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Maddness - Our House (Spitting Image Version!)

Maddness - Our House (Spitting Image Version!)

Maddness - Our House (Spitting Image Version!)

choggie says...

...this hit the states well after the sensation, and they stuck it on at two am, after the replay of the nightly blotter/sports/ news......

Never took off,... political satire does better in the eastern states than in the bible belt......i love my limey heritage...Hooray for the madness of king George!!.....and for marmite, and pocky, and branston pickle, and wrapping fried fish in newsprint, and ribeena, an' pub lunches, and churchill and thatcher!!!!

Wow! European Flights (24hr). Air Traffic Controller Anyone?

The Smiths - 'Stop Me....' - Brilliant, brilliant song.

Road Block - try to cheat traffic poles following the bus

deputydog says...

This is round the corner from my flat (Manchester), I've seen a car and a fire engine drive into those same poles within the last year. Rather than stem the traffic flow they've created an idiot's accident-hotspot.

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

joy division transmission from 24 hour party people

Swag - Chav Caught And Trapped In Lorry

deputydog says...

If you're ever in Manchester and see a tram passing by, take a look at the back of it. See the little f*ck@r clinging on for shits and giggles?
That's a chav.
One day he'll fall off and I'll laugh myself to death.

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