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film the police-an OWS call to arms

eric3579 says...

Intro (Sage Francis):
Right about now, the SFR court is in full effect!
Judge Sage presiding in the case of the People vs. The Police Department.
Prosecuting attorneys are: Toki Wright, Jasiri X and B motherfuckin’ Dolan.
Order! Order! Order! B. Dolan, take the motherfuckin’ stand.
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
(Dolan: You goddamn right.)
Then why don’t you tell everyone what the fuck they have the right to do?

Verse 1 
(B. Dolan):
Film the Police. Run a tape for the underclass!
Get the face, name and number on the badge.
They flash, we flash back when they act disorderly.
React accordingly and capture all that we see…
Nightstick, Zip-ties, and Tasers.
Think they’re licensed for type vicious behavior.
Make a tight fist with a video trained toward the Pigs,
Like this. They trip & you make ‘em famous.
Explain to a Judge the bounds you oversteppin’.
2011 time to the change our method.
We aim lenses at the State’s weapon,
‘Til they remember whose goddamn streets they’re protecting.
They’d rather see me in a cell
Than me and my cell with a different story to tell.
Camcorder by the dash. Next time you get stopped,
Reach for the celly if you wanna shoot a cop.
On a public sidewalk, you can tape what you see,
Or film from your window with a view of the street!
Neighborhood Crime Watch, we police the Police.
They can’t arrest the whole community.
Because the streets clock. These cops occupying blocks,
Harassing the homeless with batons, pulling glocks.
They stop lawful protests and let off shots…
Abuse prostitutes and misuse power they got.
In memory of the victims who are never forgot,
We’ve gotta’ exercise our right to shed light in the dark.
There is an army on the march that doesn’t want you to watch.
You’ve got a weapon in your pocket whether you know it or not.
We, the people, are the only real media we got.
Let’s protect one another from the fucking goon squad.
Fascism’s coming to the U.S.A.
Eyo, Sage, I got something to say!
Verse 2 (Toki Wright):
Film the police! It’s time to make it our priority.
You see these fools are in abuse of their authority.
Crack a fist or you crack a whip.
But that ain’t power you coward, you beat a man with two shackled wrists.
So put their names up on a list next to an asterisk.
Next time you see ‘em blast a clip, then you flash a flick.
Attach a video and pic to your master list.
Be on the news at 6. YouTube views legit.
The cops watch us, so we gotta have the Cop Watchers.
Been in fear of law so long, so now it’s not awkward.
But what is law when it’s wrong. When you slam us on the floor.
Naw, this ain’t World Wrestling Entertainment Raw.
This is Edutainment, y’all. Got a call from B. Dolan.
You try to squabble with Johnny Law and get your meat swollen.
Why you think Bobby and Huey P. were heat holding?
You better load the footage up and get to key stroking.
And while you at it, send one off to the administration,
It’s indicating, all the physical intimidation.
It’s been too long they said to “bear with us.”
That’s when I run up on your caravan and rip off all your D.A.R.E. stickers.
This here is near Hitler’s; weirder than some mere tickets…
You feel privileged ’til your wife get her brassiere lifted.
You disappear quick as Hoffa if you piss a copper,
Off ya’ til you get a Channel 7 News helicopter.
Violence hides in a code of silence, tyrants hide in an alliance,
Quiet or be left somewhere, or get swept inside it.
It’s Goliath vs. a bigger giant.
Got us pulling over so far we ran a curb and hit a hydrant.
It’s systematic how the system has its symptoms,
Of the democratic law that’s been flawed since the pilgrims landed.
So now tell me what you wanna do? Next time you see the boys in blue,
You cock your camera back and point and shoot.

Verse 3 (Jasiri X):
Film the police! I got the Cannon 7D.
Highest definition for when they try to arrest and lynch ‘em,
Then lie and protest the whippin’, not serve and protect the victims.
Their murders, threats and hitmen…observe ‘em and let the witness be
The iphone. Never let bygones be bygones.
Get your flip cam before they get in the whip and ride on.
It’s vital ’cause our survival could depend on a video going viral,
With more viewers than American Idol.
Instead of having to bury a child who…
The cops shot ’cause they thought they carried a rifle.
Then the same cops will go to court and swear on a bible,
And smile to show the teeth that they’re preparing to lie through.
Whether Crips or Piru ,Vice Lords or Gangsta Disciples,
Make sure your camera lens gets an eyeful.
And they liable to try and confiscate it.
Better hold on to that shit like you’re constipated.
‘Cause they’ll pretend them injuries are not related,
Like, “When we arrived we saw him dive head first off the pavement.”
So keep the mini cam stashed in the dash of your mini van.
They’ll crash and smash on any man.
Pull out your Blackberry ’cause cops will take a shot at your black berry,
‘Til we see another black buried.
Don’t act scary, ’cause they’ll empty the gat on ya’,
Stand over your body just to sprinkle the crack on ya’.
Police attacking ya’. Don’t want to see they reflections like Dracula.
But camera’s capture ya’.
Too busy using your flashlight to batter us,
To notice John Singleton was my passenger.
So point, click and shoot they asses,
It’s the only way to get the real truth to the masses.
Jasiri X, I’m making movies like Spike Lee.
I won’t be a law and order special victim like Ice T.

Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

lucky760 says...

I'm in total agreement with @MichaelL. Strictly speaking, this is definitely not an optical illusion by virtue of the fact that it is not an illusion.

You're just seeing objective reality the way nature is presenting it to the universe and the same way everyone else sees it. It would only be an optical illusion if it physically existed one way but your eyes/brain perceived it a different way.

It'd be like turning on a light in a dark room and declaring it an optical illusion that everything is illuminated because the photons from the light source are making everything look bright, but in reality it's all dark, so: optical illusion. "The room is being incorrectly perceived because it's actually dark, but you're perceiving it as bright."

Yeah, no.

Honest Trailers - Man of Steel

VoodooV says...

meh. They've played up the whole "Superman is light, Batman is dark" mentality for too long, so I think that's why a bunch of people are butt-hurt about the darker tone of this movie.

Sure, I agree the whole ending with Zod was rather.....dumb and the movie was just excessively long, but overall it was a kickass movie and I'm sorry, but people need to face it, Nolan's touch is working.

The concept of superheroes is rather dated, And Superman is the least interesting superhero other than his origin story, so I appreciate trying to update them and make them darker and at least attempt to make them more realistic.

that and Faora is super hot.

NSA (PRISM) Whistleblower Edward Snowden w/ Glenn Greenwald

enoch says...


i think i got my argument down to one word.
took some time because you know me..
i comment like i think:rambling and incoherent.

the word is transparency.

if this dragnet is SO needed and SO vital to national security and catching brown people.
then lets allow this giant pig into the courts and lets discuss the value of this particular intelligence gathering.
lets shine a bit of light in those dark corners yea?

a healthy democracy needs sunlight and fresh air the breathe.

What should the default color scheme of VideoSift be? (User Poll by dag)

jimnms says...

Light text on dark backgrounds causes eye strain, so I vote light. Can we get rid of the background texture too? I think the simple look of a single color background looks better.

Large Filament Eruption On The Sun: 8/31/2012--SPECTACULAR!

kceaton1 says...


This is most likely the most AMAZING filament eruption to be caught on video. It is caused by a little process called magnetic reconnection. It's a little process that gives us our solar flares, these filaments, CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), auroras, and the possible potential for very dangerous radiation storms every few millennium--give or take a few. Basically, plasma flows along these field lines of magnetism. When things get out of hand, then those field lines distort and change and all of a sudden things get very dangerous (AND sometimes beautiful). The faster the magnetic field changes the faster the particles will travel making them more and more dangerous as the events unfold fast enough giving them more energy (kinetic & heat), which in turn if directed at us means it penetrates much further into our protective field and anything outside of the field, crispy--in the shredded DNA, cells, you name it sense.

Occasionally, Earth's magnetic field breaks down a bit (if I remember why correctly it was a certain "sequence" within our magnetic shield and it reacts badly with the Sun's--don't quote me though, I really need to look it back up again it was a very long time ago I remember this from), if a large solar flare directed towards Earth ever happened before Earth had enough time to fully build back it's strength we would be FAR more in trouble than usual, but this would be a rare event. Usually what happens is that the charged particles follow Earth's magnetic lines and go to the poles, which is the one place on Earth where you do suffer the most radiation from the Sun (basically wherever the poles are as the plasma follows the polarity or "field lines" of Earth's magnetic field). It's also why the closer you are to the poles the better your view is of the aurora as the particles streaming in, if there is a sufficient quantity moving very fast (the more energy, especially kinetic--speed, the farther the penetration into the atmosphere and the lower the aurora becomes visible), will enter the atmosphere and begin to be absorbed by various elements that our atmosphere is compromised of like Nitrogen.

Here's a quick explanation. Basically, the particles collide with atoms of molecules/elements or anything in the higher atmosphere, exciting their electrons into higher energy levels, which is known fundamentally in science as quantum leap/atomic transition/electron transition it's one of the atom's most fundamental abilities dealing with "extra energy" being pushed into a system that wants balance (this is a very common process that happens ALL DAY long, EVERYWHERE around you; it transfers photons essentially--pure energy--BUT, what is the energy in the form of as it's energy level makes it do very many different things; you could see things, what you consider the normal range of light--it's EXACTLY how light goes THROUGH a window--it doesn't go through the window it is transferred via the atoms from one side to the next, this is ALSO why people are trying to get invisibility to work as it just might; HEAT is another one that is transferred all the time--it literally radiates outwards from our bodies and then we are surrounded by excited electrons and the infrared range of light we are putting out, the heat of a human body...or any animal; this goes on and on, it happens everywhere and as I said ALL-THE-TIME, it's perhaps one of the most critical processes and abilities of the atom and how photons also transfer their energy between areas in a direction; a little off-topic information for those that don't realize how much is going on, everywhere, all the time, at any given's a complicated, but beautiful world)), and making them give off light that we see when the charge they've taken on finally returns the molecule/element's electrons to their normal orbits in the electron shell; the color depends on what molecule/element was being bombarded and how much energy was involved from the particle that hit it). This of course transfers all the energy that those particles had and we get a nice light show.

/I thought I'd fill my promote with something useful; ...on why these happen...
//edit-For a little more clarity, grammar and a bit more information that I hope some will appreciate if it helps anyone learn something or atleast go look up some of this and learn some on their own; taking an interest in science, it's one of the most important things in the world that we have.
///Spreading science is just as important; it's the one literal thing we do/use that has ever allowed us to deal with the worst problems we have: fear, pain, death, disease, sorrow, despair, ignorance, etc... Science IS the light in the dark. It is our best hope for mankind's continued existence and a good life. It is the single most important activity we now do as a group; it's our savior from us and what's out there...

Awesome illusion - A static flow of water

ForgedReality jokingly says...

>> ^wormwood:

Or get a strobe light with adjustable flash rate. Then you can see this effect in real time.
I spent one evening with a bunch of friends, a strobe light and a dark, indoor swimming pool. Lotsa trippy fun. >> ^Zawash:
Brilliant - got to try this at home. Hmm - by slowly increasing the shutter speed, the water should go from flowing water to still droplets like in the video. A simple 25Hz wave should be great for recording at 25fps.

Shame. I don't imagine we're thinking of the same kind of fun that could have been had at that dark indoor swimming pool with a bunch of friends.

Awesome illusion - A static flow of water

wormwood says...

Or get a strobe light with adjustable flash rate. Then you can see this effect in real time.

I spent one evening with a bunch of friends, a strobe light and a dark, indoor swimming pool. Lotsa trippy fun. >> ^Zawash:

Brilliant - got to try this at home. Hmm - by slowly increasing the shutter speed, the water should go from flowing water to still droplets like in the video. A simple 25Hz wave should be great for recording at 25fps.

geo321 (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Old Republic

Shepppard says...

Tons wrong with the review this week.

I've played a Sith marauder to 50, and can honestly say most of what he's bitching about is either not true, or non-existent.

The multi-group chat options in instances (or quests, for that matter) start off by giving everyone a random roll, and the highest roll wins and gets to speak. However, everyone else in that roll now has a +(x) bonus to their next roll, so it's not always one person dominating the conversation.

The same roll system applies to the light/dark options, but if you choose the good option, and someone chooses the bad option, and they win, the quest storyline DOES go down the "Dark" side, but you don't get dark points. Quite contrary, actually, because since you chose the light side option, you still get light side points.

Every class has party members, up to 6. Corso Riggs (The guy with the harpoon) is the first one you get, and can be replaced by level 20 max. (haven't fully done the storyline on smugglar yet) But you also always have at least two romantic options later down the road, too.

PvP is also actually pretty balanced, not once have I really said "Wow, that class is overpowered." The only reason PvP was "Unbalanced" was because the system they had in place was a "bolster" system, so level 10's and level 50's could be in the same pvp match, and the level 10 would be bumped up to level 50 base stats. The problem though was that the gear level 50's had was rediculously good by comparison giving them an unfair advantage.. Which is why three patches ago they made level 50's get their own battleground, and it's now just 10-49.

And.. for the record.. your morale alignment really doesn't mean shit all. You unlock very few things by being either full light or full dark, and they have equivilent items to them that don't require you be either.

Basically, if you're going to spend a week gathering information on an MMo, then don't even freaking bother reviewing it.


aurens (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I wish I could give you a *quality for that comment, that made me laugh.

In reply to this comment by aurens:
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God said, Let there be the Baja 1000: and there was Baja 1000.

6 And God said, Let there be cameras: and there were cameras.

7 And God said, Let there be tripods: and there were tripods.

8 And God said, Actually, fuck it, I take back the tripods.

Crazy Dedicated Photographer

aurens says...

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God said, Let there be the Baja 1000: and there was the Baja 1000.

6 And God said, Let there be cameras: and there were cameras.

7 And God said, Let there be tripods: and there were tripods.

8 And God said, Actually, fuck it. I take back the tripods.

Rare 9/11 audio of 1st plane crash

DuoJet jokingly says...

>> ^NicoleBee:

It was Saturnians bouncing light off the dark side of the moon on behalf of the insideous covert planning of the ASPCA. WHY WONT ANYONE LISTEN TO ME

Nuh, uh! It happened exactly the way the government and the media told us it happened. I know this because I saw it on the TV. Why would anyone question the government or the media?

You must be one of those conspiracy theorists I heard about on Fox News.

Rare 9/11 audio of 1st plane crash

Size of Galaxies Compared

RadHazG says...

Nothing about that says planet. It simply states with analogies that prophecy is a guiding light in the darkness. Nothing here about how Lucifer (or morning *STAR*) is a planet. Back then it was just another bright spot in the sky, and thus *tada*! a star.

2 Peter 1:19-21

New International Version (NIV)

19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

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