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Worst Self Defense Technique: Jellyfish

Worst Self Defense Technique: Jellyfish

Worst Self Defense Technique: Jellyfish

KnivesOut says...

If you push your palm into someones mouth and into their nose like that, in a quick jabbing motion, you have a good chance of killing them, at least that's what I've been led to believe.

The first jellyfish might be the only one you need.

Worst Self Defense Technique: Jellyfish

residue says...

everybody that's pissing that this wouldn't hurt needs to be on the receiving end of it before they say it's ineffective. Try a full open palm slap on the side of the head and tell me you aren't dazed for long enough to get your ass handed to you in the aftermath.

It just sounds retarded when he says "you're here, jellyfish, jellyfish"

That being said, I'd be surprised if you could get the first jellyfish in on the block... If the haymaker was at full speed you'd never be able to "jellyfish" it unless you knew 100% that it was coming and they gave you time to prepare... Even if you knew, I don't see that being particularly effective in the circumstance. The head one is alright though

Long Gone - Music video

indonesian mimic octopus immitates banded sea snake

BicycleRepairMan says...

Found this more detailed description on Youtube:

Thaumoctopus mimicus. This fascinating creature was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia, the mimic octopus is the first known species to take on the characteristics of multiple species. This octopus is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, brittle stars, giant crabs, sea shells, stingrays, jellyfish, sea anemones, and mantis shrimp. This animal is so intelligent that it is able to discern which dangerous sea creature to impersonate that will present the greatest threat to its current possible predator. For example, scientists observed that when the octopus was attacked by territorial damselfishes, it mimicked the banded sea snake, a known predator of damselfishes.

Chomsky says pick the lesser of two evils

chilaxe says...

>> ^imstellar28:
>> ^imstellar28:
i've seen more spines in jellyfish, noam.

either of you two (gwiz, johnald) care to explain why you downvoted this? am i not allowed to state facts lyrically or was this a strictly biological criticism?
choosing the lesser of two evils is undeniably cowardly. here is an explicit example which proves this: someone walks up to you with a gun and says "i'm going to kill your wife or your son, make a choice" what would you call the person who complies and picks either? a coward? what do you call the person who refuses to make a choice, and instead trys to tackle the gunmen? brave? exactly. please try to argue otherwise

Your logical experiment assumes success where the historical record shows failure.

The last two third party candidates, Nader and Ross Perot, simply ruined it for their party, allowing Bill Clinton to take the presidency from the Republicans, and allowing Bush to take the presidency from the Democrats.

Bravado is tempting, but not always rational.

Chomsky says pick the lesser of two evils

imstellar28 says...

>> ^imstellar28:
i've seen more spines in jellyfish, noam.

either of you two (gwiz, johnald) care to explain why you downvoted this? am i not allowed to state facts lyrically or was this a strictly biological criticism?

choosing the lesser of two evils is undeniably cowardly. here is an explicit example which proves this: someone walks up to you with a gun and says "i'm going to kill your wife or your son, make a choice" what would you call the person who complies and picks either? a coward? what do you call the person who refuses to make a choice, and instead trys to tackle the gunmen? brave? exactly. please try to argue otherwise

Chomsky says pick the lesser of two evils

Growing Nerve Cells

MycroftHomlz says...

My old roommate is working on stem cells in muscle tissue. It should be in PNAS in a couple weeks, as well.

This really was a great nobel prize. The applications as a result of this work have been so far reaching it is truly amazing. For those of you who don't know, Shimomura found that certain proteins in jellyfish glow under UV radiation. Then I think Martin figured out how to tag other proteins, in such a way as to tell us where specific proteins are located in the cell. Location and function are closely related in the cell, and this has allowed biologists to determine the function of many proteins and what are termed pathways.

It is probably one of the most significant discoveries of our time.

Youdiejoe's latest: "Jellies", at the Long Beach Aquarium

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'youdiejow, jellies, macro, hd, jellyfish, long beach, aquarium' to 'youdiejoe, jellies, macro, hd, jellyfish, long beach, aquarium' - edited by youdiejoe

Everybody Poops

kronosposeidon says...

When I was in college I learned from my biology teacher that jellyfishes don't possess anuses, and because of that they poop from their mouths. What's my point? That things could be worse, in theory. If jellyfishes did MTV programming, imagine how bad it would be? In other words, the same.

Epileptic friendly video site (Humanitarian Talk Post)

Proof of Creationism!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Listen arsenault185> We didnt just evolve along with apes and primates. We ARE apes and primates.

Chimpanzees and Gorillas share ancestors, they are two different apes. Humans and Chimps share ancestors, we are two different kinds of ape. We have a very good understanding of this, and the "missing link" myth is a leftover from Darwins days, since then, we have not only found hundreds of "missing links" between ourselves and our ancestors, but we have done something much better: we have discovered, and even mapped, our DNA. Genetics doesnt just prove beyond any doubt that we are related to other apes, it shows exactly HOW we are related to them, we know that chimpanzees are our closest living non-human relative, and our common ancestor lived 6 million years ago, our shared ancestor with gorillas lived 7 million years ago, then Orangutangs at 14 Million years ago...

We separated from..
Gibbons 18 million years ago
old world monkeys>25 million years ago
new world monkeys, 40 million years ago
Tarsiers, 58 million years ago
Lemurs 63 million years ago

Lemurs are our most distant primate relative, but it doesnt stop there..

180 million years ago we share ancestors with every living mammal, 680 million years ago, we separated from jellyfish.., and finally 3.5 billion years ago, our common ancestor with ALL LIVING THINGS lived. we know this because every living animal, insect, fish and plant share the same traces of DNA. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

lewis black - nuclear fxxk holocaust

dannym3141 says...

To avoid making this into more of a rant;
1) thanks(?) for calling me a fool. the "mustard gas" example was only for when you are inside your car. i'll change the sentence structure to better reflect that.
2) it's not a fruitless piece of advice to assuage your fears, it is feasible, whereas "duck and cover" isn't (i'm vaguely remembering that this is advice for nuclear attacks?)
3) if a jellyfish stings you, you apply urine to the sting. not ideal, but the alternative is taking the pain. duct tape isn't ideal, but the alternative is dying immediately.

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