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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Jeffry Clark’s home was just raided by federal agents looking for Jan 6 coup related documents. In case you forgot, Clark is the lackey that sent fake fraudulent letters to Georgia telling their election officials the outright lie that the DOJ was investigating voter fraud in Georgia and they shouldn’t certify their results, and the guy Trump tried to install as the head of the DOJ when AG Jeff Rosen refused to help with the coup.

He was an environmental lawyer with little experience when tapped by Trump to lead the DOJ civil division (in an effort to shield Trump from civil cases).

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

Not if you excuse the invasion and takeover because they were DUE reparations, or even because they were fleeing the Nazis. I think reparations were due….by Germany, not Palestine.
Palestine paid them…and continues to pay them today.
It’s not feasible today, but it was directly after WW2, and that’s what we should have supported, even enforced.

Do you deny a massive influx of Jewish illegal immigrants invited by those who had been generously granted asylum? Do you deny they had the intent to take the land by force for a Jewish state? Do you deny most came after the war ended so weren’t fleeing war or Nazis? If not, where’s the disagreement? If so, citations please.

If they came illegally, absolutely, I object. If they came secretly intending to take the land of their benefactors by force, absolutely, I object. It was mostly in the later 40’s btw, largely AFTER the war ended. They weren’t fleeing Nazi persecution then.
Yes, when you come against the wishes of the local government intending to depose it, install your own, and expel the natives, that’s called invasion. That’s their history.

If I invite a refugee to live in my yard, and they invite their family, neighbors, and groups of armed militants who steal my house, land, and property and put me on skid roe, and the police turn a blind eye, even supporting the squatters because they’ve had it hard lately, do you think I have a right to get my friends to try to remove them, even if I wasn’t prepared to fight to the death unarmed and alone against their mob? If I do, do you still call me the aggressor? Come on. Don’t ignore the primary original crime that precipitated 70 years of atrocities.

Israel declared war by becoming a state by stealing one. I find it bullshit to blame the Palestinians neighbors for supporting their neighbor against a massive invasion and land grab by foreigners. Again, like Mexicans taking Texas back and you complaining if we tried to keep it, especially if we asked our Allie’s for help. Utter nonsense.

The Jewish people had already invaded and expelled the natives, removing all rights from any remaining. The two state solution = just go ahead and keep Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah because there’s already illegal immigrants there, in a few years you can have Kansas and Nevada, then keep expanding….those people are currently in Texas at this time. Again, you ignore the invasion, land theft, and expulsion to pretend Israel was already there…nonsense again.

Yes, it took more force to keep it from the armies of the allies of Palestine than it did to steal it from the recently liberated colony of Palestine that had no military. Duh.

What I see differently is I don’t ignore or forget the violent forced invasion by the Jewish zionists, nor the expulsion, theft from, and dehumanization of the natives, I don’t blame the natives for attempting to regain their ancestral home or properties that the Jewish state outright stole, nor do I ignore the horrific conditions those same people and their descendants have lived under for 70 years, constantly invaded further, no travel allowed, no imports, no water, no medicine, no weapons but treated like the aggressors and the criminal invaders for attempting to fight for THEIR OWN LAND, kept in shrinking ghettos, treated as sub humans to be exterminated, exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews but on a national level.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

Republicans are perpetrators of near 100% of election fraud….and claim to be the only ones who care about it….what improvements to election systems or increased punishments for those committing vote fraud have they made to curb this anti democracy anti America issue with their party?


A: none, they’ve blocked any legislation proposed to secure elections and made them less secure by installing crazed partisan criminals as clerks who tamper with and steal voting machines making them invalid for use, costing millions and compromising what little election security existed.

Edit: The Republicans ACTUALLY control all three branches in multiple states, but haven’t done a thing to secure the election system (vote ID doesn’t address any of the fraud actually found, eliminating vote by mail might, but for the few (all Republican) fraudulent vote attempts it might stop it disenfranchises exponentially more legal voters…literally millions of legal voters.). No Republican state legislature has put a paper trail in place for electronic voting, nor have they increased the punishment for vote fraud. Why is that Bob?


Democrats have taken steps to curb mass shootings…limiting clip size, ammo purchasing, private gun sales, testing requirements to concealed carry, barring violent felons and violent mentally ill people and (temporarily) people with active restraining orders against them from gun ownership, etc on state levels, the only place Republicans can’t just block any attempted legislation without even reading it first.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats control all 3 branches. What improvement have they made to curb this issue?

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

More pure projection.

The right is screaming about the leak and not their theft of women’s rights by hook and crook because they don’t want the credit for this horrifically unpopular power grab by a severe minority, because it will lose you the midterm by a landslide, and for no other reason.

Hilarious you try to argue it’s because you strong gun toting Mericans are terrified of some soy boys standing on their sidewalks and chanting “no”. Cowards.

The left doesn’t try to kidnap representatives to blackmail the government into change, they don’t harass school shooting victims until they have to move a dozen times because a gay frog opponent told them it’s a lie.

The right are purely criminal, uncivil, racist, and completely insane liars that commit ACTUAL violent crimes constantly, like bombings, shootings, kidnappings, government building takeovers (not just surrounding them, but breaking in intending to hurt the occupants), false flag murders (even of police), (fake) terrorist anthrax attacks, mail bombings, ransacking, sometimes kidnapping officials, etc.
point to some current Democrats convicted…even just charged with armed kidnapping of a governor, or seditious insurrection. You can’t unless you make them up.

The left is civil, far too civil with the cheating treasonous violent racist thugs that comprise the right. We should be shooting you in the streets like republicans do to protesters. We should be holding closed door sessions with no republicans to write laws and pass them with no bipartisanship, like Republicans. If we didn’t have a 48-52 minority, maybe they would.

When have Democrats had 60% of both houses and the presidency? Never, you bold faced liar and loud know nothing fool.

Yes, when those 2 seats were STOLEN bu Republicans they saw this day coming, so asked each nominee about it, and they all indicated they had no plan to change the law, it was settled, reaffirmed precedent, the strongest kind of law besides an amendment, with constitutional interpretations supporting them. With no new evidence, no new science, based on religious misinterpretation, they tossed that in the garbage for politics…the respect for and honor of the court went with it.

Democrats do not have a majority because Manchin and Senema aren’t Democrats, they are bought and paid for Republicans. It’s shocking they haven’t been thrown out of the party…a true shameful mark on the Democrats.
I would point out, when Republicans had a majority in both houses and the whitehouse, they didn’t fund Trump’s fence.

They should remove (with extreme prejudice) Manchin and Senema, replace them, remove the filibuster, then add 5 seats to the courts…next month….republicans had control fully in 2016 and failed to make that illegal, major error of the Republican Party, totally fair play. No whining like a bitch when they do.

No, we didn’t lose any argument, nor was it fair and square. Republicans abused their power to steal the court control, installed multiple activist judges who rule based on religion, not law or science, and its going to cost them.

Such lies. You really have severe brain damage and zero honesty. List where you can get an abortion until birth. *crickets*.
Republicans just believe their right to kill you begins at birth.

Again, despite Republican representatives being actual murderers, terroristic anti American seditionists that tried to burn the capitol, and many are actual charged child rapists and sex traffickers, you call Democrats those things with zero charges filed, no instances to point to, no pending investigations, nor any evidence….because you are nothing but an insane liar, Bob. A worthless treasonous liar and likely child abuser based on what you’ve told me about your alleged children (but you’re such a liar I don’t believe you actually have any because you said you do…and if you do, you admitted that they have serious mental issues from living with you)

You’re just a liar spouting nonsense bob. Why are you so dishonest and uncivil?
I’m uncivil with you because I can’t stand liars or insane narcissists.
Eat a bag of baby dicks you constant (but not consummate) liar.

bobknight33 said:

Of course the right is screaming who leaked and not Fuck yea we finally won because the right don't want leftest nut jobs circling this houses , business, etc and harass the shit out of them. The left are un civil.

The democrat party has known this day would come. They had 50 years to codify abortion into law and didn't.

To make it worse Democrats saw this day of reckoning when the last SCOUS was appointed. Democrats won 2020 and had full control and did not push any law at the national level to make abortion legal . Major error of the Democrat party.

You lost the argument fair and square..
But at the state level you can keep on killing . and some even up until birth.

Democrats : The party of Death, Destruction, Debauchery,

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

The leak itself is newsworthy, but not 10% as newsworthy as what they leaked, which is proof that every single Republican Supreme Court judge lied outright under oath in their confirmation hearings when they all said “roe v wade is settled law and established precedent and will not be overturned by me”. The first chance they got, they took off that paper thin mask and revealed their agenda to legislate from the bench based on personal opinion not science, fact, or established law. They should ALL be impeached tomorrow for perjury during their sworn hearings.

Time to add 5 more liberal judges to the bench by June 1 and rehear the cases. It’s legal, and the only way to negate the liars, rapists, and religious zealots that Trump improperly installed by stealing two seats with McConnells help and filling a third with a drunk rapist. Turnabout is fair play.

MAY!? This IS the decision, they may rewrite the explanation slightly, but without a few assassinations, “accidents”, or criminal charges, this is how the vote will be reported next month, they already voted in Feb as I understand it, it’s just not official until it’s published but rarely are votes changed, and soon abortion will likely be 100% illegal in any state led by Republicans. Anybody know Barrett’s address? What about Kevanaugh? They, and any state representative voting against personal autonomy, should be doxed at every abortion clinic entrance so the now choice less women, many rape or incest victims, can make themselves martyrs and not just suicide statistics. There will be no exceptions now that they can write the laws that way.

We know this is a real draft because they instantly started looking for the “leaker”. You can’t “leak” a fake decision.

I hope women will start a sex strike in every red state. No nookie until they can control their own womb and it’s contents. It’s the ONLY logical move unless they want to be incubators with no autonomy.

Pretty certain that, if you disagreed with their decision, “wait and see” would not only be a terrible idea to you, it would also be an insult to your intelligence.

I’m petitioning Newsom to boycott any state enacting new laws restricting abortion, “new” meaning in the last decade. California does a shitload of business, we shouldn’t be doing it with states that are removing rights from women.

I just can’t fathom, with overpopulation being the root of all major problems humanity and the planet face, why so many idiots still think they should “be fruitful and multiply”, and should force that on their neighbors too. It’s the height of stupidity, and their children will pay the price for the lack of thought their parents put into the decision. We need to abort 9/10 embryos (or get 10 times better at stopping fertilization in the first place), not increase birth rates by double.

(Before you try the “but it’s murder” nonsense, legally and scientifically those things inside wombs aren’t people, and even if they WERE, one person cannot enslave another even in life or death situations. If they could, we would force live organ donations, transfusions, etc with the donor having no right to refuse.)

dogboy49 said:

Yes, they are talking about the leak. If you don't see how such a rare event (an entire draft SCOTUS opinion leaked to the press prior to actual release has NEVER happened before) is newsworthy, I don't know what to say.

I do imagine that it MAY also end up being a "potential massive victory", but it isn't right now. I see little point in speculating about what may happen, when there will be plenty of time to discuss the actual decision, once it has actually been released and becomes part of Federal jurisprudence.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops, sorry, the fake, slanted, taken out of context news organizations….those are all the news organization accounts on Trump’s Pravda Social.

They were caught over the weekend creating multiple fake accounts, with logos, pretending to be the exact news organizations Trump constantly called fake news like CNN. They created these fake accounts because looking like they had those news organizations on his platform made it seem a bit more legitimate. 8 days in and it’s already a total shit show of a propaganda website.

Also, security experts say stay as far away as possible, there’s no security on the site, and it likely installs all kinds of malware. It doesn’t actually work as a website yet because they seem to have stolen the code from Twitter but don’t actually know how to make it work, they can’t even get people signed up, and it’s already populated with mostly fake accounts….fake liberal accounts created by Trumpists to laugh at, fake Trumpist accounts created by liberals to fuck with the site from, fake accounts created by Russians to spread division and propaganda, and now fake accounts created by the creators to give their site credibility by riding the coattails of those “fake news” organizations and borrowing/stealing credibility from them.

bobknight33 said:

which is it...........
Fake slanted taken out of context news by your side of never Trumpers.

Omega Vintage Pocket Watch Restoration

Pence Finally Tells The Truth

noseeem says...

Can only guess what BK33's video is about. Seeing "T*****'s lawer" and the "Q" in the corner, is like being offered a cold sore lipped kiss.

I'll pass.

If it was something about '16 vs '20 - it's a poor point. No one died. People were unhappy but compliant. No one lied that the votes were tainted. '16 was far more sane and civil.


It was like a Prom fiasco where the frogs from the biology lab won both King and Queen. Just made a mockery of the Prom's First Dance.

All the more reason the objection(s) to the 2020 election was a travesty. 2016 installed one of the worst ever!

[Even ranked below a man that really never served. Man on his deathbed was considered a better President.]

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

Lol. Triggered much bob!?

Impossible to enlighten you, you live in the dark by choice.

No matter how often or how clearly I explain my feelings on Biden, 20 minutes later you will post “newt, you good think time Biden you boy good!? Explain why you love him. This is you choice?”

There’s no point explaining for a fifteenth time to a moron that can’t read my reply and can’t remember an answer for 3 minutes.


On the other hand, Trump IS 100% you(r) choice, despite all the lies, despite the massive failures on every front, despite adding 50%+ to the debt, despite the worst economy in history, despite being responsible for 750000 American deaths, despite the racist race baiting and scapegoating politics, dispite the most nepotistic administration ever, despite the dissolution of the union, despite letting Russia invade Crimea and murder their political enemies internationally without a word, despite dozens of failed attempts to subvert democracy, defraud an election, outright steal the presidency, use the military to seize voting machines and install fake electors to “elect” him, sell pardons, and despite his being best friends and a long time party partner with Epstein, filmed lecherously leering and gawking at children at multiple events including Maralago parties with just him, Jeff, and dozens of under age girls in attendance and no one else.

Yes, Bob. Biden is incredibly better than Trump, no comparison, it’s a mid level AAA ball player vs a cheater and loser at T-ball. It’s an old fashioned grandpa vs Charles Manson. He doesn’t have to be Hank Arron to be a massive improvement over a cheater who bats 000 and has 4217 errors in 4 seasons and no plays (but claims to be the best player ever).

Could you explain what positive traits you see in Trump? What success he had (without ignoring 2020)? In what way specifically was the nation better off Jan 19 2021 than it was in late 2016?

How are you going to answer with OAN going away? No more canned insane fact free answers for you to cut and paste.

bobknight33 said:

If you best idea is Obama marrying Biden clearly Dems are screwed.

OK @newtboy show me yet another of your pointless pedantic response on why Biden is so great. Enlighten me.

Biden press conference

newtboy says...

No, that was Trump’s policy. Officially recognize their military takeover of Crimea, and do nothing about Ukraine.

Biden isn’t doing what I think is right, installing American troops on the border and offering the full backing of the American military against invasion like we agreed to by nuclear disarmament treaty, but he’s threatening crushing sanctions with UN nation backing, an improvement over “whatever you want, honey.” that was Trump’s Russia policy.

Stop with the cut and paste laziness….or at least fix your multiple stupid fucking grammar mistakes and infantile chant. Sweet zombie Jesus, you’re insufferable.

bobknight33 said:


Sleepy Joe Russian policy ??? Let them invade Ukraine???
Is sleepy Joe in Putin's pocket????

This is you boy? This is you pick.

Lets Go Brandon.. RNC #1 salesmen of the year

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now Republicans in at least 5 states have been caught having submitted matching forged election documents, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona (twice), Wisconsin, and Michigan. These forgeries, complete with forged seals from their respective states, attempted to “certify” fraudulent electors from those states that intended to cast their electoral votes for Trump despite their states voting for Biden, that vote being certified, and the real electors being certified.
Pennsylvania too, but they didn’t try to claim they were the electors, they claimed they would be the electors if a court invalidated the election results….created at the direct personal request of the DJTrump campaign.

Jeff Clark, of the DOJ, drafted a letter telling states to hold off on certification because the DOJ was investigating election irregularities…..but they weren’t and the DOJ head, the AG, refused to sign off, so Trump accepted his resignation, the resignation of the assistant AG, and tried to install Clark so they could send this fraudulent letter about a non existent investigation of non existent election fraud. In that letter he referenced the “second set of electors” two weeks after these forgeries were submitted to congress and elsewhere but long before that was public knowledge.

Another few attempts by Republicans to subvert democracy.

Apparently Trump also flew the idea of having the national guard confiscate all voting machines and rerunning the election (until he won).

Why the entire party isn’t banned from holding office is beyond me, your representatives all undeniably violated (and continue to violate) section 3 of the 14th amendment, and you’ll never get 2/3 of congress to let that slide.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

For the few that weren’t directly involved in the failed coup, the “aid and comfort” clause covers their behavior since.

Top of Everest, so little room but so beautiful

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, duh Bob.
Trump polling at 36% was worse, so you just claimed fake polls. He inherited a strong robust economy, a system to protect from epidemics, far less debt and deficit, and no pandemic…no crisis. I don’t argue Biden’s popular, like you do Trump despite reality, I only argue he’s a vast improvement, the best that could be hoped for under the disastrous circumstances one Trump term put the nation in.

The people coming, largely Haitians, almost all say they’re coming because they saw American politicians say the American borders are open and accepting everyone. Those are Republicans saying that, lying to get their base riled up, but the Haitians living in South America don’t know that, they think they are being invited by the Republicans. Look into it, you’ll see that’s true if you do. Biden sent many back to Haiti, Trump liked to dump them back in Guatemala to try again.
This energy independence myth, just quit. We were not. There was a world wide oil glut in 2020 because the pandemic lowered demand so much suppliers actually gave it away at one point….that was not some genius Trump energy plan bearing fruit, it was the economy and industry collapsing thanks to an avoidable pandemic. As the economy recovers, so does demand but not production. You seem to want to blame Biden for basic economics.
My gas is the same as 2019+-$.25….you want to compare to 2020 because gas was cheap thanks to Covid. Yours might be more for some political reasons, like your unprotected pipeline got hacked by Russians, but you need to prove it, then prove Biden’s failure caused it, not just say it, and not by cutting and pasting some talking head’s opinion. My assessment is he’s improved security on infrastructure but I’m open to evidence to the contrary.

Lowering corporate tax rates didn’t lower unemployment significantly, it raised upper management compensation and corporate profits. Investing in infrastructure will.

That’s good you don’t want to debate more Covid deaths, because there’s more than enough blame for both sides even if you don’t look at 2020 that was all Republican stoked (anti mask, anti social distance, anti contact tracing). Keep in mind, since Jan, >90% of all cases are in the intentionally unvaccinated population, almost 100% of deaths, and remember who they are and who they follow…not Biden. Covid deaths this year are nearly 100% caused by political division and misinformation created and spread by one political side. Guess which. That’s not to say Biden’s perfect, he should have implemented vaccine mandates Jan 21, no exemptions without permanent quarantine, what was needed to stop more deaths by stupidity, but he doesn’t have the balls for dictating. You should be so grateful for that.

Blaming the Chinese without proof, or even evidence they are to blame, just supposition, is outrageously dangerous and provocative. Accusing them of creating and releasing it on purpose….against themselves….is simply asinine and proof you aren’t thinking for yourself or at all.

Mid terms always go to those not in power, so yes, 2022 will likely return congress to partial Republican control, which you will call a massive mandate against Biden unlike when it happened in 2018 and you just whined that it’s unfair.

>26% of Americans are Republicans. The rest are what you call socialist communists because you don’t know what those words mean. Your party does not represent your (alleged) country….and is shrinking. Democrats aren’t even my party, they are just the only achievable adversaries to the madness of the right at this point in time. Given a better option, I would jump….you can’t say the same. You’re deep in the death cult of personality the Right has become…a true believer.

Biden got money no president in my lifetime has to invest in America. Bridges, Roads, Airports, New water systems, Digital communication improvements, Overall improvements and long deferred maintenance of rail, New funding to fight increasing wildfires (Brandon)…all the things absolutely necessary for the nation to function as a first world nation. He’s already a big winner, and if we aren’t speaking Mandarin in 3 years he still will be. The fruits of his legacy will be enjoyed for decades to come, Trump’s legacy is economic failure, failure to protect from a preventable epidemic, massive unemployment, an administration so corrupt that the convictions of people in his administration or campaign almost certainly outnumber the prosecutions of members of all previous administrations combined while the severity of their crimes outweighs the combined national injury caused by all previous political crimes, and a division so strong one party actually tried to destroy democracy and install a dictator.

History is the judge of any administration, not the midterm, and history will look kindly on Biden, no so for Trump, mired in constant criminal scandal and failures to this day. The only president in our history to not peacefully transfer power, to be impeached twice, who clearly put his own interests above those of the nation at every opportunity. Death and division are his legacy.

Merry Mithra’s season.

bobknight33 said:

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.???????????

Polling at 39% is terrible. Yep 60% of Americans think Biden is not good.
disaster inherited ?> Things are worse today then the day Biden took office.

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

These are all bad for Americans. Biden policies created these failures.

4.2% unemployment is awesome. This will still great until Democrats mess with cooperate tax rates then the ship will slow back down.

I'm not even going to blame Biden Admin for more covid deaths under his watch ( even with vaccine) than Trumps. Its a loose cannon with ebbs and flows.

Not blaming the Chineese for this death cannon is his and the UN fault. Just goes to show how paid off people are on a global scale.

2022 will be the judgement of this administration.

US sues to block TX abortion law

bobknight33 says...


Yep I'm shitty with grammar and spelling But I can fix anything and hold my own in front any Dr. or C suite within my field of expertise.

Personal experience? BSEET Penn State.
33 years as a medical Field service Engineer.

28 years working for Global conglomerates and 5 years in house at UNC Chapel hill NC.
I’ve been with Siemens Medical and General Electric most of my career.
I’ve serviced/ install Cathlabs, Vascular labs, Rad/ RF rooms and Mammo rooms. Plus others.

Last 20 years installing / servicing Medical Ultrasound.
This includes Cardiac, Radiology ultrasound and Woman’s health, OBGYN
I’ve seen more ultrasounds hearts and heartbeats than you can imagine..
Being Hippa compliant, I look at images for quality and for servicing.

All the Techs I talk to say the same . Heartbeat starts about the 6 to 10 week of pregnancy
And yes there are images that capture this along with all the other images and measurements. Doppler is used for this.

Per quick Google search
When does the heartbeat show on ultrasound?
A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That's when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen. But between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks after gestation, a heartbeat can be better assessed.

Your fucking up the wrong tree today. Go back to being the big guy at you high school.

You can even do this at home

newtboy said:

Now, again I ask…what’s your personal experience on this topic? I’m absolutely certain it’s less, there’s no way an 8th grade dropout works in medicine. You have no experience and no education, no understanding, no knowledge at all, just what bubba dun told you down to da boars nest.

It’s what there is at 6 weeks. The whole thing is less than a newt in the egg, no limbs, 1/2 the size of a pea….the heart isn’t formed at all. Get someone to read for you, watch a film, this isn’t hard info to find if you remove your head from your anus. Look at real medical sites, not anti abortion propaganda sites, they lie, exaggerate, and obfuscate.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahahahaha! Nice projection....and another failing grade in English. Want to compare transcripts? I know we can only go to 8th grade before yours ends....too bad, I was still getting all "A"s with maybe one "B" in PE then. I would suggest we compare SAT scores, but you indicated you didn't get that far.

I did not catch your cranial rectosis, thanks for the concern, out of character though it may be.

We all know that if you could back up your nonsense with anything that resembles a fact or citation, you would. You never can, and when you try you invariably either turn out to have totally misread what you cite, you cite propaganda sites rated at 5 Pinocchios, or you link to spoof sites based in Columbia that try to install viruses.

We all also know you only make these public insults to try to feel like a big boy, in private you were usually far more reasonable, civil, sometimes even flattering, and privately you could admit you were wrong, not in public though, there you're an uncivil moron spouting insane conspiracy theories and utter nonsense then hiding when challenged, or at best replying with factless, pointless, preschool level snark, and since you said you support lying in any circumstance if it helps your argument or cause, including under oath in the highest court in the land by the top government official, I won't speak to you in private. This made you a constant and consistent unapologetic liar that can never back up their nonsense because there is no corroboration or verification possible for blatant lies, so instead you answer with dumb insults.

At least I offer a fact based (often with citations) argument when I insult your lack of intelligence, education, knowledge, logic, honesty, and civility. You cannot say the same, because you never have a fact based argument to offer, and consequently you are totally incapable of insulting me. D'oh!

So sorry I use fact and citations to disprove your insane infantile nonsense constantly, and don't slink away into the shadows when challenged because my positions are reasoned and considered, and can be logically and factually corroborated, not just insulting preschool nonsense based on wishful thinking like you spout.

bobknight33 said:

Your not worth the wasted dialog because you head is so far up your rear that you can not her anything except you own echos.

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