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Merry Christmas Sifters (Blog Entry by dag)

Merry Christmas Sifters (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

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The seasons change here- but it never snows. I do miss that. One of these years we're going to come up and do the full white Christmas. ice skating in Central Park - all that stuff.

Reasons why Batman & Robin was the worst comic movie... EVER

Too Sexy To Fly?

Too Sexy To Fly?

Rolling Different Tires Down A Ski Jump Hill

pho3n1x says...

wow yeah... okay i totally forgot about the fact that the weight of the tire would be distributed differently on 'ice-skate tread' than normal tread, effectively cancelling out the difference in contact area. good call.

turning things like dropping tires on a ramp into science is the whole reason these crazy japanese shows rock. it's fun as hell, and yet there's still an element of higher education to it, should you choose to see it.

imagine the physics lesson on the 'cats stealing fish' show... heh

Rolling Different Tires Down A Ski Jump Hill

pho3n1x says...

re friction and tread pattern; imagine if you will, a tire with two 3-inch-tall ridges running parallel to eachother, about the thickness of an ice-skate, along the circumference of the tire. similar to how diecast toy cars have that single ridge on the plastic tire. wouldn't this serve to reduce friction during the roll, and thus increase either the potential distance before the tire comes to a stop, or to increase the acceleration of the tire during the downhill roll?

Vote Yes for Marriage - Political Ad

bamdrew says...

"He should have created Anna and Eve" needs a BA-DUM-KISH! drum solo exclamation point

this honestly reminds me of a sketch comedy bit, if they just pushed it a little further; "grandma, if a man loves another man, then where does the penis go? he doesn't have a bergina!" or "grandma, why does aunt Susan like the pole AND the hole?" or "grandma, why does God make queers? is it because they're good at ice skating, and God loves ice skating?"

but on a serious tip, i'm thinking about making a business of cranking out these types of videos for any an all comers. obviously you don't even need kids who are remotely talented, or can even speak well.

Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture

joedirt says...

KaiEr, believe it or not, most Mosques do not preach hatred, I know it is a common misconception, if all you do is watch mainstream media. So to like Islam to hatred is akin to lumping all Christians in with this 'Jesus Camp' type of indoctrination.

Don't try and back out and say it was an example because your wording, while subtle and innocent, was unmistakable.

Christianity is not 'more popular' or increasing in population relative to Islam. You can throw a post-Cold War Russia and China into more relaxed religious practices and increasing numbers in those countries, but I don't know why anyone would think Christianity is popular. As a matter of fact, thanks to Bush and US foreign policies, Christianity is quite un-popular right now.

You are also wrong on the issue of homosexuality.. Gay marriage is still being used as a political platform and scare tactic to fire up the evangelical base (the largest percent of voting Christians in the US).. Not as much as 2004, but they have slightly switched to a 'immigration' boogey-man.

This Jesus Camp / evangelical-training-camp is no different than pageant kids. If you think pageant kids or ice-skating kids is abuse, than clearly this is just as bad. Forget what weak minded crap they are feeding the kids.. They are abusing their kids trust and well-being. And preaching hate. (Hence the cardboard cut-up of Bush... You can't find a better poster-boy for hatred.. Don't think so, name one person since Dr. Mengele pushing for legalizing torture!)

Alien hiding behind post, grabs boy!!!!!

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