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How Not to Pull a Jeep from the Mud

How Not to Pull a Jeep from the Mud

Payback says...

Is this an attempt to remove the jeep from a concrete-like substance? I note nobody is even remotely sinking into the "mud" on foot anywhere near it. Looks like they came back after the ground dried out.

I saw this wicked rescue setup once. It basically was a crane they assembled on site, using those three-sided trusses people use for radio towers, and would lift the vehicle mostly up out of the mud instead of just drag it sideways.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

How Not to Pull a Jeep from the Mud

newtboy says...

There was no way that was going to go simply don't winch from the side. The best they could hope for was to tip it on it's side in the mud (not sure how that would help).
This is what happens when you don't attach your roll cage to the frame, it can rip right off the frame (with or without the body going with it). I actually expected it to roll over, ripping off the suspension, leaving the axles stuck in the mud and the rest of the Jeep upside down.

Her Neighbor got a New Car - It Blows Flames.

newtboy says...

I can agree with that, but it's also sacrilegious to drive one in your neighborhood. I mean, I can run my Jeep with open headers and be a loud obnoxious dickhead that sets off car alarms as I pass too, but why? No problem with this on the track, at the show, or in his garage, but on the street it's not just obnoxious, it's dangerous...I'm certain that is loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage to anyone on the sidewalk or in the street...and that's bad...MmmmmK?

Chairman_woo said:

You don't put a muffler on a 1500HP (ish) Merlin/Meteor engine man, it's sacrilegious!

I'm sure that's one of the ten commandments.... (if not it was clearly an oversight on God's part)

The Ultimate Off-Road Camper Trailer

Far Cry 3: WTF?

Canadian Drive-by: Good Guy Motorcycle Rider

Buck says...

I've seen some great "good deeds by Canadians". hell I used to drive a Jeep and in the winter I could go anywhere but would be tired at the end of the day from pushing peoples cars out of snowbanks.

I've seen many come out to push someone elses car that died.
I even stopped on a busy highway (scary and dangerous) to let a guy use my phone.

But I've seen more kind acts than I've done myself.

We Canadians don't just have big dicks you know, we have heart.

How Germans on the Autobahn React to Ambulance Siren

shatterdrose says...

*sigh* If only we could do that here. I've pulled over for ambulances only to have the car behind me dash around me suddenly and head-on into the ambulance. Right in front of the hospital too. You'd think that medical looking think on the back of my Jeep would be a giveaway that I might actually pull over. Guess not.

Getting Chased by a Giraffe

Giraffe Attacks Tourists

chingalera says...

"...was believed to have a hormonal imbalance which triggered the attack"

They must have done some blood work from the jeep

"I've often wondered what a bull-giraffe's hoof stamping on my skull would feel like darling, let's holiday in Chad shall we, and find out!?"

Sand Dune Jump Fail

Fail Compilation January 2013 || TNL

One Jeep for the price of two !

Winter is here, and here is your soundtrack to it.

Xaielao says...

I live in upstate NY. We get tuns of ice and snow most winters. I normally drive a Subaru, but I keep an oldish jeep specifically for winter. Moral of the story: If you live in the north.. either buy a car just for winter or a good all-year car and avoid Minis, Fiats, what have you! At the very least put like 6 bags of salt in your trunk for extra weight.

It's almost as bad as people in states that get a lot of ice but little snow in the winter. Drive down an interstate and see someone every three miles fly into the ditch because they were driving 90 miles an hour in sleet.

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