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A transgender child and a family's unconditional love

shatterdrose says...

Dysphoria goes way beyond that. I still enjoy boy things. If you want to call them boy things. That's one issue there: we gender activities and clothing needlessly.

Instead, it's a matter of your body being completely and utterly wrong. To the point where looking in the mirror is a nightmare to be avoided. Absolutely no pictures. For the longest time I couldn't even recognize myself in a photo without trying. It didn't come naturally for me like it did with other people. That picture just *wasn't* me. It was *wrong*.

So yeah, in his case, being a tomboy and being transgender are completely different places on the spectrum. A tomboy doesn't feel pain over their appearance the way a transgender would. I remember first finding out that boys and girls actually had different parts. I wished every night that it would fix itself, until finally, at age 11, I resolved to remove it myself. I didn't succeed, but the scars still exist.

Additionally, the "he" and "she" parts are painful. It's the same as if someone picked a mean nickname for you and refused to ever acknowledge your real name, but insisted on calling you by the offending one instead. It's our identity. It's part of the core of who we are, and by ignoring that, you ignore us. You ignore one of the most fundamental things that makes us who we are.

You'd be surprised just how much kids ages 3-4 understand gender identity and roles. I mean, most of our childhood is learning societal roles we play, and kids really pick up on that. So when a transgender kid sees other girls being treated one way, and they're being treated like the boys, or vice versa in this boys case, it's demoralizing beyond understanding as a 4 year old.

I don't mean to rant at you, but I hope that helps you understand why it's different for us. Oh, and I also didn't go into the science of it. But strictly speaking, our brains are different. Chemically, and even physically, we exhibit the sex characteristics of the gender we identify with. Even the hormones our body produces naturally due to our natal sex causes great discomfort and pain until they are eliminated. Even minor doses can go a long way to eliminating the physical pain we feel.

Shepppard said:

This is a great story of parental acceptance, I guess I just don't understand what's wrong with staying a girl but identifying yourself as a girl who likes boy things.

Granted, that may be harder to accept, but shouldn't that truly be the overall message of acceptance? Accept who you are, love yourself, and if society doesn't like it, fuck society?

I guess explaining that to a 5 year old would be tricky, though.

Best of Hitchslap: Part One

lantern53 says...

So hormones are love? You're such a romantic.

Also, just because you can't measure something, that means it doesn't exist? I suppose atoms didn't exist prior to the 20th century.

Best of Hitchslap: Part One

JustSaying says...

Hormones can be measured. Electrical impulses in the brain as well.

I have no idea how to measure the holy spirit.

lantern53 said:

There is no love, either. No one can prove it exists.

Since I'm commenting on this post, I secretly want to be an atheist, right Voodoo?

My cock is between these sizes- When fully erect and hard (User Poll by BoneRemake)

BoneRemake says...

verb: retard; 3rd person present: retards; past tense: retarded; past participle: retarded; gerund or present participle: retarding

delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"his progress was retarded by his limp"
synonyms: delay, slow down, slow up, hold back, hold up, set back, postpone, put back, detain, decelerate; More

I have said before and before and before, you never learn. you are in a state of arrested development.

Again, this is all my opinion, which you so fantastically love to shit all over.

So take your hormonal cry baby attitude and quit nit picking at shit you obviously have no grasp on.

* return

Baby reveal gone wrong!

Sniper007 says...

Infant genders should not be discovered until the moment of birth. Seriously. Screw ultrasounds. They are not harmless.

At the moment of a (unmedicated) birth, there is a build up and release of the most powerful love and attraction hormones known to science (and many that are unknown). These hormones affect everyone in the room.

This negative emotional response would never occur if the boy discovered the gender as he witnessed the birth first hand.

This Cannot Be Described (wait for it)

SDGundamX says...

The tags are full, but this should go in *comedy... the ending clearly indicates that it's a fully self-aware joke video. The woman drummer starts scolding the lead singer that no one even uses Winny any more, that there are more important things in the world to stop, and that he's scaring all the little kids away with his ranting.

The group's name is "Maximum the Hormone" by the way and the title of the song is "Alien."

How our society fails its men and boys -- the trailer

Porksandwich says...

Hmm.....habits I picked up while growing up. I can't say they were gotten from any one source, line, or context...but I had I still struggle to unlearn them.

Extreme independence, this mainly applies to learning in school. If I couldn't learn it in class or own my own, then I failed. I'd say this was a mix of bad teachers, parents who weren't familiar with the material, lack of easy and discrete tutoring options (although I can't say I would have used them), and the attitude that you should be able to do it on your own which was picked up along the way. This goes over into the next point.

Asking for help before you've tried for yourself. Now this is one of those things where it could go either way. Trying on your own might let you figure out a way that works for you, but it might also give you bad habits that don't carry over into other things. Mostly to do with mental tasks, but it also spreads into physical tasks. Like moving something too heavy or too large for one person, end up hurting yourself or breaking something and being chastised for the attempt that was almost implied you should make on your own for YEARS for everything. Or something as simple as trying to fix your bike, and ending up with it done wrong that could go spectacularly bad, like brakes that don't work well enough or a chain that breaks or skips and busting your face on your handle bars when you really stand on it. This is something where I still struggle today as an adult as to when asking for help or expecting help with something is "too soon" and getting varied results back. People who say "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" versus "That's easy! I can't believe you didn't try...." I think it's just so common with men that it's almost overlooked. And it leads into seeing people getting help as seeing them as stupid/weak/etc...then perpetuates the cycle. I don't know it's more of a US culture thing or what. Because I used to see a lot of foreign students in college that would work together on everything...I always viewed it as cheating and in some cases it was cheating by the rules of the college but overlooked in their cases.

So the "help" thing kind of leads into injuries, falling, etc. It's embarrassing to fall of course. But I can remember breaking my arm and having to walk home because my mom didn't believe I'd hurt myself. Or cases where I was having an asthma attack at school and told to just wait it out because I'd already used my rescue inhaler. Partly due to ignorance of the nurse or person involved, but also because there's just a mistrust of kids trying to "game" the system to get out of things. Admittedly some did this, I however did not, and I quickly learned to just tolerate all of the discomfort and distractions of various issues that may come up during the school day. Which led to a day where I was so sick I spent the entire day in the nurses office while they tried to contact a parent and had to ride the bus home flat on my back in a seat trying not to puke. Then with more apparent injuries, "walk it off" was and is the common thing you hear. It's holds some truth, but when your taught to put up with it.. I had a dislocated knee cap for a couple days. It was so bad the night before it popped back into place at school that I was using a crutch to get to the bathroom. Dislocated thumb that popped back into place when I fell trying to play football. I mean it sounds like I had horrible parents, but it was just so ingrained into me that if I could walk...I was fine.

Lots more stuff...but one that I'm not sure how to phrase properly. Anything to do with touching that might be seen as affectionate or showing concern. Pats on the back giving or receiving to or from another guy. Helping someone up could almost be seen as an insult at times. I want to say lots of eastern Euro cultures (which I could be entirely wrong here on the location) express themselves much more than US physically, and it's pretty alien for me to see given how it was and is for me aging. Of course there are times where I feel like I SHOULD do it, but the act of it is ingrained to be wrong.......? I guess that sounds as close to as I'm going to get with it.

But yeah, I see where they are going with the video. I also think that part of it is because opposite sex teacher/nurse/whatever showing above certain levels of care to a male/female student triggers something in the hormone addled brains that creates more problems. So in turn, adults are taught to put the kids in their box and treat them all like that to avoid the issues that might end up with you losing your job because Bobby or Susie thinks you like-like them. And in the past male teachers to male students might have been able to ignore the box, but I think with the public eye focused more on looking as being homosexual as more acceptable...the same sex teachers/etc are going to have adhere to the box thing too if they want to keep their jobs.

Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

shang says...

Genetically they are, hormones and wigs do not change gender.

In a medical scenario and physically he's still a brother. And I stick to genetics :-)

Political correct movement that seeks to redefine everything should be shunned, and done away with

ChaosEngine said:

Just for the record, they're not the Wachowski bros anymore.

Going to the Doctor in America

Bruti79 says...

That's straight up crazy talk.

You can't show any physical proof or tests to show that it works. Yet you say it does, because of what proof or evidence? If you say it happens, show the examples. Let them be put up for inspection and debate.

As for "spiritual elements" like love and fear, they aren't spiritual. They are a series of chemicals in our brain going off. I remember a joke a friend of mine said once, when someone once said: "You can't measure happiness." To which he replied, sure you can, just measure the amount of dopamine they've got going through their head.

We're a series of hormones, fluids and matter. All of it can be measure and calculated. If someone had their cancer or Type I diabetes cured by faith, why would that not make the news? Why would that not be the most promoted thing in the medical industry?

Faith can help your mental state and make you feel better. Feeling happier and better about yourself does have an effect on your general health, but it is not a cure for disease.

Sniper007 said:

By 'proper science' I'm assuming you mean something which is entirely, 100% empirical, physical, and explicitly non-spiritual. I can't show you anything in that regard. What I'm referring to is exactly spiritual. It's a man's belief (wholly non-physical, not just brain synapses firing) which I'm referring to.

You're asking me to show you something wholly physical, presupposing a priori the non-existance of the spiritual, which then can somehow prove the existence of the spititual. I can't do it, sorry. You can't perform double blind experiments on spiritual elements like love, fear, hate, jealousy, etc. But those things do exist, and their effects and affects are profound.

Now I know, I made some ostensibly outrageous claims as to the power of belief. I can understand the outrage. I'm not really upset about that. I do hope to open up some new areas of thought for those who are medically minded to a religious extent.

See the book, Science Set Free by Rupert Sheldrake.

Going to the Doctor in America

worthwords says...

What an idiotic statement about diabetes. There's much higher rates of diabetes type two in families with diabetes than type 1. So there are people who are more predisposed to it independently of lifestyle/body weight. In some people, where increased body weigh and sedentary life style are the main risk factor then it has been shown that gastric bypass sugary can 'cure it' independently of weight loss with the current thinking being that hormones released by the stomach in contact with food can have a massive effect on our endocrine system as well as satiety.
Regardless, the argument is stupid - if you found out that you had a enzyme deficiency at causes a stroke later on in life and the treatment/rehab would cost you millions of pounds. The 'i exercised and dieted' view doesn't help pay the cheque for something that was set in stone when your mum and dad had an accident all those years ago.

Slam Poetry - 'Friend Zone' - Loser To Hero in 3 Minutes

alien_concept says...


I love that name by the way. Procrastination is my middle name!

As a female I of course deplore sexism in any form, but I do feel that a lot of it is perceived sexism and I can't be doing with anyone who takes political correctness to the extreme. Of course it exists and women need to fight against what can still be a man's world... but I truly believe that for the most part, men get it. Well I say get it... they are probably even more confused as to what is and isn't acceptable to think and say than ever before.

My son asked me the other day why women say that men don't understand them. He's 10. God knows where he's heard it, but it was a very amusing question and one that is difficult to respond to a young boy. I told him that essentially men and women work on very different emotions and while neither is wrong or right, that difference can be very confusing to guys because women are often driven by their emotions and men are often more logical in their approach.

I also told him that women find men just as hard to understand because they assume that guys don't get them because they don't care enough and that this isn't necessarily the case. We're just very different creatures. People are people, sometimes men are crap and sometimes women are crap, don't ever listen to "All women are/all men are..." He said, "Oh I understand." The poor kid lives with just me and his raging hormonal 14 year old sister, haha.

Interesting about Swedish women in your experience. Sounds like Assange is hiding out for very good reason. Wonder what that was all about, eh?

How to work out your butt at the gym !

artician says...

Yeah that didn't look real. Too large to be muscle, unless she's taking growth hormone.

Regardless, that looked like fun! Just one step closer between workout machine and awesome video game.

Dan Savage on What to Expect From a Gay Roommate

bamdrew says...

In female to male gender transition, transgendered people often have voice changes with testosterone injections if they are younger. Their voice will drop, not unlike during puberty for men, although they may also choose to attend voice therapy to further 'pass' as a man.

Anyhow, the sound of what is 'feminine' and 'masculine' are to a degree hormonal. It can be hormones delivered artificially, hormones exposed to during development that change the different aspects of the brain, a lot of the details are not well understood.

Theres a lot more to say, but I might be rambling. Jump on the googles if you're interested, maybe stumble on the Kinsey Institutes sex and gender research.

VoodooV said:

anyone know if what savage says is true or is he just speculating? I always assumed it was a sociological thing and a manifestation of counterculture and that it would eventually go away as gays are accepted and treated like everyone else

Pig Swing - 1962 Invention

Drachen_Jager says...

I guess they'd never heard of hormones, antibiotics and force-feeding. Such primitive people.

As an aside. The largest pig-farm in America produces more sewage than the city of New York. Big pig farms aren't more efficient than the small ones, they're environmental disasters as well, but big pig farms can afford lobbyists to make rules more friendly for them, small pig farms cannot.

Giraffe Attacks Tourists

chingalera says...

"...was believed to have a hormonal imbalance which triggered the attack"

They must have done some blood work from the jeep

"I've often wondered what a bull-giraffe's hoof stamping on my skull would feel like darling, let's holiday in Chad shall we, and find out!?"

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