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How Amazon May Monopolize ALL Of Retail - Nerdwriter

notarobot says...

@shagen454, You're on to something about the nature of the future of economics, and also society through the 1% vs. the 99%. You're not wrong that a lot of *money has made it's way to the top, and is staying there.

But it wasn't always this way.

In his film, Inequality For All, Robert Reich points out that during the time of great prosperity in the US (1947-1977) inequality was low, and taxes on the wealthy were much higher than they are today.

A correlation of the effect this was how marketing was thought of. In CBC's "Under The Influence" episode on The World of Business-To-Business Advertising they point out that B2B marketing used to be the boring place that nobody in advertising really wanted to work, but now B2B marketing is surging.

The CBC radio show doesn't get into asking why that changed, but through the lens of modern economics it isn't hard to see. B2B marketing used to be boring because with low inequality, consumers--*working people*--had all the money. Now, with high inequality, consumers are broke, and all that money is just flowing among corporations, never really trickling more than a few breadcrumbs upon the serfs.

This has deep impacts on society and politics, especially in a land where "money is speech" and all the money is just passed between a few companies and their owners. This means that in the US, there are as few as 144,000 people who have enough "speech" (meaning money) that their voice actually matters, as is pointed out by Lawrence Lessig.


--Robert Reich --

--Lawrence Lessig--

How Amazon May Monopolize ALL Of Retail - Nerdwriter

eric3579 says...

Dave Chappelle on Martin Lawrence and Hollywood Culture

eric3579 says...

Here is the full interview. The best Inside the Actors Studio ever done(imo).

Adam Ruins Everything - Why the Internet is Good for Society

notarobot says...

I use the intertubes for.....

The Shocking Way Private Prisons Make Money

eric3579 says...


enoch (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Not very bright though, we clever monkeys

enoch said:

look at those clever,clever monkeys!

Nicole Kidman & Jimmy Fallon - Part 2

eric3579 says...

The first part

Bernie Sanders: Now More Than Ever, It's Our Revolution

notarobot says...

If the "Liberal Elite" within the Democratic Party hadn't been so pigheaded and worked against Bernie at every turn, and maybe accepted him as a candidate, then maybe this interview would be with President Sanders.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz being immediately appointed to the head of Clinton's campaign after the Wikileaks revealed how she was undermining Sanders behind the scenes showed just how out of touch the party had become. Without realizing it, the "Liberal Elite" of the Democratic Party chose Trump to become the next president.

Meanwhile, Lawrence Lessig---who was running on the single most important issue facing American Democracy today---couldn't even get on the ballot during the primaries.

Who should be the next President of the United States of America (USA)? (User Poll by ant)

notarobot says...


Exurb1a - The Term Paper

oritteropo says...

It has a similar sentiment to

The relevent part starts at 1:09:

Some time in the next ten thousand years
A comet's gonna wipe out all trace of Man
I'm banking on it coming before
My end of year exam

eric3579 said:

exurb1a never disappoints

Store Cat Food vs Homemade

oritteropo says...

I'm pretty sure Kohaku the cat enjoys watching him cook, too. He even goes shopping with Jun by bicycle:

rancor said:

Or it's a fun hobby for someone who enjoys cooking?

How the Mona Lisa became so overrated

eric3579 says...

Or is it overrated?

The Conspiracy Behind Your Glasses

notarobot says...

*Promote the knowledge of Luxottica's anti-competitive behavior.

An alternative is these guys:

Some more suggestions in the other video about this:


Hillary Clinton stumbles leaving the 911 memorial

notarobot says...

There's additional comments on the related video here:

One theory is that she could be showing signs of Parkinson's Disease:

Payback said:

That doesn't look good. Almost like she's been drugged or is drunk. Stroke?

Hillary Clinton appears to faint stumble during 911 Memorial

notarobot says...

Of course, the other theory is that she might be showing signs of Parkinson's disease...

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