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I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

enoch says...

>> ^enoch:

so i had this long and obtuse rant ready to rock-n-roll and then i realized that i didnt care.


who am i kidding?
this ball-infested circle-jerk is waaay too much fun to ignore.
now the topic i really dont give two shits about.
because by these comments it appears that some people have taken their crystal ball out and peered into their fellow sifters gooey parts and discerned their intentions.
THATS the ruler you are going to use to understand and comprehend another?
well then call me schizophrenic because that is just the most intellectually lame thing i have ever heard.
how about this different and radical approach when confronted with a comment or post you may not fully understand.
ask the poster what they meant by it.
i KNOW...crazy huh?
because i see a LOT of assumptions about fellow sifters here on this thread.representing a microcosm of presumption which i see all the time here.
and this presumption is based on WHAT..exactly?
lame lame lame.
in particular i refer to the comments towards you know qwiz?or are you basing your perceptions solely on his snarky (and mysoginist) comments?

many different voices have left the sift or receded to their "quiet place" because of this intellectually stunted practice.
because group-think has slowly drained these people of any desire to share or to even offer their voices to the amalgamated conversation which is the sift.
so what was once a vibrant and often chaotic discourse has become a much more vanilla-pastuerized-bland cookie with little or no flavor and the crunch has become a flaccid, milky piece of toast.

and no offense BB but this thread is about as civil disobedient as pulling the tags off your pillow.

now pass the popcorn @rottenseed

Dead Squirrel, Little Girl and a Video Camera

poolcleaner says...

A dead squirrel ain't shit. I used to shoot these things with a bb gun when I was a kid. Some people get paid to kill them. My grandfather was paid to kill a cute fluffy bunny infestation while my aunt (then 6) waited in the car watching. My girlfriend's father was paid to kill cat infestations when he lived in Vietnam. The internet simultaneously made everyone smart and stupid as fuck. (I love animals, but I also devour their flesh with no sympathy. Have you ever watched your cat kill a bird? Now that's cruelty.)

MC Frontalot - First World Problem

eric3579 says...

Nerd rap infests your internet. You left a trap, but it's empty.
MC Frontalot took a gape but the bait wasn't tempting,
ending up uncaged and at large
to talk smack at you through the networking appliance that's in charge
of every drip of your attention.
Yo, when mine goes out I've got to log in just to mention
my disappointment at the interruption of convenience.
I mean just: a lot left, but none up in between this
couple of minutes here and a couple of minutes later.
It's an outrage, at the price I paid. These dictators
of my leisure rule with an iron fist.
Has anybody ever been so put upon as this?

Your GPS run out of battery (first world problem)
Got to wake up Saturday (first world problem)
You just delayed a honeymoon (first world problem)
Pledge season's coming soon (first world problem)
Half your friend list is spam accounts (first world problem)
And your center channel speaker's out (first world problem)

Muffy, my hair regrowth cream is mostly ineffective
and I'm struggling to keep this in perspective,
but I feel like a massive injustice occurred.
Says "regrows hair" on the tube (in the words)
in a third — or maybe a quarter — of all users.
I must have got swindled. Is it a fault? Of whose is?
Oooh, Muffy, Muffy, I had all the servants tortured.
Did you keep them on retainer? Do you got some more on order?
'Cause I can't comb my hair on my own no more.
I got accustomed to the lifestyle, sniffed upon the spore
and it molded up my innards, made the blood turn blue.
Muffy, Muffy, there's a revolution; what we're gonna do?

Misplaced the Ambien (first world problem)
Left a participle dangling (first world problem)
You're scheduling your root canal (first world problem)
Your grad schooling had no rationale (first world problem)
You didn't like your appetizer (first world problem)
Your yacht got capsized (a first world problem)

Now while our capitalism is in a minor kerfuffle,
you have to hustle. Before the fates come, reshuffle.
Rustle up another couple grievances and air 'em.
You can laugh about it later (maybe needed while despairing).
For the moment though, you ordered half caf, didn't get it;
there was no TV set when you jetted; internet resetted
itself just as I was in the middle
of tournament play, and so I suffered from transmittal
interruption. Completely ruined my day.
MC Frontalot's a jackass, that's all I'm trying to say.
People buy CDs in these days of disaster,
so poor me: I have to be a professional rapper.

No bubbles in the soda cup (first world problem)
App crashed when you loaded up (first world problem)
Phone's OS is outta date (first world problem)
Colors won't calibrate (first world problem)
They never stock the snack you want (first world problem)
Caught herpes from a celebutante (first world problem)

Got wallhacked in PVP (first world problem)
Oh no, HD-DVD (first world problem)
Pixels aren't perfect square (first world problem)
Your favorite rapper isn't debonair (first world problem)
You own too many underwear (first world problem)
And you're not much of a millionaire (first world problem)

Another Earth - Haunting 2011 Trailer

poolcleaner says...

I had a dream about this movie once...

Oceanic Flight 815, en route to Earth 2, crash lands on a desert planet infested with giant sand worms and zombies. In an attempt to get home, the survivors encounter Jeffrey Sinclair on board a space station caught in a time rift, who reveals that he has been chasing Q who is commanding an army of half-Scarran, half-Sylons with Goa'uld symbiotes to conquer a magical island in Neverland. And the only one who can save the universe is Jim Raynor, captain of a stolen Firefly, and his life partner, a half Wookie, half Time Lord who has sworn a life debt to the captain. They have a depressed robot sex slave who isn't attracted to them and each of them owns a power ring, bestowed to them by the Guardians of the Universe (who are all dwarves, except for one of them who is Tom Waits).

You don't even want to know who the crew of the Firefly is. It will blow your fucking mind. Ok, I'll tell you: Napoleon, Socrates, Sigmund Fruuud, Billy the Kid, Genghis Kahn, and Ludwig Van; then for some reason Whoopie Goldberg is there with William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, and Malcolm McDowell, who can't stop pining over Beethoven. At the end of the movie, the crew is clean cut, the robots are all shiny, and the ghosts of Bill Hicks, Rufus, Obi-wan, Pizza the Hut, Dr. Frankenfurter, and Alf are all sitting around waiting for you to wake up -- but, when you wake up -- you're Homer Simpson! OMG don't tell ANYONE about the twist ending or the sequel where he meets Hank Hill who gets abducted by aliens and meets spooky Fox Mulder and that sexy redhead Leeloo.

My mind is exploding! There may be another me who isn't as awesome as the real me and enjoyed the movie The Notebook... Pshhhhhh -- Frell the frack off. Every alternate reality of me smokes pot and makes or plays video games. Stop trying to change me, universe!

Getting your dog to tow you on a skateboard

Michael Moore On What Happened in WI and MI

Mikus_Aurelius says...

"Class warfare" is so overused and misused that it has become an empty pejorative. Moore is wrong to use it here. Republicans are wrong to use it every time anyone proposes a slightly more progressive tax system (39% top bracket, oh no class warfare!).

Critiquing the Democrats for fleeing the state is fine, though you should apply the same criticism to minorities of both sides who were willing to grind US senate business to a halt just because they didn't like one bill or one nominee.

However, indicating that the democrats should have "stood and fought" is juvenile nonsense. The republicans have a majority. This isn't a schoolyard brawl. 14 aren't going to beat 19 if one of them shows up with a tire iron or a baseball bat.

Personally, I find the whole premise of Walker's arguments absurd. He's trying to blame teachers for asking for benefits. If my boss pays me too much and the company goes out of business is it my fault because I ask for a raise every year? Politicians have both the power and the responsibility to find the correct balance between a competitive wage and fiscal prudence for state employees. If low level bureaucrats are too friendly with unions, elected representatives should provide better oversight (or fire them). Wisconsin is in trouble because they abdicated that responsibility. Blaming teacher unions for their own failure is just another sad example of the pass the buck, point the finger mentality that has infested our political system and made us incapable of actually solving our problems.

The pervasive nature of classism and poverty (Humanitarian Talk Post)

peggedbea says...


Eventually we could all be working for the big corporations, and with less competition they could lessen benefits such as health or vacation pay, they could easily lower wages, and they could then extend the expected work week from 40 hours to something like 100 hours. If that sounds farfetched, I can tell you from first hand experience I've seen this exact thing happen to an industry I know very well. And when I say big corporations, I mean major parent companies that buy large businesses. For instance, let's take the advertising industry. One parent company could own almost all of the major companies in that industry, so if you complain about the 100 hour work week and loss of vacation benefits, your chances of receiving another job in that industry are cut to almost zero. I've seen it. And they do illegal shit like tell women not to get pregnant.

That is exactly what's happening. Wages began stagnating in the 70's. At the time, women were moving into the work force so the impact on families was offset by an extra income. And today, it's out of control. It's been researched and it's been documented. And it's visible if you look at all the personal debt families have. Americans take less vacation time than other industrialized nation. The US is also the only industrialized nation who does not mandate vacation time. I read something the other day (disclaimer: i don't have a good grasp on economics, it was a complicated paper and i'm a bit dyslexic/dyscalculic so I've got to reread it a few times before I'm totally confident I understand it, and then research it for accuracy) and the idea of it just fascinated me. It was something like, wages used to increase as labor's productivity increased.. like it was inherently built into the market. So maybe technology eliminated the need for as many people, but the remaining workers were more productive, so their wages should have been going up. But the mid 70's saw an abandonment of this principle in favor of higher profits and the consequences of that have been devastating for working people ever since. Like, they broke a rule of the market and it's sent tremors through almost 40 years and now everything is fucked up and the worker is more and more screwed everyday.

now, regulation: we've been peeling back regulations for decades. and it seems to have worked antithetically to your hypothesized outcome. why do you think that is? which regulations are you talking about, specifically?
I don't disagree that it should be fairly simple to start your own new business. And I don't like or trust government either, but I want some kind of assurance that this new business is not polluting my air, water, community, that its employees are not being exploited and are paid a living wage and that sanitary practices are being followed. What sort of system do you propose to keep new restaurants from serving rat poo infested soups made by 5 year olds? ..... maybe, eventually, the free market would take care of this sort of violation but after how many people eat there and get sick? And after how many child chefs burn their little fingers on hot stoves?

And when people feel they pay into a nanny system, they feel less generous to help those in front of them. I know, I see it every damn day in LA.

this statement is a motherfucking cop-out. i'm not saying that you dont "see" it.. i'm just saying people should know better. The "nanny-system" obviously, isn't taking take care of those in front of them. This is where i see a major downfall in individualism. "I would help, but something else is already helping you. I'm looking out for #1!! I already gave to charity this week.. see where my pay stub says 'FICA'?"... And "someone else is already doing it" has become the operative ethic of the gen-x yuppie class. It is an excuse for petulance and cold heartedness and snobbery. If we lived in nomadic, tribal hunter/gatherer communities, they would be the first kicked out of the clan. ... and John Winthrop would have thrown them off the arabella. Shame on them.

I spend a great deal of time with the "nanny-system"... personally, professionally and academically. There are atrocious disparities. My most functionally impaired clients also happen to my poorest clients. At first, I thought this was a coincidence. It isn't. Not at all. Diagnosis doesn't have as much to do with prognosis as the financial and social status of the person living with the disability. (e.g. parents can't afford to make the home handicap accessible, so the wheelchair can't make it through the front door, so person with the disability spends 30 years crawling around on the floor, which solves the problem of moving from room to room, but creates 100 other problems in its place. the body is so malformed at this point, employment placement for the disabled adult is impossible, i could give you 500 other examples) This is a sin.

In a lot of ways, I agree... government is too bulky and convoluted here to be as effective as it needs to be. The apparatus is too cumbersome and the funding and political/community support for such services is far too small. It doesn't have to be this way. Nationally, we've tabled charity and efficiency as a virtue, in favor of strength and might and greed and pride. Social Services could be reworked, in a vastly more effective and efficient way if only we had the political and social will to do it. We could do it for a lot cheaper as well, I think. I won't go on my diatribe about how disability services needs to function, mostly because its full of jargon and boring.

But, I think we mostly agree on a lot of things, namely, corporations are fucking us all and the government is providing the reach around. every 4 years half of us orgasm when our candidate is elected by popular vote. only for the pounding to commence again the following January.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

garmachi says...

1. My online moniker is the first 8 letters of my high school nickname. The whole thing wouldn't fit on the scoreboard of a late 80s pinball high score board.
2. I was mute for a week with strep throat, and still managed to seduce someone using only physical comedy and facial expressions.
3. I've logged 79 of the 110 Messier Objects.
4. I once killed a groundhog because he was a legitimate threat to my food supply.
5. I can do amazing things with a map and compass.
6. I can do something with my tongue that I've never seen another human do. (This is in no way related to #2)
7. Al Gore once beat me in a foot race.
8. I can sing the theme to Land of the Lost.
9. I live closer to a trailhead than a gorcery store.
10. I am the only member of my family to live more than 25 miles away from where I was born.
11. I owe #10 to my time in the US Marines.
12. When someone asks "are there any questions" I almost always ask "What's the atomic weight of beryllium?"
13. When someone tells me the title of a book they're reading, I almost always ask, "did you get to the part where he dies yet?"
14. I can tell time and navigate by looking at the sky.
15. I love fast, upside down, looping rollercoasters, but the merry go round makes me sick.
16. I once filtered and drank mosquito infested muck as an alternative to dehydrating.
17. I bought my first couch at age 41.
18. I've never purchased a car, although I have bartered for many.
19. I once saw a medical professional use a frozen hotdog to insert a condom into a drunk guy's rectum.
20. I owe #19 to my time in the US Marines.
21. To this very day, I still have dreams about the Leonids Meteor Storm I saw in 2001.
22. I can prove the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
23. My favorite number is 23.
24. I brew damn fine apple cider.
25. I have seen many amazing things.

Snake-infested home for sale -- cheap!

Asmo says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

Why not kill the snakes instead of keeping them in buckets ? There is a start.
1-Seal the house
2-kill all snakes in the house
3-kill all snakes outside of the house
4-kill all the snakes in the state
5-have a coke.

You forgot to take off and nuke the site from orbit. ; )

It's a motherfucking Roast, bitches and gentlemen! (Wtf Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

unfortunately, i live a few minutes away from this dickbags relatives. they all gorged themselves onetime at this fatty fuck sandwich place behind my rubbin' shop. afterwards, mr. fist strode into my place like some suave motherfucker with a righteous a 'fro, carrying a hemingway novel... what a fucking asshole. all the girls at my rubbin' shop did a few double takes. then we went back to my rented room, one of us got naked and the other got to work. afterwards we smoked cigarettes and stuttered. then i hugged the shit out of his precious fucking aunt. i hit on her and copped a feel.

i learned a few things about mr. fists body that day. he almost got cut in half one time, apparently his brain was trying to get as far away from his venerally infested crotch as possible. unfortunately, medical science sewed him back together. so now we all have to be subjected to this hideous roast of this death defying scum bag with the sexy aunt, hosted by that miserable failure, twatbag247.

i quit.

Amazon Boobs, Ancient Gods and the End of Evil

MaxWilder says...

As long as one individual will use their personal strength and/or influence to take advantage of another individual, the state is necessary.

That is what the state is, at a fundamental level. It is the gathering of individuals to reduce the abuses of one against another. We give up a portion of our wealth so that we may keep the rest. If we gave nothing, there would be nobody to stop the bully from taking it all.

Of course there are problems with it. That's because it is rife with people trying to use it to their own personal advantage. The maker of this video sees an infested house and thinks the best way to get rid of the infestation is to burn the house down. Utter foolishness. The house protects us from the elements! Fight the bugs, not the house!

When human nature evolves into a mind-share (like the borg mentioned above) then we can get rid of the state, because we will all truly feel the hurt we cause others. Until then, there will be destructive selfishness that requires group action to resist, and that is government in a nutshell.

WL: US bullies Europe on behalf of Monsanto

criticalthud says...

>> ^hPOD:

>> ^criticalthud:
it's just so arrogant to think that "we" (scientists) are smarter than 4 billion years of evolution, and that we can make better plants. fuckballs. we know so little about this planet.
this seems to be a case of profit vs. common sense

I know what you mean...I think. Getting rid of polio, smallpox, and other such illnesses/diseases...damned stupid scientists. The world was a better place when children caught polio and died from it...right?
I know it's not directly linked to genetic manipulation of crops...but maybe these scientists aren't all "fuckballs", and some of the things they do, including certain genetic manipulations for food, help us more than then harm us.
After the current population growth of the world, without genetic crops, even more of them would be starving to death...
I know...I know...people starving to death rules.

it's not that scientists are stupid (and fuckballs is just a term for "things are fucked", not directed at scientists or anyone in general), and quite clearly they've accomplished some amazing things, and the science behind gmo's is impressive as well. it's just that we're not as smart as we think we are, especially when we start messing around with genetics, and doing so with a profit motive in mind. We are barely getting to know this planet, meanwhile we're wiping out species of plant and animal life left and right.

As for starvation, the population growth of this planet is due to an industrial revolution fueled by oil, which is of limited quantity. Both rapid population expansion and fossil fuel consumption create a variety of negative consequences for the biosphere. You could accurately consider the human race to be an infestation of the planet. Yes GMO's can help feed such rapid population, but is this the correct course of action when you consider the biosphere as a whole? And are we really at that point where we think we are smarter than 4 billion years of evolution? We are upsetting the balance, and this will come back to bite us in the ass.

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