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Kung Fu Sex--uh, it is NOT safe for work

Hardest Video Game Ever?

Mezzanine says...

Most of what the enemies say is nonsense. For example, one of them says "mudamudamuda!", from Jojo ("Za Warudo!"), and the cloud says "Yum!". The flagpole says "bee!", like "beam".

When the player gets the mushrooms, he says "Yuck!". He mostly says things like "Ugh" or something similar... he also says "u-ho!", a line from that gay manga ("yaranaika").

Enemy: "It's the difference in ability..."
Enemy: "Nima nima" (?)
Enemy: "I'm strong! I'm invincible!"
Enemy: "Go home!"
Enemy: "Tera yowasu" - "tera" being a recent buzzword meaning "super" (mega, giga, tera), and "yowai" meaning "weak"
Enemy: "Poo! hehehe"
Helmet Enemy: "Iron wall! Therefore, invincible!"

Super Mario 3 - NES - Time Attack

my15minutes (Member Profile)

boombap says...

ha, no problem, I'm no vote vigilante. Keep up the posts!

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
ha! no, no. music (and comedy) are both far too subjective a thing, for me to think anything like that.

and aye, those words be immortal, indeed, boombap. thanks for not downvoting it.

In reply to this comment by boombap:
Why are you the first? It might have something to do with this song being, in the immortal words of Kriss Kross, "wiggity wiggity wiggity wack."

But then again I'm not cool enough for indie rock so...

boombap (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

ha! no, no. music (and comedy) are both far too subjective a thing, for me to think anything like that.

and aye, those words be immortal, indeed, boombap. thanks for not downvoting it.

In reply to this comment by boombap:
Why are you the first? It might have something to do with this song being, in the immortal words of Kriss Kross, "wiggity wiggity wiggity wack."

But then again I'm not cool enough for indie rock so...

bamdrew (Member Profile)

The best way to ruin your jeep

Alak says...

Its the the Jeep Logo Tusker. Much like the Superman Symbol on t-shirts, it gives the aura of invincibility. Many drivers and pedestrians alike have fallen from the strange effects.

call for mutual love: comic books (Blog Entry by smibbo)

K0MMIE says...

Comics!? Did someone say comics!? Oh hell yes I love me some comics... ok favorite Trades? Ok. Preacher was excellent, you like Garth Ennis? Hmm, well I am huge on super heroes mostly but let me give you a list of some of my favorites:

Ok Hellblazer is definently up there, specifically the Garth Ennis, Brian Azurello, Warren Ellis, and Alan Moore runs. You can find a list here:

Ok I'll keep going I have nothing else to do:

Exterminators Volume 1,2, and 3 by Simon Oliver
The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman
Invincible (Read the first 3 trades, if you're not hooked somethings wrong with you!)

If you've never read the Watchmen, I would get that next, that book is so important to comic book readers its not funny. Alan Moore's finest work.

I'd also reccommend picking up the Ed Brubaker Captain America run, it's fantastic.

Brian K. Vaughn's first 3 volumes of Run Aways is spectacular.

The Mark Millar Spider-Man Marvel Knights has 4 volumes that are really quite good.

Try the Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon, that is a a great book too.

Also try Ultimates 1 and Ultimates 2 (each has 2 trades) the art is spectacular and the modern day avengers story is great.

Also I am a huge Warren Ellis fan, so here is some great stuff:
Next Wave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Volume 1 & 2
Desolation Jones
Planetary (He didn't do all of em, so start at the beginning)

Also I would highly reccommend you read The Authority, check amazon start at the beginning, and I dare you not to love it. I would recommend this next since you just finished Preacher and this book is so epic in nature. Just wait till you get to the trade where they fight God.

Hope this helps!

Kiai Master Gets Owned

ridesallyridenc says...

Funny. I wonder if his students all believed that they were actually being manipulated by his chi, or if they were just playing along. I also wonder if his students were playing along for so long that the master actually started to believe he was invincible. Kind of like the tent revivals where the preacher drops the whole crowd with the waive of a hand - because they all want to believe they can be dropped with the waive of a hand. Groupthink reinforcing groupthink.

Either way, you could tell he wasn't used to being hit...

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) Banned Looney Toons

quantumushroom says...

However, if a ten-year old or quantummushroom is watching this clip, it probably just seems like an awesome piece of truthful Spike & Mike.

The cartoon is a piece of Americana from the 1940s. That's the way White Americans at the time viewed Black people and there's nothing anyone can do about it now except learn from it.

In real-life, which this website is not, I'm a harmless little fuzzball whose opinions and ideas are only dangerous to humorless ideologues and busybodies. No one here especially gives a damn about me, nor would I expect them to, but if certain members feel the need to pin all things racist on me to feel better about themselves, that's their problem, not mine. They don't have a case, and my time is too precious to waste on their invincible ignorance and hardened opinions. Doesn't mean I'm not up for a good old-fashioned debate, and some that "hate" me have been quite civil.

I've had my run-in with the Thought Police around here already, those who have taken high moral ground on a website built mostly on the theft of copyrighted materials, whether or not for personal gain or profit. As a willing participant of this site, I'm no less guilty just because I'm not the one soliciting the ads and writing the code, but for the record I'm merely unimpressed with those who have passed judgment on me.

Try harder or not at all.

Sniper's Bullet Comes Frighteningly Close

Knife fight training video - Don't get into a knife fight

conan says...

i want to stretch that warning quantummushroom gave. disturbing images ahead...

This video disguises itself as a warning, but i think it´s made by some freaks just to show how invincible they think they are with their knives. I think the music chosen strengthens my opinion.

I hate it.

Super Mario Bros (original) Completed in 5 Minutes

BeanThere says...

Not impressive at all. Do it without making yourself invincible. If I turn on the cheat codes to the original Prince of Persia, I can beat it in like 10 seconds. whoopty doo.

UNKLE: Rabbit in Your Headlights (featuring Radiohead's Thom Yorke; directed by Jonathan Glazer)

dotdude says...

When interviewed, the French actor, who stars in the video, says he was asked to mumble numbers as if he is working out a mathematical formula in his head. The formula is for “invincibility.” The Palm Pictures DVD, "The Work of Director Jonathan Glazer," highlights Glazer music videos – including this one - and commercials. This music video may make you wince, but hang on for the finish.

Glazer has directed the movies “Sexy Beast” and “Birth.”

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