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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You wish….and you apparently fantasize about old man dick?

34 felony counts, and there’s overwhelming evidence of his guilt on all of them.
Then Georgia is another round of felony counts he absolutely committed.
Then the DOJ has espionage charges that aren’t just a nail in his coffin, they’re 30 tons of cement encasing that coffin and sinking it into the Mariana Trench.

Since I know you want to repeat the lie that no one has ever been prosecuted for these non crimes, read these few examples of many.

As a bonus, we now know through text records that he tried to delay payment to Daniels until after the election when it wouldn’t matter if she talked and he could never pay, destroying his claim he was just trying to save Melania’s feelings (by committing business and campaign finance fraud), and we know he paid to “catch and kill” the accusation that he had a secret love child with his housekeeper, another campaign expense he intentionally hid through fraudulent business records (and an admission that the accusation is true).

CNN is now righty media after the takeover by hard right wing John Malone last year, which you know….but even they are pretty certain he’s guilty and will be found guilty. You found one right wing talking head that disagrees and think that’s evidence of something? Congratulations….fool. You found nothing.

Wrong, DOJ (aside from Barr) said absolutely there are crimes here by Trump, but they can’t be prosecuted while he’s in office (based on non binding DOJ “rules”, not any law). Exactly like the Mueller report Barr lied about. Again, you know this but lie constantly.

NY DA office was clear there were prosecutable crimes with overwhelming evidence and one person on their way out of office decided to not prosecute and many investigators quit in protest of the unexplainable protection of Trump. His and his family’s finances should absolutely be investigated, I would bet money there’s a large unexplained deposit in the last few years. His elected replacement decided to not bend over backwards to protect Trump, which you call political persecution.

Those nothing burgers are going to end in prison burgers. You said Covid was a “nothing burger”…they sure seem to be bad for your health.

$250 million + spent to “get Clinton” since she was Secretary of State and still zero, but HUNDREDS of convictions against Trump’s administration and hundreds of felony charges in the pipeline or court against Trump personally. Hardly zero, sucker. Keep whining.

Plenty to show…34 felony counts with 1 year MINIMUM per charge….doesn’t sound like nothing. Trump isn’t acting like it’s nothing. He’s terrified,with good cause because he’s clearly guilty of fraud, his entire life has been a fraud.

Love you keep harping on this $60 million number…like it means something.
>$120 million spent on investigating the election for fraud….the 2016 election…no fraud, nothing burger, never released the results. No complaints by you for wasting $120 million on nothing.
>$16 BILLION on a border fence that clearly had zero effect since more immigrants enter now than before it was started, it’s not stopping anyone.
>$250 million investigating Clinton with nothing found, nothing at all to show, zero charges. You want more of that, so your disingenuous whining about $60 million that’s resulted in exposing massive Russian interference in our elections, a blackmail scheme against Ukraine including withholding approved aid to force a politically motivated foreign investigation of political enemies, hundreds of convictions of administration officials for lying about ties to and payments from Russia/China, 34 felony counts of fraud against Trump, and cases for felony election interference and espionage built and with grand juries is blatant outrageous hyperbolic hypocrisy and proof you aren’t a serious adult, you’re a whining infant that’s just screaming nonsense out of gibbering fear and misplaced anger.

I would say you and your ilk need to rethink everything you believe…but that implies you thought in the first place which we all know is not true. You just regurgitate the lies they ejaculated into your gaping mouth.

Such a sad, whining, tantrum throwing little boy you are. You clearly got too many participation trophies like Bohbert which makes you think your wholly uninformed hyper biased opinion has any value. It doesn’t.

bobknight33 said:

The charges are softer than a old mans dick.

Even CNN is WTF on these charges.
DOJ and Election committee and the NY state DA all looked into this and said NOPE , nothing here. Yet NYC DA ran on getting Trump and this is the best he came up with. Recycled nothing burgers.

Yet another nothing burger.

Lets see 60$ million spent to "get Trump" since he came down the escalator and still ZERO.

60$ million and NOTHING to show . This alone speaks volumes that there is no there there.

Yet there is you, Nutboy and so many others hoping, dreaming that something, anything can be found. If 60$ Million has found nothing perhaps - you and your kind need to rethink this matter.

Terry Crews explains why he decided to build his own PC

LukinStone says...

That's the worst time, the inevitable second act dilemma, of PC building.

You can budget in the expectation of how long it takes to do the housekeeping stuff. Loading the OS, essential programs, personal preferences - the games themselves...but there's often that one random thing.

I built a nice medium-range game PC with someone else recently, my building partner was so excited. It's amazing how much of a bond that creates between people, or how it can strengthen a relationship. Not just for building PC's specifically, but for sharing something and having that moment of realization of how cool that thing shared really is.

I felt more pissed off than anything for a brief moment during the boot up, when the display seemed to shutdown startup before anything really happened. Luckily, I'd paid attention enough when researching the GPU and eventually remembered someone mentioning there was a button on the card itself that controls the LED lights on it, pressing it seemed to clear whatever was blocking the startup processes for the card.

There was definitely a soul-crushing few hours of doubt and agony before I remembered that detail. During that time, I stared at the clean interior of the fully assembled build, having had a hard enough time getting the cords to fit and wondering if something minor and imperceptible had wiggled loose, wondering if I would go mad.

Having someone else depending on the solution was another intense emotion heightening element. I'd done my best to prime for this likelihood. I'd shared stories of problems I'd had on previous builds, the random thing that went wrong. I stressed the fact that the computer had always, eventually, got built.

It's a good, stinging bit of humility for me. Even when I try to minimize problems and anticipate potential issues, I'll still miss something as obvious as a big button right in front of my face.

Phreezdryd said:

I can't help but wonder about how much fun was had in the unmentioned time between pressing the power button, and actually being able to play games.

The Texas Chainsaw Bed & Breakfast

Nobody is getting into these shorts

chingalera says...

This product is a non-utilitarian piece of over-priced garbage. The women they market this to that will actually BUY it are types that spend thousands of dollars on covetous bullshit, over-priced meals, housekeepers, etc. Privileged, paranoid, nigga-rich white bitches. How about a DIY belt with a fucking padlock onnit? Cheaper and more effective.

Krav Maga and utilization of pokey stuff: The two fastest and best ways for women to not only stop an attacker, but seriously fuck them up permanently.
Kung Fu or a pistol works fine, too.

Oh and ladies, please continue kicking your assailant in the genitals and soft tissue until police arrive?? Why send them back out on the street or even to trial, eh?? Embrace the mind of your attacker....with a heel to his temple after he lay bleeding on the ground. That'll learn 'em to practice unilaterally satisfying sex again.

transtitions in the holographic universe

Chairman_woo says...

^ You can make all of that make sense by simply shifting your epistemological position to the only ones which truly make sense i.e. phenomenology &/or perspectivism.

To rephrase that in less impenetrable terms:
"Materialism" (or in your case I assume "Scientific Materialism") that is to say 'matter is primary', from a philosophers POV is a deeply flawed assumption. Flawed because there appears to be not one experience in human history that did not occur entirely within the mind.
When one see's say a Dog, one only ever experiences the images and sensations occurring within ones mind. You don't see the photons hitting your retina, only the way your mind as interpreted the data.

However the opposite position "Idealism" (mind is primary) is also fundamentally flawed in the exact opposite way. If our minds are the only "real" things then where exactly are they? And how do we even derive logic and reason if there is not something outside of ourselves which it describes? etc. etc.

Philosophers like Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre' got around this by defining a new category, "phenomena". We know for certain that "phenomena" exist in some sense because we experience them, the categories of mind and matter then become secondary properties, both only existing as definitions we apply retrospectively to experiences. i.e. stuff happens and then our brains kick in and say "that happened because of X because in the past X has preceded similar experiences" or "that thing looks like other examples of Y so is probably Y".

The problem then is that this appears to come no closer to telling us what is objectively happening in the universe, it's more like linguistic/logical housekeeping. The phenomenologists and existentialists did a superb job of clearing away all of the old invalid baggage about how we try to describe things, but they did little or nothing to solve the problem of Kants "nouminal world" (i.e. the "real" stuff that we are experiencing by simulation in our minds).

Its stumped philosophers for centuries as we don't appear to have any way to ever get at this "nouminal" or "real" world we naturally assume must exist in some way. But....

I reckon ultimately one of the first western philosophers in history nailed the way out 3000 or so years ago. Pythagoras said "all is number" and due to the work of Euler, Riemann and Fourier in particular I think we can now make it stick. (yeh its turning into an essay sorry )

Without wishing to go deep into a subject you could spend half your life on; Fourier transforms are involved in signal processing. It is a mathematical means by which spatio-temporal signals (e.g. the vibration of a string or the movement of a record needle) can be converted with no meaningful loss of information into frequency (analog) or binary (digital) forms and back again.

Mathematically speaking there is no reason to regard the "signal" as any less "real" whether it is in frequency form or spatio-temporal form. It is the same "signal", it can be converted 100% either direction.

So then here's the biggie: Is there any reason why we could not regard instrumental mathematical numbers and operations (i.e. the stuff we write down and practice as "mathematics") and the phenomena in the universe they appear to describe. I.e. when we use man made mathematical equations to describe and model the behavior of "phenomena" we experience like say Physicists do, could we suggest that we are using a form of Fourier transform? And moreover that this indicates an Ontological (existing objectively outside of yourself) aspect to the mathematical "signals".

Or to put it another way, is mathematics itself really real?

The Reimann sphere and Eulers formula provide a mathematical basis to describe the entirety of known existence in purely mathematical terms, but they indicate that pure ontological mathematics itself is more primary than anything we ever experience. It suggests infact that we ourselves are ultimately reducible to Ontological mathematical phenomena (what Leibniz called "Monads").

What we think of as "reality" could then perhaps be regarded as non dimensional (enfolded) mathematics interacting in such a way as to create the experience of a dimensional (unfolded) universe of extension (such as ours).

(R = distance between two points)
Enfolded universe: R=0
Unfolded universe: R>0

Neither is more "real", they are simply different perspectives from which Ontological mathematics can observe itself.

"Reality": R>=0

I've explained parts of that poorly sorry. Its an immense subject and can be tackedled from many different (often completely incompatible) paradigms. I hope at the very lest I have perhaps demonstrated that the Holographic universe theory could have legs if we combine the advances of scientific exploration (i.e. study of matter) with those of Philosophy and neuroscience (i.e. study of mind & reason itself). The latest big theory doing the rounds with neuroscience is that the mind/consciousness is a fractal phenomenon, which plays into what I've been discussing here more than you might think.

Then again maybe you just wrote me off as a crackpot within the first few lines "lawl" etc..

Gotye - Easy Way Out

jonny (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

Yeah, a pain in the butt, Youtube found that as I uploaded it, but said it wasn't an issue... and then promptly blocked the content for most of the world.

Here's another version with music supplied by Youtube. Somewhat different in feel
In reply to this comment by jonny:
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Thankyou Dag and Lucky, and all the members who spend ages doing housekeeping, for creating a site I visit every day.

I love the site, and it's the only one I've ever felt the urge to meet people in real life from.

Thanks guys for a place of interesting discussions and funny cat videos.

To the Future!

The link about the Melbourne sift-up made me curious. Sounds like a good time, but your video has been blocked - "This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it from display on this website." Sounds like an overly aggressive copyright hunter.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

jonny says...

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Thankyou Dag and Lucky, and all the members who spend ages doing housekeeping, for creating a site I visit every day.

I love the site, and it's the only one I've ever felt the urge to meet people in real life from.

Thanks guys for a place of interesting discussions and funny cat videos.

To the Future!

The link about the Melbourne sift-up made me curious. Sounds like a good time, but your video has been blocked - "This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it from display on this website." Sounds like an overly aggressive copyright hunter.

Happy 6th Birthday VideoSift! (Sift Talk Post)

Occupy the Holidays (Politics Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

my shop is totally into this idea. we've partnered with other small local businesses to sell packages of their services/gift cards out of our store. especially since people tend to ask our advice about who's services/products to use. we have packages for car maintenance from our favorite mechanic, packages of house cleaning from the housekeeper we all use, gift cards to the independent restaurants surrounding us, gift cards to the local "art barn" and packages for the local winery we drink at... in addition to our own gift cards.and our caterer friends having been setting up samples of their holiday treats in our shop and we've been trying to send clients there to buy their baked goods for holiday parties instead of the chain grocery stores. it's actually kind of making me like christmas more.

New Channel Submitted for Your Approval: French (User Poll by lucky760)

AdrianBlack says...

I absolutely agree with all of Netrunner's points, but especially this one.

It's also sort of an odd reward for ruby status. It's not much or a 'personal' bonus - only more sift housekeeping.
I'd much rather be able to change the color of my page, or name, or any of those fancy charter toys..cough...
>> ^NetRunner:

I guess my overall point is that we're making it harder to use the site, when it comes to browsing or posting videos, because we're currently using channels as a way to reward users who achieve Ruby status instead of a way to organize content. I say we find some other way to reward Rubies, and make the organization of videos the explicit purpose of the channel system.

Acute Dupitis (Sift Talk Post)

AdrianBlack says...

I was the "noob" that *isduped a second time, and started this.
I joined 6 months ago, and I thought duplicate meant a post of a video already posted, part and parcel. Obviously this is not a clear rule to new or old members.

I had seen this whole talk on TED's site not too long ago, then a few days later I saw the clip from it on the sift. I left a comment (nothing to do with this topic) to someone, and kept an eye on the post to see if the person responded. Not knowing then that the whole video was already posted on the sift until the first dupe was mentioned.

I don't do much housekeeping around here. So I thought...what the hell, pick up a mop and help out.

I am not happy I took away bareboards points, especially if I made the mistake to cause it. If I did not make a mistake, I'm not thrilled I re-started such a firestorm.
As it stands, it is unclear. And I am unwittingly caught up in it.

I admit, this has made the idea of housekeeping even more unappealing, lol...and I don't plan on doing anymore. Just keep enjoying the animations!!

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

This is quite the confusing topic with no hard and fast rules...I think I am out of the sift housekeeping business! lol.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
I didn't realize that shorter edits of the original longer version were allowed to stand.

They're not. Some people have been pushing for an exception for excerpts, but there isn't one yet. This was a legit dupe. bareboards2 sent me a private message and I've just explained this to her as well.

No doubt, someone will be along to crucify us both shortly, nonetheless.

VideoSift v4.2 (Sift Talk Post)

Zifnab says...

How many length invocations have to be made for the Time Keeper badge? I've been doing some housekeeping today and have earned my level three Thumb Nailer and I updated the length on all of the videos I assigned thumnails to and have not received even the first level of the Time Keeper badge....

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

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