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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol…admitted fraud and total nutjob Glen Beck…lol

Thanks for a reminder of the quality of your sources.

Another non answer just barking ….so when was that, woman? When exactly did you not need to lock doors or knock to enter neighbors homes? Date please. *crickets*

Zim's lies

Hoist the Colours | The Bass Singers

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gonna make a guess…

…now that it’s public knowledge that the lying fake “whistleblower” that is the main (and only first hand) witness for Republicans, “the most corroborating evidence we have” -Jim Jordan, investigating the Bidens, their “highly credible source” is in fact by his own admission an active Russian agent who has been spreading the Russian intelligence agency’s propaganda specifically designed to hurt and divide America, (and remember all the other witnesses based their testimony on what he claimed, not one had knowledge of the facts beyond what this Russian agent reported without evidence) you are still not prepared to admit the entire series of baseless accusations is a political farce being put on by complicit Republicans to interfere in the election.

Yes, he has admitted he is a Russian intelligence agent. Yes, he admitted he met with other Russian intelligence agents about this topic. Yes, he admitted those agents provided the lies he told about the Bidens which the MAGA representatives repeated constantly, all of which he now admits were Russian intelligence agency lies.

Yes, he admitted this to the FBI last week.

Yes, there is evidence the Republicans knew all this before starting the impeachment investigation but hoped it wouldn’t come out. There is no longer any question that they are also Russian agents, it has yet to be proven if it’s intentional or by gullible incompetence, but that should be investigated and prosecuted, don’t you think? The American people need to know if Russia is paying American politicians to work in favor of Russia and against American interests…RIGHT?

Even your new favorite news outlet CNN admits it! 😂

Chip Strut

Rocket vs ice lake

COPCO 1 DRAWDOWN DAM BLAST. Klamath River, California

Comment one word to this guys

COPCO 1 DRAWDOWN DAM BLAST. Klamath River, California

newtboy says...

The start of the project last year was the removal of the Copco 2 dam. The Klamath River restoration project is the largest dam removal and river restoration project ever attempted.

COPCO 1 DRAWDOWN DAM BLAST. Klamath River, California

COPCO 1 DRAWDOWN DAM BLAST. Klamath River, California

Shower thoughts

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another bought “whistleblower” indicted for lying to the FBI about the Bidens.

An FBI informant whose allegations have been cited by congressional Republicans was charged on Thursday with lying about the supposed business dealings of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Special Counsel David Weiss alleges that Alexander Smirnov, 43, told an FBI agent he spoke with the owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma – on whose board Hunter Biden sat – about the company’s desire to do business in the United States."

He has been officially charged with making up all the accusations he made against either Biden.

Poowa wittle Bawby…da mpeachmint ain’t goin’ so guud.

bobknight33 said:

Hunter is bought

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember this?….still applies.

MAGA falling star Boebert couldn’t even get mentioned in her latest “debate”. Her opponents have realized that she’s not worth attacking and is better ignored completely. It’s incredibly gratifying to watch the masses turn away from fascist delusional MAGAism and back towards legislators that want to legislate, not destroy our government (and let us become a Chinese satellite nation). Buh-bye Bobo. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Your so gullible and blind.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Your so gullible and blind.

newtboy said:

The Lincoln Project co-creator, Rick Wilson, reminds Trump what an ineffectual whining punk ass bitch he is, reminds him of the forgotten threats to sue the Lincoln project, and reminds everyone that the border crisis is now 100% Trump made and belongs to MAGA who just blocked $20 billion to secure it and overhaul immigration and voted to keep immigration a problem, for Trump.
Enjoy @bobknight33

Woo-Hoo! Democrat Souzzi just won MAGA Fraud Santos’s vacated seat in the house, further narrowing the razor thin majority in the house even before the election in the fall when it will likely evaporate from a tsunami of new and redrawn congressional districts thanks to so many Republican states trying too hard to disenfranchise too many minority voters (mainly blacks) so dishonestly even their own state courts couldn’t ignore it any longer and had to strike down the blatantly racist districting in multiple Republican states and redraw them themselves when the racist Republican legislatures refused to redraw them fairly themselves repeatedly.

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