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pigeon (Member Profile)

Speaker Pelosi Announcement on Impeachment

SNL Digital Short -- Threw it on the Ground

SNL Digital Short -- Threw it on the Ground

robdot says...

Trump said on live tv, that George Washington,had airplanes. Just imagine if obama had said on live tv. That George Washington,had fucking....airplanes.

The Rise Of Skywalker

Payback says...

More likely...

Episode 1-6 was the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
Episodes 7-9 are the redemption of Ben Solo (his rise and fall seen through flashbacks).

Remember, Star Wars works best when people ask WWANRGLD?

(What would a not rich George Lucas do?)

ChaosEngine said:

I think it’s more likely that “Skywalker” will become a title for a new type of force user.

This Presidential Seal Does Not Look Like The Others

robdot says...

Trump said on live tv,that George Washington...had airplanes. Imagine if obama gave a live 4th of July speech. And said,George Washington....had airplanes.

ant (Member Profile)

First Class Bus Stop

eric3579 says...

More George Barratt-Jones

simonm (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, George Clooney Takes On Dumbf**kery, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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newtboy (Member Profile)

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

BSR says...

George Carlin was right. The Earth WILL take care of itself.


newtboy said:

"In the next few decades"?! More like "a few decades ago".
Perhaps if we had started population control in the 80's with the goal of cutting global population in half by 2000 AND did the rest of what he suggests we might have a chance...we did not.

By the time we understood there was a problem there were less than a few decades left to solve it...that was around 40 years ago, and we've done everything possible to accelerate the damage we do on every front since then.

Ocean acidification is happening today, it's getting worse, it's slow to react to change so will continue to get worse even if humans disappeared tomorrow, it has built in feedback loops that have been triggered like melting methanehydrates and sequestered CO2 that are being released faster every single day, and we are increasing the man made causes every year. There is a point where it reaches critical acidification, the point where diatoms can't form their skeletons, and then the entire ocean system dies. That's far worse than the apocalypse it sounds like, not just because 50-60% of our oxygen comes from the ocean, but also because the rotting biomass creates huge amounts of not just more methane, compounding the greenhouse problem and further acidifying the oceans, but also immense amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which spread as huge poisonous clouds around the globe.
We are on our way to a man made Permian extinction, when >95% of all species went extinct and near 99% of all biomass was lost. We will not survive it as a species....and we don't deserve to.

Snowmobile Jumps Highway

Twilight Zone - I of Newton

New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens 'It's Gay To Smoke'

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