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Obama Girl + Obama Duet

Why Jennifer Beegle Didn't Vote For Obama

How my wife defends the house while I'm away.

NordlichReiter says...


I never expected her to have a FN Scar, or HK rihle. Let alone the fact that it has a silencer, and drum magazine.

Since when do rifles with silencers on them make that loud of a noise?

Watched it again.... its outrageous, computer controls your house lights? Bad guy has your phone number?

Looks like the lady had it coming with the way the bad guy was making hawt talk to her.

Sift in Black (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Doc_M (Member Profile)

Sift in Black (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Email: Powered By Magic

thepinky says...

Yeah, I would have upvoted, too. This became a much bigger deal than it was meant to be. I never upvote videos with boobies tags. There is nothing especially special about this one. I really don't have a huge objection. My second post was not a diatribe, it was simply an explanation of my first post, and my first post wasn't meant to cause a stir.

>> ^Kerotan:
Well if it makes you feel better, I upvoted it not because they are women and they are "hawt" etc etc, I personally find the hyper sexualising of advertisement incredibly disgusting, but that is not the point, I upvoted it because its incredibly stupid, and it would have still earned my vote if it was 2 men featured in the video being incredibly stupid.
Also point me to these video's of women being amazingly clever, and have been neglected and I will upvote them, I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm just saying that I haven't found them.

It's a personal thing, bareboards. My reputation encourages people to downvote even my harmless comments. Apparently I deserve it, but thanks anyway.

>> ^bareboards:
>But but was that troll-like in the least?
Wow. I don't know thepinky -- I'm not on here enough to figure out personalities. However, I thought thepinky's original comment was just fine, the defense of the original comment logical, and the downvoting on that comment pretty weird.
I'm with you, thepinky. This video was not particularly funny and not worth the upvote.

Wow. That comment is not okay.

>> ^gwiz665:
She totally does and they are very sweet... in this picture I drew.

You're misrepresenting my cause, too. I just said that this video is NOT objectification of women. But you're right. This video is mildly amusing and not very offensive at all. I just have a personal problem with boobies tags and videos that make #3 because of cleavage.

Aaargh! I'm sorry. Why do I even try? It's not even a big deal. Carry on.

>> ^poolcleaner:
But the point of this video on the sift is not the objectification of women, but rather the hilarity of "magical" internets. You're taking it out of context and misrepresenting your cause.

Email: Powered By Magic

Kerotan says...

>> ^thepinky:
But but was that troll-like in the least? Disagreement does not automatically make me a troll. It was a sincere request. I dislike this video and I could see the top 15 coming.
Let me explain myself. I disagree with CaptainPlanet420 that this is blatant objectification of women. It really isn't. This video bothers me because it is so seldom that we see videos of women on the Sift that it bothers me when the only ones to make the top 15 usually involve tags that say "boobies" or "cute chick." These women are acting like idiots and their only apparent value is their cleavage.
Granted, if these two people were shirtless men I would probably laugh and upvote. I admit it. But that's because men get sifted all of the time for merits of the mind whereas women who make the top 15 are usually hot, scantily clad, or incredibly stupid.
>> ^djsunkid:
>> ^thepinky:
Please, please, please stop voting for this video! Please?

OK, I almost sprayed a mouth full of water all over my laptop when I read this comment. LOL Upvote just to feed the troll.

Well if it makes you feel better, I upvoted it not because they are women and they are "hawt" etc etc, I personally find the hyper sexualising of advertisement incredibly disgusting, but that is not the point, I upvoted it because its incredibly stupid, and it would have still earned my vote if it was 2 men featured in the video being incredibly stupid.

Also point me to these video's of women being amazingly clever, and have been neglected and I will upvote them, I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm just saying that I haven't found them.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

MASSIVE fireball at a coal mine

Massive Attack - Safe from Harm

Silent Hill - Nurses

Joan Jett - Bad Reputation

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

HAWT. I think I need to change my underwear.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
To all of you gamers who waste countless hours blowing away virtual space aliens, terrorists and the undead, I have one question for you:
When is the last time you've killed a REAL person? When is the last time you've felt the spray of warm blood on your arms from a freshly severed jugular vain? Or smelled the subtle blend of lye and rotting flesh from that dead hobo in the garage? Or heard the muffled, useless cries for pity from that kidnapped heiress in your basement dungeon? Or seen the gentle artistic drip, drip, drip of blood off the side of a boxcar? Or tasted the tender succulence of a fresh human ear, seasoned with olive oil and oregano?
If you can't remember any of these sensations, then gaming is interfering with your life and you have a serious problem. So put down that Atari joystick controller pad and get back into the 'game' of life.

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