel enoch summed it up nicely:
>> ^enoch:

god i love this place.
but i have to say with choggie gone a bit of color just bleached out.
this is some tired ass bullshit.
this site when it first came out had a plethora of different people,ideas,emotions.
i mean talk about DIVERSE..i was mesmerized by this place...and choggie was a huge reason.
now look at it...
feels like twilight..the burnished sun fading over a bland landscape.
you think choggie is the reason so many left?
christ on a fucking stick...
are you serious? is that a serious statement?
try this.
go to posts two years ago.go ahead..i'll wait.
go check the current top videos on this site.
see anything? notice anything?
it is becoming one big ball of sameness.
as if a giant vanilla cookie cutter was punching out the exact same material.
those people didnt leave because of choggie!
they left because this place started looking like a cheap version of the stepford wives.
they left because of the very thing we are talking about on this very post.
stupid and inane drama based on the most fragile and flimsy of all reasons:
"someone called me a name"
/facepalm...somebody just shoot me in the face.
because here is the cold hard truth kids.
this place was once a vibrant mecca for the most unique,obscure,challenging and original sites to visit.
populated by interesting people with interesting ideas and to watch the disagreements fly put a smile on my face that lasted for HOURS.
now it is slowly becoming an exercise in banality..
un-interesting and un-original.
so clap your hands together for that kids!
you just succeeded in killing originality!
the drama is even boring!
and that my the fucking cold hard truth..and you helped usher it in.

Choggie kicked off the Sift again? (Wtf Talk Post)

enoch says...

god i love this place.
but i have to say with choggie gone a bit of color just bleached out.
this is some tired ass bullshit.
this site when it first came out had a plethora of different people,ideas,emotions.
i mean talk about DIVERSE..i was mesmerized by this place...and choggie was a huge reason.
now look at it...
feels like twilight..the burnished sun fading over a bland landscape.
you think choggie is the reason so many left?
christ on a fucking stick...
are you serious? is that a serious statement?
try this.
go to posts two years ago.go ahead..i'll wait.
go check the current top videos on this site.
see anything? notice anything?
it is becoming one big ball of sameness.
as if a giant vanilla cookie cutter was punching out the exact same material.
those people didnt leave because of choggie!
they left because this place started looking like a cheap version of the stepford wives.
they left because of the very thing we are talking about on this very post.
stupid and inane drama based on the most fragile and flimsy of all reasons:
"someone called me a name"
/facepalm...somebody just shoot me in the face.

because here is the cold hard truth kids.
this place was once a vibrant mecca for the most unique,obscure,challenging and original sites to visit.
populated by interesting people with interesting ideas and to watch the disagreements fly put a smile on my face that lasted for HOURS.
now it is slowly becoming an exercise in banality..
un-interesting and un-original.
so clap your hands together for that kids!
you just succeeded in killing originality!
the drama is even boring!
and that my the fucking cold hard truth..and you helped usher it in.

i dont have a problem with anyone here.
i understand dag had an agreement and had to do what he had to do.
i am not harboring a secret hatred for BT.
and i really should not have to even to explain this considering this is the internet and my feelings dont really matter in this situation but good-fucking-lord if i didnt people would start assuming i am out for revenge or gonna rampage or some other stupid shit.
that is...retarded.

choggie was banned per dag and his agreement...period.
choggie will..i another day and not commit ritual suicide.
but dont blame the ills of this site on the chogster.
look to your own behaviour before you blame another.

now THAT my what they call in the business A RANT.
please dont forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses..i'll be here all week!

The worlds most useful tool

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Animated Ass

Proximity Wingsuit Flying - Insane Basejumping

Magnet Guru

B747-200 Takeoff And Landing From The Nose Wheel Perspective

EMPIRE says...

I can't believe I just watched the whole video. I was mesmerized.
Videos like these always make me so appreciative of technology.
That amazing winged metal giant soaring is truly beautiful.

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