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Ariana Savalas - One Man Show

First Date? Last Date, Dude!

First Date? Last Date, Dude!

siftbot says...

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, February 14th, 2015 12:49pm PST - promote requested by my15minutes.

Adding video to channels (Equality, Femme) - requested by my15minutes.

What should the penalty be for having an illegal abortion?

What should the penalty be for having an illegal abortion?

Disney's Gaston vs. 11-year Old Girl

Disney's Gaston vs. 11-year Old Girl

Disney's Gaston vs. 11-year Old Girl

Disney's Gaston vs. 11-year Old Girl

News reporter warms up to ‘Alphabet Aerobics’

Lann (Member Profile)

The Angel Rice The All Star Games 5 double twists 4 lines

The Angel Rice The All Star Games 5 double twists 4 lines

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

Mordhaus says...

Christina Hoff Sommers alluded to Sarkeesian as part of an "army of critics, gender activists and... hipsters with degrees in cultural studies", who she said have unfairly attacked masculine video game culture.

Just in case anyone wants to hear what a real, level-headed feminist thinks about Sarkeesian and the current wave of Neo-Femmes that seem to not want only equal rights, but greater ones then men. Feminism today is not about equality, even though Sarkeesian paid brief lip service to it in this interview, it's about knocking men down a peg or two below women.

I'm all for equality. I love games with the option for a male or female protagonist. What I don't love, and will never support with my money by purchasing it, are the games that shoehorn a female character in with no regard to story or content.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

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