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Evolution is a hoax

taranimator (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I was never the one who had to draw all the time, and although I do go through phases of drawing more, I'd have to say no. I think I prefer the theory to the actual practice!

As for people painting the Sistine Chapel on phones, well some people manage to get good results even from Microsoft Paint, or the humble Etch-a-sketch... that would be people with far too much time on their hands if you ask me!

I did see a video of someone doing a really cool piece on an ipad, and now I wish I'd kept the link to sift (although it might be here already).In reply to this comment by taranimator:
Digital finger painting is strangely both more liberating and more restrictive. I'm still messing about with about 5 different apps trying to find one I could call 'user friendly'. On my home computer I have a lovely Cintiq -- you can see the image and draw on it with a stylus. I quite dig that. On my phone and my Ipad I can draw with my finger or a stylus. The finger painting is more awkward in some ways but to get the ipad/pod to pick up the motions of the stylus you have to press really hard! It's a bit weird. There's no real touch-sensitivity like on the Cintiq -- various apps try to simulate the look of it with tapering and speed = line width contols. So far not so good for me. But OTHER people are painting the freaking Sistine Chapel on their phones.. so the problem is probably not the tools but the user, ahem - me!
Still, I persevere! I swear, had I never seen the beautiful artwork people make on their phones, I never would have considered it possible. But I am intrigued.. and it IS fast! I can then upload those sketches to polish in a proper graphic program or just enjoy their speed-painting loosensess.
Are you a doodler?

Mia Riddle and her band - Grand Children

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

radx (Member Profile)

Post your desktop! (Geek Talk Post)

paul4dirt says... is mine

- it's 2 screens, but the left screen (laptop) is broken, so i only see half of that screen
- there are some passwords there, they aren't important but i crossed them out nonetheless
- the picture is from
- my desktop on the other computer is very organized with links to everything i need organized by type (music,video,games,internet,utilities) but because of the broken screen i haven't used this laptop a lot, so that's why it's a mess

Post your desktop! (Geek Talk Post)

Google Account now required for YouTube sign in (Wtf Talk Post)

Deano says...

I utterly agree. Not sure if I've linked it or not. I don't care that much as the vast majority of my searches are done via Scroogle. Reminds me of having to get a Yahoo account so I could access flickr. Twats, all of them.

Crazy LED Cube Light Show


VideoSift - May 15, 2006 (Sift Talk Post)

Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (live)

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The Helsinki freak storm front from another point of view

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