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After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally telling the truth, even if it is just a fictional tv character. I’ve been saying the same thing since around 2000. If we went all in, halted all co2 emissions and all methane emissions 20 years ago, and invested in methods to catch and sequester what we already emitted, we might have avoided the tipping point where we are no longer in control….but instead we increased emissions every year, flooring it towards that cliff and hitting the nitrous button.
*quality if inconvenient truths

That tipping point was reached well over a decade ago when methane started to melt out of permafrost and the deep ocean where it has been frozen for eons. It’s capable of causing warming >80 times as much as co2 short term, >25 times as much long term, and is boiling out at rapidly increasing rates. Pre 2006 it’s estimated around .5 million tons per year…2006 it was measured at 3.8 million tons…by 2013 that was up to 17 million tons with the trend increasing. More recent estimates are hard to find, but it’s agreed that as temperatures climb not only are hydrates melting much more rapidly, bacteria are also accelerating decomposition in the thawed permafrost, and they emit methane. The Arctic is warming up to 5 times faster than the average global temperature. It’s likely over 50 million tons per year by now if not much higher.

Shakhova et al. (2008) estimate that not less than 1,400 gigatonnes (Gt=1 billion tons) of carbon is presently locked up as methane and methane hydrates under the Arctic submarine permafrost, and 5–10% of that area is subject to puncturing by open taliks. They conclude that "release of up to 50 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage [is] highly possible for abrupt release at any time". That would increase the methane content of the planet's atmosphere by a factor of twelve in one shot….game over.

Bear in mind, 1 cubic meter of hydrate contains >160 cubic meters of methane gas at atmospheric pressure.

The amount of increase from bacterial emissions in rotting permafrost is debatable, but even the lowest estimates are insurmountable.

This is only one of dozens of KNOWN feedback loops already in action, and there are definitely unknown feedback systems we can’t predict.

This does not mean there’s nothing to be done, we can still mitigate the damage somewhat, maybe slow the rate of change enough that some animals and plants more advanced than bacteria survive long term. It does mean a massive >99% culling of humanity, a total shift in civilization from a money based civilization to one focused on survival, and likely an unavoidable mass extinction rivaling any previous extinctions.

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

luxintenebris jokingly says...

stolen? 6M is a hell of a heist. AZ & GA? pretty sweet haul. what is obvious is that if this was true, it took tight organization, supreme attention to detail, and wildly deft implementation. talking superior leadership and a task force of the finest to pull it off. if they are that good - let them keep the W.H and give them the rest of Congress!

the nation wants nat'l healthcare, better educational systems, intelligent ideas - folks that can solve problems. Or just, all the things the GOP can't/wouldn't provide or structure. rather have folks that can figure out how to do the impossible, fashion plans that work on the first take, and accomplish miracles.

that's your inadvertent testimony; they're so bad they're good!

fake news? honestly, don't believe you could source where you bought your morning cereal.

put the other comments under "what can he be thinking". kind of like this news...
...hardly exemplary excogitation.

bobknight33 said:

This is what can happen when the Election IS STOLEN.
Democracy in action.
Mostly slanted narrative.

If only the fake news sought out and reported truth then this would not have happened.

Next Time don't steal the election.

1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

"Climate scientists are increasingly concerned that global heating will trigger tipping points in Earth’s natural systems, which will lead to widespread and possibly irrevocable disaster, unless action is taken urgently.

The impacts are likely to be much closer than most people realise, a a draft report from the world’s leading climate scientists suggests, and will fundamentally reshape life in the coming decades even if greenhouse gas emissions are brought under some control.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is preparing a landmark report to be published in stages this summer and next year. Most of the report will not be published in time for consideration by policymakers at Cop26, the UN climate talks taking place in November in Glasgow.

A draft of the IPCC report apparently from early this year was leaked to Agence France-Presse, which reported on its findings on Thursday. The draft warns of a series of thresholds beyond which recovery from climate breakdown may become impossible. It warns: “Life on Earth can recover from a drastic climate shift by evolving into new species and creating new ecosystems … humans cannot.”"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dicks are always dumb, just look at Trump, biggest dick (with the smallest misshapen penis) dumbest and worst president ever by far, that's why smarter people use their big head for thinking. You might try it someday.

Know nothing Don couldn't read a script, couldn't say English words, couldn't complete a thought. President Biden has him beat by an easy 40 IQ points, likely more. It would be no surprise at all to find that Biden's IQ is more than double dumb Donald's. Donald Trump dumb-dumb dumb-dumb, President Biden Smart, smart-smart 🎵
Take it from someone who DID graduate from middle school.

I'm not paying any extra. California gas prices didn't go up because Trump left all critical infrastructure totally unprotected from cyber attacks because he doesn't understand computers at all....only the East coast got hosed by Russian hackers and oil companies who do the bare minimum of safeguards. You know them Sergei?

bobknight33 said:

Compared to dumb dick Joe it was excellent.

How do you like paying extra $20 30$ bucks to fill you car?

"Mostly Fair" Media

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahahahaha! You using Skynews, Murdoch's Australian Fox news but with extra bias and dishonesty to somehow claim Left wing media is MORE biased isn't just rich, it's so dumb and lacking self awareness I'm ROTFLMFAHS! Er mer gerd!

Did they mention the police admitted using tear gas against the peaceful, legally assembled crowd, contradicting Trump's repeated insistence they didn't? I won't stoop to watching such drivel.

bobknight33 said:

Derp de doo de derpidy doo

2020 Politics

bobknight33 says...

-Border crisis
-High unemployment
-Gas prices up
-Churches and schools still closed
-Tax increases coming

And what are Democrats doing about it? Nothing.

They’re busy obsessing over President Trump.

2020 Politics

luxintenebris jokingly says...

"attempted comedy" = gutfeld!

'fake comedy' is one of 33's wonderful yogi berra-style self owns. fabulous trollster.

tho' don't know how repeating factual (or compilation of) quotes is worth repeating for comic effect? too close to actuality to be called parody, satire, or lampooning. it's just a recreation of events. already have enough video documentation to show the insanity of these believers of the non-believable. run those.

'fake news' is the GOP's version of Scientology's SPs. cults can't survive w/o some non-compliance from reality.

nazis looked to gas their victims, Bob's brethren prefer to gas-light theirs.

moonsammy said:

Bob, can you define what you think "fake" means? I could see "attempted comedy" or "unfunny" but... wtf would "fake comedy" be?

Also, what fake news? They literally quoted Trump several times, showed an image of the Ukraine call transcript... what specific thing that was said or shown is "fake"?

The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

StukaFox says...

Let's use this thread to tell one offensive joke each. Nothing off-limits, no holds barred, let it fly. And if Bob doesn't chime in on this one, I'm gonna be disappointed.

Here's mine:

So a Jew is standing in line to go to the gas chamber at Auschwitz and he's kvetching.

"Oy," he moans, "This is the worst day of my life! First the Nazis kill my family, then everything I own is stolen, and now I'm in line to be gassed. God please, PLEASE, send me some relief in my final moments on earth!"

At that moment, a mighty thunderclap sounds and millions of scorpions start falling from the sky.

"God be praised!" the Jew cries out in joy, "Free scorpions!"

Icicles Form on Ceiling Fan Amid Freezing Temperatures Texas

newtboy says...

And more Derp..
Reported today, the Texas governor and numerous other officials were warned days ahead of the storm by the then chair of the public utility commission of Texas DeAnn Walker that the state did not have nearly enough natural gas on hand to get through the storm. This, she warned, was guaranteed to cause power outages during the deadly freeze which would result in Texans dying unnecessarily.
They made no moves to get more.
Because they refuse to meet minimum federal standards, they could not just go to their neighbors during the emergency begging for help, but could have purchased more natural gas beforehand...they had plenty of warning to prepare.

Instead the asshats ignored the shortages, ignored the deadly storm, and pretended the power went out because their wind turbines weren't weatherized (which they would have been if they ran like California, especially California before deregulation destroyed our systems decades ago). This led to many deaths by freezing. Foreseen, avoidable deaths and billions in damages.

Once again, since you seem ignorant, California's power problems are due 100% to lack of maintenance by the companies that took over when we deregulated decades ago under Republican Pete Wilson's administration. (Btw, because I don't think you know, between '82 and 2011 California was under Republican leadership for all but 4 years) The for profit companies deferred maintenance so much that now they are the main cause for billions in wildfire damages... and the solution? Not catch up on maintenance, just shut down if there's wind. That's what deregulation gets you. That's what you advocate for and support....then deride as a liberal idea when it fails miserably.
So much ignorant delusion. It's all the right is based on today. Baseless lies and morons who believe it and NEVER verify. Lol indeed.

TangledThorns said:

When the Democrats take over Texas they can run its power just like California's because everyone knows California never has power problems, lol!

Putin puppet

newtboy says...

Such nonsense.
Biden did not approve, nor is he helping build this pipeline. He chose to not sanction one Swiss company helping build the last 90 miles, but is still sanctioning Russian companies involved, and is likely to block it's certification and insurance (by banning any insurer from using international or US banking) without guarantees the Ukrainian pipeline won't be abandoned.
He decided not making Germany go dark was a better plan, not alienating a long term ally and strategic partner that we are trying to repair our severely damaged relationship with.
He also decided putting Russia in bed with the Chinese, their other option for selling their gas, was not a smart move.
He is clear, he is against this pipeline and is still sanctioning many Russian companies involved in it's construction.

Those grapes must be really sour today @bobknight33, they've got your yummy tears flowing like a firehose....keep em coming. So yummy, you guys.

Edit: I'm curious why America SHOULD hold veto power over international projects approved by all involved countries on other continents. Should we stop pipelines because Putin says so? He could stop hacking them and just tell us to quit. It seems ridiculous that we are telling Germany they can't have more natural gas, and telling Russia they can't sell it.
For clarification, I'm against it for ecological reasons, yes gas produces less CO2 than coal and oil, but produces way more methane which is >25 times more destructive per molecule in the short term. 11 billion could have built any number of wave/tidal generation facilities that run 24/7 without a new source of greenhouse gases.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

A Message from Alaskans (to Texas) on Wind Power

newtboy says...

My understanding was that the areas that rely on wind for up to 25% of their power were not the areas that had power shortages but on the contrary were some of the only generation still happening in the state....of course, if Texas wasn't so obstinate they would agree to meet federal standards, would have upgraded both their wind and fossil fuel generation to withstand hard freezes, and would have had access to power from their neighbors if they still failed, and would have had billions of federal dollars to make it happen, but noooooo.....

Truth be told, Texas expected only 7% of total winter generation to be renewable/wind and got much more than that. They lost nearly half of their wind generation capabilities temporarily at the peak of the freeze, 16GW, but that loss was only half what was lost from natural gas and nuclear coolant freezing, 30+GW, and it was down longer.

(btw, I was born and raised in Texas)

Spacedog79 said:

Indeed, amazingly the wind power in Texas actually met expectations of the power it would provide in the cold snap.

The trouble is wind is so undependable they only counted on there being about 10% of capacity available. Wind gets absolved of blame by having almost no expectation that it will be available in the first place.

I say screw wind, build nuclear reactors instead and get the job done properly.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem

jimnms says...

I would love an EV, but I don't plan to buy a new car as long as my current one works. I used to drive a lot, but I don't drive as much these days, typically just around town and the occasional ~100 miles to a neighboring city that has things my little town doesn't have. An EV with 150 mile range and charging at home would suite me just fine for day to day use, and if I needed to go somewhere farther, I could rent, borrow or ride with a friend or family member if they're going too.

The two problems for me are, I don't have a garage, so I would have to install some ugly charging station in my yard next to the driveway. Then there is the cost, both the cost of the car and the cost of installing a charging station. I can't justify spending $30-35K on a new EV, when for less than half that I can buy a new gas car, and probably not even spend the difference in cost between the two in fuel over the life of the vehicle.

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Commercial

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