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Larry King's Worst Interview Question

lertad says...

If the audience had been laughing, we would get the impression that he's joking. However, Larry King's audience aren't chosen to come in and laugh.

If this had been on, say, the Daily Show, the exact same conversation could take place and it would come out good-natured.

Larry King's Worst Interview Question

youdiejoe says...

Just watched "Bee Movie" with my son this morning. And the sad thing is Larry King is in the movie!

Quick review of "Bee Movie" - first 35 min. pretty good, then...boom...snooze. Kids started to squirm after about 40 minutes. In my house we call it "wait for video"

Jon Stewart on the Larry King Show

BicycleRepairMan says...

+1 respect for Jon Stewart
Larry King, on the other hand, I mean, you gotta respect the guy, he's a world class, if not the best, interviewer, but even he has to see that TDS wouldnt run out of material, even if the government was run by miracle workers. there's 300 million americans, and billions more people outside to make fun of, and they keep screwing up on a daily basis.

Jon Stewart on the Larry King Show

Parody of a RIDICULOUS New Age Movement: The Secret

EMPIRE says...

I watched a clip of Oprah on Larry King talking about this crap.
So she says that this is about taking control of your life, realizing that you are responsible for your life yadayadayada. And then she talks about when she prayed to god and what she wanted to happen, did happen.
So you're responsible for your actions and your life, and yet you're stupid enough to be praying to some imaginary being who's supposed to do things for you?
GET SOME FUCKING SENSE! and stop contradicting yourself!

Henry Rollins on Iran and US politics: Part 2

BicycleRepairMan says...

The Hour seems like a great show, good guests, lets them speak, doesn't insult everyones intelligence.. '

I was watching Paris Hilt...Larry King Live on CNN the other day, and man has that man retarded himself in the last years. Fucking Paris Hilton/Michael Jackson shit parade

JibJab: What we call the News

escape421521 says...

P.S. I also place the blame on anyone who takes time from their day to WATCH, Hannity and Colmes, The View, Opera, O'Rielly, Crossfire, Larry King, and all the other pundits. Also being in the newspaper buisiness I can easily tell you the biggest problem with the media. News is becoming a niche market. The video puts all the blame in the wrong place. The villan here is the viewer. If one out of every four people stopped watching the infotainment industry it would die.

Moore vs Blitzter

phelixian says...

@karaidl ROFL qm acting....

Come on people.. Is anyone here really happy with their healthcare as it is? Does anyone else cringe when they see pharma ads on TV creating new ailments to be treated by new drugs? Do you like the idea of drug reps pushing their wares behind whitened teeth, pressed suits, and free lunches?

Are you trying to tell me that we've come this far and we can't ensure that EVERYONE on the planet gets treatment for what ails them?

Please! Just let the greed bleed from your souls, not the health from our veins.

Great sift by the way, the Larry King showdown is pretty good too.

Moore Debates Gupta - July 10th/07

Abel_Prisc says...

lol@antimatter. What a weirdo.

@ Pisc,
Unfortunately, that does seem to be the point. But then again, that's how they've always done it. Michael Moore was doing a great job as resisting that very thing from happening until this fiasco takes place. I really hope the next Larry King interview IS about the movie and NOT about this little argument.

However, from the sounds of it, Moore stated more than a few times here that he feels bad for the fact that all of the coverage has been on this argument and not on the movie, and that'd he like to get back on that. So let's hope he does.

Moore Debates Gupta - July 10th/07

Abel_Prisc says...

I love the part in the middle where Moore is completely in shock about what just happened and Gupta says "we've left him speechless". Um, no, how about you just told the Larry King viewers that Moore doesn't understand the fact that Universal Health Care comes out of taxes, but used MOORE'S OWN QUOTE when MOORE WAS POINTING THAT VERY THING OUT IN HIS MOVIE! I just slapped my head in disbelief when that happened.

Moore vs Blitzter

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

He's going to be on Larry King debating the medical journalist who says he fudged the figures tonight. Not to be missed. BTW, the doctor-jouranlist just apologized on Blitzer's show, admitting he had the figures wrong.

Kimmel Takes On Gawker Stalker

Kimmel Takes On Gawker Stalker

raven says...

since when is kimmel on cnn? and what's with the white collar blue shirt and suspenders, it's like he's trying to look like Larry King? subliminal schtick?... makes me chuckle anyway.

Judge Judy Opens A Can Of Whoop-Ass In 'Court'

choggie says...

What anyone should be able to appreciate about Judge Judy, is her semantic way of handling bullshit. She speaks the truth most of the time, which is the singular cause, of anyone's derision concerning her....or else they are just anti-semetic

She is a former Manhattan family court judge.
After 25 years of working as a prosecutor dealing with juvenile delinquents, she retired and began her show.
October 2005- Announced on Larry King Live that she has renewed her contract for her show Judge Judy through 2009!

Can't really see how she deals with the non-stop parade of human flotsam, Shiva knows a lesser person would be reduced to expletives and blunt-object tossing....

Idol: Sherman Pore Breaks America's Heart

flowbee says...

After this episode aired I started the original/formal petition for Sherman to come back and sing. He promised Melissa he would sing "as much, to as many, as long as he could" (He was on the Larry King show and said that). He promised this to her, so lets make his wish come true..He could sing to MILLIONS on the finale show. This petition has been on many shows on TV but they do not mention how to get to it....Following is the link to the petition. You may be able to click on it from here. If not you will have to type it in your address bar and it will take you to the petition.Please let other people know too.Thanks for your support!!!!

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