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Johnny Depp Cursing And Acting Weird While Presenting Award

Johnny Depp Cursing And Acting Weird While Presenting Award

Johnny Depp Cursing And Acting Weird While Presenting Award

Johnny Depp Cursing And Acting Weird While Presenting Award

Thug Life: Golf

Sagemind (Member Profile)

Betty White & Johnny Carson - Adam and Eve

Glen Campbell - I'm Not Gonna Miss You


Ten Second Songs - Linkin Park in 20 styles

Automata trailer

LiquidDrift says...

Interesting you mention Anathem - it reminded me a lot of Asimov style classic sci-fi. Great book.

Ditto on Sprawl Trilogy, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Johnny Mnemonic movie. That could have been done so well, but ughh.

I would like to see Neuromancer done by Christopher Nolan. After Inception, he might be able to pull it off. On the other hand, that being my favorite book ever, I'd probably hate any movie of it.

AeroMechanical said:

Yeah, I agree exactly. As a somewhat related example, I just finished reading Anathem by Neal Stephenson. In truth, it could actually make a pretty interesting and exciting sci-fi film, but it would lose virtually everything that made it a good novel (for the most part, Stephenson can get a little self-indulgent in his dialog). If you took the roughly 1000 page long book, and stripped out everything you couldn't put in a film without it becoming extraordinarily long and tedious, you'd maybe be left with about 150 pages. It could be a great film, and it would fit the three act motif, but it just wouldn't be Anathem.

That's sort of what led me to think of Neuromancer. There's lots of good, heady sci-fi there, but it's all expressed in events, action, and good but concise dialog (and there are, quite distinctly, three acts). Like all adaptations, sure some things would be lost, but the important concepts would still be there. Anathem, on the other hand, would just be a superficial event-driven story. Similarly, Snow Crash would just come across as ridiculous (though I'd be interested to see what Terry Gilliam could do with it).

IXION Windowless Jet Concept

serosmeg says...

It wouldn't look like that. Thats not how perspective works. If you are standing at one of the the plane looking down the hall it would look correct to you, but the person sitting at a window at the other end would just see a skewed image, or vice versa. Unless the "Parallax Barrier" would produce a head tracking image with correct perspective for each individual passenger, this is just a novelty.

This was demo'd by Johnny Lee
in 2007. How has no one gone further with this yet?

Automata trailer

billpayer says...

Yes, that was an awful film. After reading your post it occurred to me that Transcendence without Johnny Depp (or any other love interest / human A.I. component) might actually have worked...

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Looks good. Though after Transcendence I've lost faith in Hollywood getting complicated modern science and ethics right.

The Gentleman's Wager - A Classy Commercial

99 Voodoo Problems - Jay Z + Jimi Hendrix

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