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Lamborghini Show Off Fail

spoco2 says...

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^spoco2:
That just makes me happy:
Dick who bought a lambo in the first place
Dick who thinks it's appropriate to give it some pedal going round a corner to show off why he spent so much money on a CAR
Dick smashes into other cars, causes no injuries, just VERY expensive damage to his car, and to others which he'll have to pay for.
Bravo sir, you've made me quite, quite happy.

Bravo Sir; Your comments clearly demonstrate that you are just a sad, jealous, guy. Let me guess your response; "I have the money to buy a lamborghini but don't want to look a dick." Yeah, sure. Here is a quote that may help you; "jealousy is the tribute those who haven't, pay to those who have."

Really? You're going to try to justify people who spend the price of a house on a car, and then have no idea how to drive it? That's the line you're going to take? Because it's pretty indefensible.

I'm never going to say "I have the money to buy a Lamborghini". I seriously doubt I'll ever have that much disposable cash. If I did have huge sums of cash, I would quite like to have a nice car, sure, maybe a couple of hundred thousand dollars cheaper than a lambo though. And I also wouldn't act like a dick and rev the engine while sitting at the lights, before trying to show off the 'raw power' of my manly machine. I don't see how people can justify that much money on a vehicle that has 2 seats and where 95% of its power is unusable due to it never being safe to drive at full speed. It's retarded.

Do I suppose then that you have bought a really expensive dick replacement car? Or do you just lust after them?

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

A10anis says...

>> ^spoco2:

That just makes me happy:
Dick who bought a lambo in the first place
Dick who thinks it's appropriate to give it some pedal going round a corner to show off why he spent so much money on a CAR
Dick smashes into other cars, causes no injuries, just VERY expensive damage to his car, and to others which he'll have to pay for.
Bravo sir, you've made me quite, quite happy.

Bravo Sir; Your comments clearly demonstrate that you are just a sad, jealous, guy. Let me guess your response; "I have the money to buy a lamborghini but don't want to look a dick." Yeah, sure. Here is a quote that may help you; "jealousy is the tribute those who haven't, pay to those who have."

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

Ryjkyj says...

That hurts.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love the Gallardo. It's one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen. And it's a crappy Lambo that's been redesigned by German engineers, so like they put it on Top Gear: "It's like a Lamborghini, but the air-conditioning works."

However, I love the fact that it's properly pronounced: "gay-ardo." I just picture all these macho dicks, driving around in their yellow sports car, showing off, yet trying desperately to ignore the fact that when they were at the dealership, everyone kept saying how great they would look, "In your new 'Gay-ardo!' That 'Gay-ardo' looks great on you! It's like the 'Gay-ardo' was made for you!"

In fact, I'd bet that at dealerships here in America, they're probably forbidden from using the proper pronunciation. Can't you just picture it? "I know guys, but if we pronounce it that way, we're never going to attract the macho-dickhead customers that keep us in business..."

Some guys will argue to the death about the proper pronunciation of "Jaguar", but there seems to be an unspoken agreement among most Lambo fans that a Gallardo is a "Gall-ardo".

I would've given anything if they drove by the accident in the video and said: "Man, that's a shame, it's such a beautiful 'Gay-ardo'." Of course, for all I know, the guy is comfortable in his sexuality, but I doubt it.

High speed police escort of foreign race cars

Sagemind says...

"A founding member of Driving Force Club, an elite New York City group of luxury sports car enthusiasts, bragged on Facebook about a "very fun" run last month with NFL running back Brandon Jacobs, who is wearing a New Jersey State Police vest.

The photo was posted March 30, the same day two State Police troopers allegedly escorted a caravan of luxury sports cars at speeds in excess of 100 mph down the Garden State Parkway to Atlantic City. The occupants included former Giants running back and sports car enthusiast Jacobs, according to a source with knowledge of the trip.

In the complaints, obtained by The Star-Ledger, witnesses said that in the early afternoon, they saw two State Police patrol cars with their emergency lights flashing driving in front of and behind the southbound caravan, which included dozens of Porsches, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and other vehicles, all with their license plates covered with tape."

Barseps (Member Profile)

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

HaricotVert says...

"Taken literally, the top 1 percent of American households had a minimum income of $516,633 in 2010 — a figure that includes wages, government transfers and money from capital gains, dividends and other investment income." -Washington Post

In the video, Romney and the interviewer are specifically using the term "millionaires," so I have to take their exchange at face value as meaning anyone with a net worth of at least 1 million dollars. They could have a salary of $1 for all I know, but somewhere they have assets and cash available to them summing to a million dollars.

I'd be envious of an income of $500,000 all the same, since I could become a millionaire in under 3 years by just continuing to live as I do now.

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^HaricotVert:
I should have clarified. The absolute definition of "millionaire" would describe anyone whose net worth is greater than $999,999.99. Many people who have barely over the $1,000,000 threshold lead rather reasonable lives, as in they don't drive Lamborghinis or own private islands or have yachts.

Surely a million doesn't get you into the 1%? Maybe in 1990.. At a guess I'd say you needed at least $5 million to qualify, no? And probably invested in a dozen properties so the 'envious' can pay off your mortgages..
Btw well done QM he's black and has big ears! Well spotted, again. Now let adults talk.

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^HaricotVert:

I should have clarified. The absolute definition of "millionaire" would describe anyone whose net worth is greater than $999,999.99. Many people who have barely over the $1,000,000 threshold lead rather reasonable lives, as in they don't drive Lamborghinis or own private islands or have yachts.

Surely a million doesn't get you into the 1%? Maybe in 1990.. At a guess I'd say you needed at least $5 million to qualify, no? And probably invested in a dozen properties so the 'envious' can pay off your mortgages..

Btw well done QM he's black and has big ears! Well spotted, again. Now let adults talk.

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

HaricotVert says...

I should have clarified. The absolute definition of "millionaire" would describe anyone whose net worth is greater than $999,999.99. Many people who have barely over the $1,000,000 threshold lead rather reasonable lives, as in they don't drive Lamborghinis or own private islands or have yachts.

The frugality of millionaires (and multi-millionaires) is explored and discussed in the book The Millionaire Next Door (first chapter available here), in which the authors Stanley and Danko collected data from a sample of 1100 millionaires and multi-millionaires. They apparently found common threads of "wealth accumulation" that allows people with strong salaries to put themselves over that million-dollar threshold over the course of years of saving and frugal living.

The short of it being that the vast majority of modest millionaires are not amoral hedge fund managers who lord his or her wealth over the hoi polloi. They're fastidious, industrious workers who have full-time jobs like me, although they typically get paid more (doctors, lawyers, etc.), have families and homes, and save a lot.

>> ^00Scud00:

>> ^HaricotVert:
It bears mentioning that most millionaires live very frugal lives themselves, anyhow.

I don't suppose you can cite any credible sources for that statement, and while we're at it, what's your definition of "frugal"?

My Fees are Hella High

Porksandwich says...

>> ^rgnjc:

Health insurance is clearly not the same as college. With higher education you volunteer to pay X amount of dollars to get an education per year that is optional. Considering there are literally thousands of options in this country to choose from, CHOOSE ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOUR BUDGET! Consider buying a car, certainly we all don't go out and buy lamborghini's...instead we buy Toyota Corolla's and Ford Focus's...something that is more fiscally realistic. I wouldn't go buy a lamborghini and have the gall to sit here and complain about the price when there are better options.
Health insurance is different, and I don't care to talk about that, that's not the point of this thread.

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^rgnjc:
IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE TUITION DON'T GO THERE! Find another school that fits your fiscal requirements, moron.

THIS! So succinct!
Hey, while I got ya here... It doesn't look like my medical insurance will pay even a third what they payed the first time, should I relapse. I'm not rich and, admittedly, I'm kind of a moron, so what should I do if that happens? Find another insurance company, or find another disease? Two seemingly impossible solutions... should I desire to live, but I just bet you can help me.

Except at some point, writing your degree on a paper napkin probably carries more weight that the low budget degrees. Or, I have 2 grand, my car options would be something that needs a lot of work and additional money invested or an extreme high mileage vehicle that has a good maintenance record but let's face it after some point on mileage maintenance or not something is going to happen...severity dependant. Or I borrow or otherwise go beyond my means in hopes that it will give me a reliable car that will get me to where I want to go but have no warranty, and then the transmission goes out and the dealership wants nearly what the car is worth to fix it. So I face having no car or going even further beyond my means to hopefully continue to keep my reliable car on track and get my invested money back out of it. I think that more accurately represents the school situation for that guy. You can't just go to another school and hope they transfer every credit 1:1....depending on where you are in your degree you might get boned out of many credits you otherwise would have kept had you not switched schools/programs.

And I'd argue the "optional" portion of a higher education when jobs that SHOULDNT require them, do. It's either tradeschool or college unless you like digging ditches, collecting trash or some other unskilled workforce area. And that's not a bash on those jobs, in fact I think most of those unskilled jobs should pay more than a teachers salary...because a lifetime of those utterly destroys your body. Be lucky if you don't need back surgery by 50 if you do hard manual labor from 18 on up.

My Fees are Hella High

rgnjc says...

Health insurance is clearly not the same as college. With higher education you volunteer to pay X amount of dollars to get an education per year that is optional. Considering there are literally thousands of options in this country to choose from, CHOOSE ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOUR BUDGET! Consider buying a car, certainly we all don't go out and buy lamborghini's...instead we buy Toyota Corolla's and Ford Focus's...something that is more fiscally realistic. I wouldn't go buy a lamborghini and have the gall to sit here and complain about the price when there are better options.

Health insurance is different, and I don't care to talk about that, that's not the point of this thread.

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^rgnjc:
IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE TUITION DON'T GO THERE! Find another school that fits your fiscal requirements, moron.

THIS! So succinct!
Hey, while I got ya here... It doesn't look like my medical insurance will pay even a third what they payed the first time, should I relapse. I'm not rich and, admittedly, I'm kind of a moron, so what should I do if that happens? Find another insurance company, or find another disease? Two seemingly impossible solutions... should I desire to live, but I just bet you can help me.

Building A Miniature V-12 Engine From Scratch.

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