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Protective Bubble: The Sheltered World of Modern CEOs

EndAll says...

From Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land':

On the planet Terra the flapper system developed slowly. Time was when any Terran sovereign held public court so that the lowliest might come before him without intermediary. Traces of this persisted long after kings became scarce - an Englishman could "Cry Harold!" (although none did) and the smarter city bosses still left their doors open to any gandy dancer of bindlestiff far into the twentieth century. A remnant of the principle was embalmed in Amendments I and IX of the United States Constitution, although superseded by the Articles of World Federation.

By the time the Champion returned from Mars the principle of access to the sovereign was dead in fact, regardless of the nominal form of government, and the importance of a personage could be told by the layers of flappers cutting him off from the mob. They were known as executive assistants, private secretaries, secretaries to private secretaries, press secretaries, receptionists, appointment clerks, et cetera - but all were "flappers" as each held arbitrary veto over communication from the outside.

These webs of officials resulted in unofficials who flapped the Great Man without permission from official flappers, using social occasions, or back-door access, or unlisted telephone numbers. These unofficials were called: "golfing companion," "kitchen cabinet," "lobbyist," "elder statesman," "fiver-percenter," and so forth. The unofficials grew webs, too, until they were almost as hard to reach as the Great Man, and secondary unofficials sprang up to circumvent the flappers of primary unofficials. With a personage of foremost importance the maze of unofficials was as complex as the official phalanxes surrounding a person merely very important.

Hunger - Steve McQueen's Feature Film Debut

shole says...

there are also two parallel seperate categories of trailers
trailers that attempt to summarise the story of the film, ending up being a jumble of scenes pasted together
and trailers that attempt to convey the mood of the film
there's many films that don't have a clear linear story or a story that is irrelevant to the content of the film
like the fountain or antichrist or dancer in the dark, etc
any summary of the story would be an insult for the art of emotion and themes the film contains between the bulletpoints of traditional narrative

the distant suffocating mood this trailer portrays to me makes me want to see it
the imdb summary;
"An odyssey, in which the smallest gestures become epic and when the body is the last resource for protest."
"A compelling and unforgettable portrayal of life within the maze prison at the time of 1981 IRA hunger strike."
doesn't tell much either

the director should really change his name though

The Mutton Birds - Don´t Fear the Reaper (The Frighteners)

The Mutton Birds - Don´t Fear the Reaper (The Frighteners)

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

daxgaz says...

i am so separated from the culture that cares about this that i find the indecent hilarious.

from my very outsider perspective i see it like this:
Beyonce is beautiful lady and it was a nice old fashion song and dance video, so good for her.
Taylor Swift is a cute kid that summed up nearly every teen romantic comedy in a short video, so good for her too.
Kanye seems to be some melodramatic attention whore kid with a hedge row maze for a hair cut. So he's a dick, but predictable, yawn.

this hub-bub reminds me of another controversy recently that i found myself asking "what the fuck is a T-pain?"

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

dgandhi says...

>> ^bmacs27: Let me sober up, and I'll get back to you. I know the gist of my argument will be something like, why should I assume a maximum entropy bound for conscious experience?

Because it requires both information recall and comparison, processes which require energy. Additionally it is only observable in situations where information processing is known to be taking place, and we have no reason to believe that internal narrative is anything but a special case of thinking.

Are individuals with downs' syndrome conscious? How about amoebas that can solve mazes?

Since I'm willing to consider that an engine with a power switch is probably at the bottom of the scale, the human clearly qualifies.

The "amoeba", which is actually a slime mold, does not, because it is responding only to the supply and transport of food, its "maze solving" is a probabilistic event, not an action.

Ants use a similar system to find paths to food, but they use a chemical marker system as a collective memory, here they leverage the same probabilistic event, shorter paths have higher throughput for energy used, but keep track of it in a manner distinct from the source of food itself. Their path finding system is "intelligent" in a way the ants individually are not, but I am not willing to arbitrarily imbue the chemtrail or the probabilistic event with any sort of special quality as a result.

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

bmacs27 says...

Bmacs27: I'll get back to you when I'm not as drunk as now, but for now I recommend Daniel Dennett's book Consciousness Explained.

It's sitting on the bookshelf in the conference room my journal club meets in. It caught my eye a couple times. I'll pick it up.

@ ghandi...

I'm going to plead the gwizz here. Let me sober up, and I'll get back to you. I know the gist of my argument will be something like, why should I assume a maximum entropy bound for conscious experience? Are individuals with downs' syndrome conscious? How about amoebas that can solve mazes?[citation]

Captain_Caveman (Member Profile)

Maze (Member Profile)

Maze (Member Profile)

R.E.M. - Exhuming McCarthy (Live in London Sept 08)

Earth Moon Toast Bridge - Testament to Man's Thoughtlessness

Inception (New Christopher Nolan Film - Teaser Trailer)

Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

gwiz665 says...

^That's just not true. Plenty have posted objections and voted up anyway.

I found these that explicitly through comments were against having this rule
EndAll, MrFisk, joedirt, phoen1x, ReverendTed, Maze, albrite30, entr0py, blankfist, Sarzy, kronosposeidon, gwiz665.
Plus the downvoters, I presume, but I haven't counted them in.

If this is allowed to stay, the snuff rule is as good as null and void - we have discarded other sifts which were no worse than this.

"People will decide by votes" no they won't, that's not the way it works. The rule is there to suspend any voting on something like this.

Inception (New Christopher Nolan Film - Teaser Trailer)

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