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Obama Voters For Ron Paul

MaxWilder says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^MaxWilder:
>> ^marbles:
Well, we have 2 people: One from the left (@ MaxWilder), and one from the right (@ quantumushroom), that both agree Ron Paul doesn't have a chance at winning. Why? Because he's not part of the corrupt establishment.
So I ask: Why stay trapped in the false left/right political structure? Why continue to vote for establishment clowns that just tell you what you want to hear?
The Left/Right Statist Collectivist Mass Delusion

While that article is full of wonderfully insulting and entertaining generalities and prejudices, it does absolutely nothing about the problem. The only way out of this statist/corporatist mess is to reform elections.
First, at a minimum we need to abolish corporate funded election campaigns. Ideally everyone would have the exact same access to promote their platforms. Not sure how that would happen for libertarian ideals, but personally I have no problem with state funding.
Secondly, we need to abolish "first past the post" elections. As far as I can tell, a Condorcet method is the only viable election type.
After that we would need to eliminate the revolving door from government office to lobbying and corporate board member.
Anybody who wants to implement those changes has my full support.

I fully agree with getting rid of "first past the post" type elections. But the other problems you cite are direct consequences from things you support like government unions and healthcare. How can you be against corporate funding, but support what enables it? And the only way to eliminate the revolving door is by removing the incentive of gaining government office. If the government doesn't have the power to pick winners and losers, then the corporate world will have no reason to influence or infiltrate it.

There is absolutely nothing about the fundamental role of government unions or healthcare that relates to funding politicians. As the system works now, both must pay of politicians in order to remain in existence, or their opponents will hatchet them. With a system of voting that would allow the political spectrum to shift back to the center where rational compromise exists, they wouldn't have to worry about getting defunded. Or if they did get defunded, it would be because that's what the people really wanted, not some extreme wing.

I'm not sure how you could possibly eliminate the government's power to pick winners and losers. We'd need to eliminate the ability of elected officials to pick a winner and then later get hired by the winner. That would remove the temptation to vote based on potential personal gain.

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

nanrod says...

I thought this was going to be one of those unfair hatchet jobs where a politician gets pilloried for a simple slip of the tongue. I can't remember the last time I was so wrong. If you increased her knowledge of American history a thousandfold she still wouldn't know as much as I do ... and I'm Canadian.

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

kceaton1 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^VoodooV:
There is always going to be religion and group-think. There are going always be people who are less intelligent and less independently-minded. The only problem is when you've got someone who will manipulate those mindless masses for their own agenda. Let's be real. The power structure behind Christianity isn't actually interested in advancing faith...they want power...otherwise there wouldn't even be a power base in the first place and religion would be restricted to just the local churches.
There is nothing inherently wrong with religion and faith. You just gotta reign in their power base and influence to more tolerable levels. I do believe in freedom of religion even though I don't practice any myself. People should be free to believe whatever they want..just as long as those freedoms don't encroach on other people's freedoms.
Wanting Christianity eliminated because the zealots are guilty of oppressing people makes you no better than the oppressors

What horseshit. Do you realize Christians make up over 1/3 of the worlds population? Do you seriously think you can pigeonhole that many people? There are Christians in every walk of life, every kind of profession, intellectual or otherwise, at all ranges of IQ. The bible says only a fool doesn't believe in God. When I was agnostic, I truly was a fool because I had no spiritual discernment. That is why atheists believe the bible is nonsense. Without any awareness of the spirit, or the fact that they have one, they're no better than robots executing some program with a tacit self-awareness. Logic is nothing in and of itself..

I won't go too far here, but this is dangerous thinking. It's full-on vitriolic, bigoted, and hate filled. I don't know how you can read that to yourself and sleep at night soundly, willfully going out of your way to hate and dismiss a large part of the population. (Which you complain about...)

I'm an atheist and I've never meet you. I do no great evils (other than not believing in your God). Please tell me logically why I deserve your hate and specifically why you are certain that my "smarts" are faulty; as to this day I've heard the opposite from others about myself (people I know, not this Internet hogwash).

Your dipping into zealotry and from there it is a short journey to become the thing you hate; whether that seems likely or not, it has been fairly well defined, and a time-tested adage. What you're saying is exactly the same you complain about: pigeonholing.

/Zealotry is dangerous as it causes you to fall into the condition, "You can't see the forest for the trees.". Or, I would say it also causes "tunnel-vision".

//I'm not trying to provoke you as your fine to believe as you wish, but when you expect others to see things ONLY your way you will suffocate yourself socially as people HATE to be meddled with. Which is perhaps the reason many atheists are as vocal as they are; they've been meddled with.


Lastly, atheists don't follow spirituality as it has no logical or scientific basis (instead we usually follow neurosciences' and psychologies' term 'psyche'). If you define "the soul" via science it makes literally no sense; as we understand the brain to be more of a "compartment" like system. You have the left and right hemisphere, then the neo-cortex which is a glorified search engine that makes Google look like a baby in diapers, you have your perception based areas, your emotion based centers, and memory storage. When they work together you gain your perception and that is arguably where you find sentience. The brain is very complex, but it is being understood more and more each day. So what happens when one day we create a true, sentient A.I.? What if they are smart enough to understand the power of community and become more gracious than mankind? What exactly IS a soul at that point? One day religion in general may need to explain things that truly it's prophets may never of foresaw and it's followers will be hard pressed to explain (except for 'faith').


I hope you don't think this is an outright attack on you, as this isn't my intention. I merely wish to show you the differences in thought and secondly let you know that what you said is not "helpful" it's very negative in nature. It sounds as though you need to bury the hatchet with something.

Robber Uses an Ax to Break Through Bulletproof Glass

Robber Uses an Ax to Break Through Bulletproof Glass

Animals in a Trance

MilkmanDan says...

When I was growing up, we usually had somewhere between 20-40 chickens. Mostly we wanted them for home-raised eggs, so we always tried to buy all pullet chicks (female) rather than straight run (unsorted luck of the draw). However, determining the sex of newly hatched chicks is a bit tricky, and you usually get 1-2 roosters in with your batch of hens. If we were feeling industrious, we would kill the males to eat when they got fully grown yet not too old and tough (plucking, gutting, and preparing a whole chicken is a lot of work, particularly when you don't do it often enough to get a good technique).

I remember that we used to have a big railroad tie/log set up with 2 large nails in it for this purpose. My dad would take the rooster, put its neck between the nails, and then have me hold it down so it couldn't thrash itself free while he chopped its head off with an axe or large hatchet.

One day we happened to be doing this when an old-timer visitor was around the house. He saw us getting set up, and said "here, I can make that easier for you". He took the rooster, held it on the ground with one eye looking towards the horizon, and drew a line in the dirt following the direction it was looking as shown in this video. Just like it showed here, that rooster immediately stopped thrashing and went into the full trance. The old timer then took the hatchet and dispatched the rooster in a quick chop, without it ever moving (although they do then "run in circles" for a short time due to the muscle spasms in the legs once removed of their heads). That became our new standard way of dispatching the occasional rooster.

Fastest guitar shredding you will ever see

More Cold steel chopping. This time with a combat SHOVEL!

daxgaz says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^daxgaz:
the blade is very thin and i bet that was very soft wood. When splitting firewood i have sunk mine pretty deep in to the stump. not quite this deep, but i could see that happening.>> ^HugeJerk:
How the hell did that first throw penetrate the wood that deep?

You split firewood with a shovel? You know they actually invented a tool for that job... Like 25,000 years ago.

i have a hatchet and a wood maul too. But, those are heavy and only do the one job, which is not ideal for camping. The shovel is light, has a holder and does many jobs. It's also thinner and sharper than a hatchet so it's much better for splitting a large piece down to kindling (not as good as a machete, but better than a hatchet). I will say, on the negative side, it does have a tendency to bind up in a log if it is too long where a hatchet would split the log.

More Cold steel chopping. This time with a combat SHOVEL!

daxgaz says...

after seeing the posts recently about the cold steel guys chopping up stuff with swords, i felt obliged to add this. I actual have one of these shovels and i love it! I use it for camping where it comes in handy as a shovel (duh) a hatchet, machete, fire tool, hammer and a few other odds and ends. It's a very well designed thing.

Having said all that, the guys at cold steel are still a bit ridiculous with their demos. I guess it's good to know they take their stuff VERY serious.

Why I Hate Juggalos

RNC Spending Election Funds At Lesbian Bondage Strip Club

KnivesOut says...

My guess is that the RNC is working internally to get Steele fired. He's served his purpose, and since the "We've got a black guy too" ploy failed, he's now just in the way.

It's a hatchet job.

Jobs Introduces Apple Macintosh 1984

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I can sleep well tonight, knowing that somebody finally said it.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I took five days because I wanted to ignore it and move on. The more I thought about it, the more I had to reply. Cute how you're a fucking mean-spirited bastard, who have to attack other people on no grounds.

I'm not certain which behavior you are referring to, but if you are referring to the inflatablevagina incident, then I've settled that with her and that should be that - there's nothing more in that. You had neither the right, nor the knowledge to make statements about what happened there, the fact that you can't help to butt in says much about you.

If you are referring to the lies that came from peggedbea, then you are just running with rumors and taking their side because they are women - you are a sexist.

If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

Oooh, people know how "disgusting" I am - no, they don't, they have no fucking idea. And neither do you.

Die in a fire.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Cute how you spend 5 days to come up with a reply.

And I don't care if I "damaged" myself while "defending" people on the sift. Your behaviour was inappropriate and unnecessacory, but despite what I and others had hoped, that seems beyond your comprehension. So whatever your current cute-puppy-theme is all about - just know that most of the sift know what a disgusting person you are.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
There was little to learn about myself from that whole ordeal, but a whole lot to learn about other people. Suffice to say, I'm more careful about what I befriend.

While we're on the subject of learning about ourselves, I want to shine a light on you, since it seems to me that you are completely oblivious of your own stance towards other people - your comments often have an unwarranted air of superiority about them, an "I know better than you" attitude even in things that you really don't like the quoted comment, like that whole thread. You were quick to say what I had to learn and realize, well, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you don't know everything and not act as if you know better, or are better, than everyone else. You called me a sociopath - that is unforgivable, but I will ignore it, because there's enough fucking drama on the sift as it is. I hope you got a nice warm feeling from riding in your shiny armor to save those poor women who obviously couldn't speak for themselves, but only whisper in the corners, because in many eyes you damaged yourself in that thread much more than you damaged me, and in my eyes you have far more to learn from that thread than I do.

I shouldn't live with "it" on a daily basis, but I do - I was attacked by several people who had no idea what they were talking about, mostly you. You owe me a fucking apology for that, whether you realize it or not.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I took five days because I wanted to ignore it and move on. The more I thought about it, the more I had to reply. Cute how you're a fucking mean-spirited bastard, who have to attack other people on no grounds.

I'm not certain which behavior you are referring to, but if you are referring to the inflatablevagina incident, then I've settled that with her and that should be that - there's nothing more in that. You had neither the right, nor the knowledge to make statements about what happened there, the fact that you can't help to butt in says much about you.

If you are referring to the lies that came from peggedbea, then you are just running with rumors and taking their side because they are women - you are a sexist.

If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

Oooh, people know how "disgusting" I am - no, they don't, they have no fucking idea. And neither do you.

Die in a fire.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Cute how you spend 5 days to come up with a reply.

And I don't care if I "damaged" myself while "defending" people on the sift. Your behaviour was inappropriate and unnecessacory, but despite what I and others had hoped, that seems beyond your comprehension. So whatever your current cute-puppy-theme is all about - just know that most of the sift know what a disgusting person you are.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
There was little to learn about myself from that whole ordeal, but a whole lot to learn about other people. Suffice to say, I'm more careful about what I befriend.

While we're on the subject of learning about ourselves, I want to shine a light on you, since it seems to me that you are completely oblivious of your own stance towards other people - your comments often have an unwarranted air of superiority about them, an "I know better than you" attitude even in things that you really don't like the quoted comment, like that whole thread. You were quick to say what I had to learn and realize, well, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you don't know everything and not act as if you know better, or are better, than everyone else. You called me a sociopath - that is unforgivable, but I will ignore it, because there's enough fucking drama on the sift as it is. I hope you got a nice warm feeling from riding in your shiny armor to save those poor women who obviously couldn't speak for themselves, but only whisper in the corners, because in many eyes you damaged yourself in that thread much more than you damaged me, and in my eyes you have far more to learn from that thread than I do.

I shouldn't live with "it" on a daily basis, but I do - I was attacked by several people who had no idea what they were talking about, mostly you. You owe me a fucking apology for that, whether you realize it or not.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

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