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More depravity from UsesProzac

Fletch says...


There were TWO boob videos? Shit, I missed one of them.

Tell you what, when the endless cat videos, the assinine Zero Punctuation reviews (that only one person seems to post; I haven't figured THAT one out yet), the David Mitchell rants (which aren't the least bit funny or interesting), and the daily Daily Show, Colbert Report, QI, TYT, and Graham Norton videos go away, we can talk about the FOUR (five?) UP videos.

The problem is, no matter what I think about the videos I mentioned (and I do enjoy and upvote some of them), they get lots of votes. So... boohoo for me. That's how it works. Video gets submitted, people vote on it. If you don't like this video, downvote it. You aren't going to hurt my feelings. But if you are going to cry about this harmless 25 second video that I had a little fun with and others found worthy enough for an upvote, and give a pass to other, much more profuse videos that I feel "add nothing", then I'm not interested in your fucking opinion.

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

shagen454 says...

blah blah blah written by shinyblurry

So, how long did it take you to pass the fourth grade? Because it looks like you have it down now, congrats. Now just wait until you make it to seventh, it is a real eye opener.

And anyway I am sure that many of us have believed in Christianity at one point and that is why we are not open-minded to it any longer. We evolved, we learned, we grew. There is stuff out there, it exists where humans cannot go or see... if there is any proof of a God it is so incomprehensible that no humanly tome could ever express it because it would be so far beyond our earthen lands that we evolved and adapted to that we would have no knowledge of how to communicate or even perceive what it is, what we are made of and what the hell is going on in this vastly complex universe. Point being, if God communicated to Moses, Moses would not understand one fucking word. And if he did understand his mind would probably have physically imploded... like Grahams Number, his head would have imploded into a blackhole.

All religions are bullshit, not just Christianity. Your welcome.

One Minute Physics - Open Letter to the Universe

Rats and Birds on the Couch: Cameron feeds her snake

Childbirth on the couch: Our skulls are collapsed???

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

shuac says...

>> ^messenger:

The plot thickens. Frankly, I was wondering how Mel Gibson was allowed not only to participate, but to lead off after the horrible things he's become famous for lately.
Could this be early 2000s, like soon after 9/11 when "Homeland Security" was starting? I don't know of anything that Clinton did that would piss off actors (dems) so much they'd put something like this together. Surely it wasn't just educational?
Either way, I'm glad they did because I know for sure I'd never been exposed to the entire document before. Worth having heard. Nicely done, except for the bit about the Natives.>> ^shuac:
>> ^messenger:
@artician @charliem
"Either way, what struck me in hearing it this time is how much of it is a reaction to exactly the same behavior the US is showing today. Hilarious."
I'm guessing that's why this was done.
Not sure what Graham Greene was doing there. Was a Canadian the only native person they could find?

But I can tell by the faces that this was made in the 90s.

No, not the early 2000s. Look at Michael Douglas's neck. Look how lean Kevin Spacey's face is.

Hey, some guys know who played 2nd base for the Pirates in 1967 and the like. I know movies. This was made in the mid-to-late 90s.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

messenger says...

The plot thickens. Frankly, I was wondering how Mel Gibson was allowed not only to participate, but to lead off after the horrible things he's become famous for lately.

Could this be early 2000s, like soon after 9/11 when "Homeland Security" was starting? I don't know of anything that Clinton did that would piss off actors (dems) so much they'd put something like this together. Surely it wasn't just educational?

Either way, I'm glad they did because I know for sure I'd never been exposed to the entire document before. Worth having heard. Nicely done, except for the bit about the Natives.>> ^shuac:

>> ^messenger:
@artician @charliem
"Either way, what struck me in hearing it this time is how much of it is a reaction to exactly the same behavior the US is showing today. Hilarious."
I'm guessing that's why this was done.
Not sure what Graham Greene was doing there. Was a Canadian the only native person they could find?

But I can tell by the faces that this was made in the 90s.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

shuac says...

>> ^messenger:

@artician @charliem
"Either way, what struck me in hearing it this time is how much of it is a reaction to exactly the same behavior the US is showing today. Hilarious."
I'm guessing that's why this was done.
Not sure what Graham Greene was doing there. Was a Canadian the only native person they could find?

But I can tell by the faces that this was made in the 90s.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

messenger says...

@artician @charliem

"Either way, what struck me in hearing it this time is how much of it is a reaction to exactly the same behavior the US is showing today. Hilarious."

I'm guessing that's why this was done.

Not sure what Graham Greene was doing there. Was a Canadian the only native person they could find?

Lendl (Member Profile)

Best of Actual Detention Slips -- farting and jesus

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^Nebosuke:

That was the first Graham Norton clip that didn't have anything to do with the guests... missed opportunities I'd say.

I agree.

"Hey let's make a show where I read things from the internet and you guys just sit there and awkwardly laugh even though you're all actual comedians in person on a live show."

Best of Actual Detention Slips -- farting and jesus

Tree Branch on Powerlines - High Voltage Wicked Effect

Tree Branch on Powerlines - High Voltage Wicked Effect

Guests share different experiences with Clubbing in UK

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Beggar's Canyon