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Jimmy Kimmel: Guillermo Crashes Matt Damon Interview

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jimmy kimmel, guillermo, matt damon, interview' to 'jimmy kimmel, guillermo rodriguez, matt damon, interview' - edited by xxovercastxx

Blurred Lines (uncensored)

lucky760 says...

@Yogi - I use the term "supermodel" for want of a better term, but @Lann hit the nail on the head.

My comment wasn't as much about her beauty, which is definitely debatable, as much as how her body is unrealistic from every angle and and her facial features seem sculpted. Her body and face look like they could only have been constructed in Photoshop or on a plastic surgeon's table, but it seems she just hit the genetic lottery (in the category of aesthetics at least).

I really like the style of the video; I love how it feels so 80s. I'd never heard the song or seen the video before seeing the original version (before Jimmy Kimmel was edited out):

Kimmel's Rob Ford cracking Toronto tourism campaign spoof ad

Kimmel's Rob Ford cracking Toronto tourism campaign spoof ad

The Daily Show sums up Rob Ford for the world.

Confusing Question[s] of the Day - Obama, IRS, and Benghazi

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Jimmy Kimmel, confusion, Obama, IRS, Benghazi, Solyndra, boobs' to 'Jimmy Kimmel, confusion, Obama, IRS, Benghazi, Solyndra, boobs, jkl' - edited by lucky760

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #4

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #4

News anchors first words on his first day are F bombs!

Krupo (Member Profile)

Harrison Ford Won't Answer Star Wars Questions

Have You Ever Texted a Naked Picture of Yourself?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Jimmy Kimmel Live, texting, sexting, naked' to 'Jimmy Kimmel Live, Pedestrian Question, texting, sexting, naked, photo' - edited by calvados

Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions

robbersdog49 says...

There's a Jimmy Kimmel video floating around where he talks about the british kid who sold his app to yahoo for $30,000,000. He then goes out and asks a load of teenagers what their greatest achievement is. They give various inane responses as you would expect and Kimmel says he no longer has faith in the kids as the future of the nation.

Kids like this turn all that on it's head.

The kid who sold his app, well great. He's loaded but he hasn't really made a difference. Richard Turere will have a major effect on the lives of thousands of his countrymen. He will have saved the lives of the villagers, their cattle and the endangered lions. Now that's a major lifetime achievement and he's only thirteen. He had virtually no resources and won't have had much if any formal education and yet he's made a real difference.

Kids like this are the real future of not only their town or nation but the world. Imagine what a kid like this could do with the resources available to the typical western teen.

Zero Dark Fiddy

Jimmy Kimmel's You Tube Challenge - Bad Valentine Gifts

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