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2013 is dead, long live 2014! (Sift Talk Post)

enoch (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)


lurgee says...

@PlayhousePals, I was hoping you would see this. I felt that it had your name written all over it. Originally I was going to post it on your profile. Then I thought that the other feline fans here would enjoy it also. Happy belated hum bug and happy new year buddy!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

That's a feature, not a bug.

If you aren't logged in, the system can't attribute the vote to your account. Anonymous voting is not supported.

Faux anonymous voting is allowed to help entice non-members to sign up. Once you start voting for the first time while not logged in you see a message that says something to the effect of "You've started voting, but you have to sign in to really make your votes count."

Once you log in the votes you cast while logged out will become converted to real votes.

Happy new year!

Mordhaus said:

It seems that my votes only count if I am logged in, most of the time anyway. I've tried voting before at different computers without logging in and most of the time it shows the vote as working, but if I open a different browser to the video link (firefox to chrome, for example) it shows that the vote did not register.

I first noticed it when I was on my Nexus 7 and didn't feel like typing in my password, later I noticed the video had not went up in votes. Then I figured it might be because it was on the same router as my computer and it was to prevent people from 'gaming the system' and doing multiple votes for themselves. I then tried it on some of my friend's computers at different times and it was repeated there. It seems to be hit or miss, sometimes the vote counts and verifies in another browser, sometimes it doesn't.

For instance, today I tried to vote on without logging in. It showed the upvote in firefox, but in chrome it showed that it still had 9 votes. I logged in and voted and it went to 10, which chrome verified. I don't think it is a time delay either, because as soon as I am logged in and vote it goes through immediately.

Anyway, I thought you might want to investigate it. If someone has already pointed it out or I am just seeing issues that are not there, ignore this.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

berticus (Member Profile)

CNN news report FAIL!!!

deathcow (Member Profile)

Lann (Member Profile)

berticus (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

dotdude (Member Profile)

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