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Did Stephen Hawking just kill the concept of a black hole?

Great surfing video - Pipeline Winter 2013

Funny Cat Hop

The Mystery of Motion Sickness

sadicious says...

I'm in the back seat with no air circulation, and I'll get sick almost immediately. Front seat in the same situation, and it takes several minutes. Driving, and I can go for an hour or so.

Open a window and things change. I can probably read a book in the back seat for 30 min, but if I need to change focus to horizon-book-horizon, I'll get sick faster. Same with interior-exterior-interior.. I've only ever been sick from video games once when I first played Descent, and with the invention of "Mask poor action scene with wobbly camera", I have felt a few small familiar headaches.

Timelapse of "Cleanest, Darkest Skies on Earth." - ANCIENTS

Why The Full Moon is Better in Winter - MinutePhysics

BicycleRepairMan says...

For those of you who haven't seen the Aurora (borealis, in my case) light, just go fix that immediately, its a sight to behold. Sure you can find videos of it on youtube, but so can you of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Seeing it in real life... it really is something else entirely. I was once stuck in a tent on top of a mountain in northern Norway (in Troms) and went out for a wee, and then.. then i looked up.. the ENTIRE night sky (like edge to edge vision and horizon(s) ) was moving and dancing in spectacular green, purple and every other color I could imagine, it was a sight to remember, I tell you.

Fox Using Magnetic Field Resonance to Target Prey

BicycleRepairMan says...

Its not at all impossible, if it can sense a fixed point in front of it(the north pole) all thats needed is to compare the exact direction from which the sound originate and triangulate to get the exact distance, I suppose. it might not be harder for a fox to do then it is for us to intuitively calculate the path of an incoming ball so we can catch it..

EDIT: I reread the article, it seems the hypothesis is that the fox lines up the direction of the sound from the prey with the direction to the North Pole (which is below the horizon in most places), it then knows that the prey is at a fixed distance. its basically what I said, except its the simplest form of triangulation, with just a fixed distance and one line..

rychan said:

What kind of babble is this? Be specific, how is he actually using the magnetic field to tell where the prey is? Why does that depend on being North Aligned? How does facing north help plot a trajectory? Sounds like pseudo-science BS.

Judas Priest - Desert Plains (1982)

chingalera says...

For some reason this live concert in TN is one of the fattest Priest shows-Love this cut man-Halford has written the best metal ballads.
-Incidentally, Glenn Tipton's b-day is the 25th, and former lead guitarist K.K. Downing's, the 27th-

Full moon is rising
The sky is black
I need your call I'm coming back
The road is straight cast
Wind's in my eyes
The engine roars between my thighs

From desert plains I bring you love
From desert plains I bring you love

Wild mountain thunder
Echoes my quest
My body aches but I'll not rest
Quartz light to guide me
Till sunrise leads
My passion screams, my heart it bleeds

From desert plains I bring you love
From desert plains I bring you love

Then in the distance
I see you stand
On the horizon you raise your hand
In burning rubber
I end my quest
You fall into my arms at last

From desert plains I bring you love

4 Year Old Drops Epic Beats

Brutal Doom Version 19 Trailer

xxovercastxx says...

I actually set up such a BBS in 1994 but it never got off the ground. I had purchased my servers from a local shop and could never get them stable. The local shop took them back for troubleshooting/repair, but never returned them or my money.

I took the guy to small claims court where he lied about the state of the computers when they were returned, claiming at one point that I had removed all the mounting screws and taped the hardware together. The judge pointed out that, even if true, he was still required to either repair them (possibly at a cost), replace them, or refund them. Ultimately he claimed that I had cursed at his sister a couple years earlier (via BBS chat) and so he was justified in sabotaging my business. He lost, obviously, and ended up refunding my money. Unfortunately, I had still lost a few hundred on other expenses and the release of Quake was on the horizon, so the window of opportunity was nearly closed.

I actually have the "ACPi MultiPlayer Game Server" software sitting next to me on my desk. I came across it a few weeks ago while going through an old box of stuff. Even though it's completely useless, I can't bring myself to throw it out.

braschlosan said:

I was paying 20$ a month to have access to a special BBS that tricked Doom into thinking it was on a LAN game. Meaning four player doom over the modem!

World's largest container ship Mearsk Triple E in Rotterdam

robbersdog49 says...

The strangest thing about these enormous ships is the speed they move at. This ship travels at 23knots (just over 26mph, or just over 42kph). That doesn't sound fast if you're not a sailor or don't spend a lot of time on the water around these things, but for a boat, it's quick. We're used to the way things work on the roads, which is the bigger the truck, the slower it goes but on the water, it's pretty much the opposite. If you're sailing and you see a sailing boat on the horizon you've got a while to think about what to do to avoid it if necessary. With a ship like this it's not many minutes at all.

Incredible engineering.

TEDTalks | Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head

draak13 says...

This was amazing!

Many mental 'illnesses' can lead to sensory hallucinations, and it's likely that everyone knows someone with some such condition. There are neuroscientific reasons for these hallucinations, where sensory information is cross-linking with different portions of the brain. A person experiencing this is certainly abnormal, though the result can be harnessed as advantageous for a person to gain superhuman powers. A person who hallucinates halos of color around numbers gains an extra pneumonic for remembering them, a person who perceives a halo of color around people gains insight towards some of their own hidden feelings toward that person.

Many of us have problems dealing with traumatic events, or finding a healthy way to emotionally cope with problems. Some of us find healthy ways, and many of us don't, though it's an internal struggle for all of us. In her case, her condition let's her have an EXTERNAL struggle with her problems, which she uses as a tool to help her cope with otherwise unmanageable emotional issues.

Kudos to her for helping to remove some of the stigma for some of these mental disorders! I wish she could expand her horizon to people with other disorders, to help them achieve the same level of understanding and benefit.

papple (Member Profile)

Democracy Now! - Obama Makes "False" NSA Surveillance Claims

radx says...

That's some funky elevator music they've got right there...

Edit: Also, regarding the laws that are put in place to prevent abuse of all the (meta-)data they collected: even if there was a properly functioning oversight -- and there isn't --, it would still be abused, extensively. Why? There are no (serious) repercussions to be feared.
Unless there's jail time looming on the horizon for the entire chain of command involved in the abuse in question, it'll be shrugged off. Hard time for the people who typed in the queries, for the people who gave the order, for the people who looked the other way.

Phil Hanley, brilliant set on The Late Late Show

EndAll says...


This again? Someone said the same thing on a different post I submitted of another comedian

He's a lot more than your poorly worded description affords him, in my opinion. It's easy to cut him down to size and compare him to other comics. What's not easy is coming up with original material, performing it over and over, honing it, and eventually making it onto television to share it.

I think he deserves a bit more credit, and I think you need to broaden your horizons if your experience of comedy is so limited that any slight resemblance of one comic to another prevents you from appreciating them.

bobknight33 said:

He is a fast speaking Steven Write

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