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pundits refuse to call oregon militia terrorists

RFlagg says...

Exactly @newtboy...

These people are promising massive violence to defend people who were found guilty of violating the law, who purposely set fire to a forest... "They didn't mean for it to get out of control." Yeah, doesn't matter. I don't understand how they can't comprehend that. How it is an overreach of government to try them via a court of law, found guilty and then sentenced to the minimum?

I like how Fox spins it about how it would be if it were blacks, but I think a better example would be if they were Muslim. If they were Muslim Fox and the Republicans would all be screaming about how they are Radicalized Islamic Terrorist. Trump would undoubtedly be calling for Muslim Americans to be put into Internment Camps "temporarily" "while we can figure out what is going on with these people". He'd then say once we carefully vetted them, we'd let them go, but keep track of them, those we can't vet, we'd kick out... and his supporters would fall over themselves agreeing. They'd be mad at any Democrat or media who doesn't use the term "Radicalized Islamic Terrorist" rather than "Jihadist" or "Radicalized Jihadist".

Yet if somebody called these people for what they are, which is Radicalized Christian Terrorist, they'd blow a gasket. They'd say that their faith has nothing to do with it, though the leader said he was led by God to do this. Or they'd argue that the term can't apply here, and can't apply to the guy who murdered people at the Planned Parenthood clinic. "These people are freedom fighters, not terrorist." They are standing against the oppressive power of the Obama administration, and probably point out his middle name again.

So... we have people, driven by God and faith to promise violence if their political ends aren't met... Sounds like terrorism to me. Oh... and that particular God and faith is Christianity. So Radicalized Christian Terrorism. Pure and simple... unless we need to drop the term Radicalized if this is what Christianity is about now... though I'm fairly sure the Jesus of the Bible would object, then again he'd object to pretty much everything the political right stands for, but that's a rant I've done tons of times here.

Crazy thing is, if the government uses force, then the political right and media will feel justified, and say "see, we are being repressed". They've learned from ISIL and the rest, the best way to radicalize people is to make them fear they are being oppressed. ISIL drives up terror attacks, sold as freedom fighting to their people, which result on people turning against Islam as a whole, which is their publicly stated goal, and when that happens it makes it easier to recruit more and more people to their cause. So Radicalized Christian Terror groups like this are using the same tactics, by forcing situations where they are put down by force. Great recruitment tool, and the brain dead follow lock step into falling for it. ISIL is the bad guy (and they are, no question) and they are the good guy for doing the exact same thing? They are both evil. Both misdirected. Both missing the point we are all in this together. One world. One humanity.

I wish the so called Left Liberal Media would stop calling them militants and start using the term Radicalized Christian Terrorist as that is more apt. Of course they still call Vaccine Deniers and Climate Change Deniers, Skeptics, which they aren't. So no hope for America anytime soon.

The Dark Knight - Alternate Ending

poolcleaner says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rychan:
I want to like these movies but... so cheesy. That batman voice is ridiculous.

The voice is a bit much and somewhat comical, but do you think they chose that because it was the best way for him to hide his voice from others who knew him as Bruce Wayne? That's always what bothered me about Superman, that he could put on a pair of glasses and transform from the epitome of the human physique to the mild-mannered Clark Kent.
To me, the Dark Knight was the best of any of the previous Batman movies. Any of them.

Agreed. But if someone ever adapts Frank Miller's dystopian vision of the DC universe, I will die happy. Superman as a government controlled weapon versus an aging freedom fighting Batman on horseback? Yes, please.

Lessig Drops Bomb,Talks of i-9/11 GOV DESTROYING INTERNET

SDGundamX says...

So where's this i9/11 I've been eagerly waiting for? I called BS and I stand by that call. Don't care where he graduated from, he was off his meds making a claim like that based on a single flimsy source.

>> ^nomino:
>> Ha ha. You're funny. You should go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself. Lessig is a professor of law at Stanford Law School. Lessig earned a B.A. in Economics and a B.S. in Management (Wharton School) from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Cambridge (Trinity) in England, and a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School.
Prior to joining Stanford he taught at the Harvard Law School, where he was the Berkman Professor of Law, affiliated with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and the University of Chicago Law School.
I think this guy knows one or two things about litigation. And I for one will take his word over yours any day, EVEN if you are named after a freedom fighting toy.

Lessig Drops Bomb,Talks of i-9/11 GOV DESTROYING INTERNET

nomino says...

>> ^SDGundamX:
Such utter BS. I can't believe people are actually uneducated enough to listen to a guy like this--who presents absolutely no evidence to back up his claims. The Patriot Act was sitting around in someone's drawer for 20 years? Really? I guess the people who drafted it were psychic then since they knew about the Internet and email in advance and decided a priori that the government would one day need to do more to control it. And a large part of the Patriot Act targets immigrants. Why on earth would the government target immigrants 20 years ago back when it was a non-issue and then sit on it until now?
This guy is about as credible as most people who claim to have seen Bigfoot. The vid deserves to be on the Sift only for laugh value at the gullibility of the conspiracy theorists who eat this stuff up.

Ha ha. You're funny. You should go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself. Lessig is a professor of law at Stanford Law School. Lessig earned a B.A. in Economics and a B.S. in Management (Wharton School) from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Cambridge (Trinity) in England, and a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School.

Prior to joining Stanford he taught at the Harvard Law School, where he was the Berkman Professor of Law, affiliated with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and the University of Chicago Law School.

I think this guy knows one or two things about litigation. And I for one will take his word over yours any day, EVEN if you are named after a freedom fighting toy.

Oneonethousnd! Twonethousnd! ThreeonethssSSZZS! WAUHH!

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