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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump has a new defense….he didn’t declassify the documents he stole but that’s fine, because he still has full top secret clearance and once Mar a Lago was a temporary SCIF (with now removed security measures and personnel), so leaving the top secret classified state secrets in ballrooms and hallways open to the public, photographed by the public, is a nothingburger. The problem, 1) he does NOT still have presidential level clearance, he lost it on Jan 20 and 2) the temporary SCIF designation was dissolved well before 2020. Might work with Cannon, his lackey, but will fall flat on appeal.
His only lawyer is happy to say she’s glad she’s pretty instead of smart because she’s so dumb she thinks she can fake being smart, but she can’t. Not good when your lawyer stands up in court and says “Your Honor, I don’t know how to try this case.” Her objections are nonsensical, not on topic, and have already annoyed the judge, on cross she just started reading tweets that had not been entered as evidence, and when asked what she was doing she answered “I’m trying to get it in.” (but Trump was too small to find under his gut) at which point the judge recessed the case so Trump’s lawyer could remind herself of how to enter evidence in a court, because she has no idea how courts work! After the recess she did the exact same thing, then begged the judge “well, what do I do?” And he had to stop the trial and explain the procedure for presenting evidence in a court to Trump’s legal team…BECAUSE THEY HAD NO IDEA HOW! THEN SHE DID IT AGAIN…JUST STARTED READING A TRANSCRPIT NOT IN EVIDENCE! He is livid at this lack of competence, decorum, knowledge, and intelligence coming from the entire defense side, not smart to make the judge an enemy….and it doesn’t create an automatic appeal just because you made the judge dislike you. Imagine if that was all it takes.
She’s going to be disbarred, but she got the fame she was after and her legal career was non existent before Trump so she won’t care…but will try to make you care enough to send her cash. You probably will. 😂

“We’re going to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your, you know, your your political beliefs is what they do…they want to debank you and we’re going to debank think of this, they want to take away your rights, they want to take away your country the things they’re doing all electric cars, give me a break if you want an electric car good but they don’t go far they’re very expensive.” -Trump

Can you tell me what he said? What was the topic of that run on sentence? What is debanking? Why is it ok for you to debank but not ok for banks to debank? Shouldn’t they be the ones with the most right to debank? Can you convince yourself that is a functioning brain stringing those words together and not one ravaged by the late stage syphilis he obviously has?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gym Jordan busted today by actual phone and text messages from the whitehouse on Jan 6. He had claimed he may have talked to the whitehouse a maximum of one time on Jan 6 and only after the capital had been cleared, now it’s proven he had a 10 minute conversation with Trump hours before going to object to the legitimate electors from multiple states.
No wonder he’s still ignoring his subpoena over the biggest crime ever in American history with more arrests and more convictions than the next 3 mass crimes put together, he was directly involved and one of the architects of the attempted coup….and a willing child rapist protector. Never forget you chose the party of child rapists, willingly and with full knowledge of who you were standing with.
“You will know them by the company they keep.” makes you look like one sick fucker. These are your guys….

276 Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state senate in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.

277 Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)

278 Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters

279 GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t

280 Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.

281 Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse

282 Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women

283 Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million

284 Iowa state Sen. Merlin A Bartz - sexual harassment

285 Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment

286 Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment

287 Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments

288 Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct

289 GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation

290 ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape, lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.

291 Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told a woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women.

292 ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence

293 NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16-year-old student.

294 ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy - violating a protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty

295 GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.

296 John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.

297 OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.

298 State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment

299 US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate

300 Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.

Bonus- Trump’s Georgia RICO case codefendent Trevion Kutti’s lawyers both withdrew from the case because she can’t pay them (she claimed one was willing to come back, but he was still on the zoom meeting and told the judge absolutely not unless she found the cash first, then she declined a public defender. This means, unless she can find a lawyer prepared to defend her in a 4 week minimum public RICO case involving treason for free with absolutely nothing to gain for them, she’s going into it with no representation. If she’s found guilty, thanks to RICO so is Trump. The house of cards is falling! 😂

So a GoPro gets dropped out of a plane....

Colorado Supreme Court Declares Trump Ineligible For Office

newtboy says...

Only if they rule by January 4th, otherwise he’s just not on the primary ballot.

Also, he will lose the Colorado case or the court is giving Biden the green light to do exactly the same thing.

Either way, Trump will lose Colorado like he did before. Don’t fret, President pant load the insurrectionist incel will be so busy trying to stay out of prison for treason he won’t have time or money to campaign for himself, much less others. 2024 is going to be a shitshow of republicans falling over themselves with no coordination.

This does nothing to put him back on the ballot in Maine.

Also, this is one of a dozen cases he must win to be on the ballots, and Trump is a massive constant loser in court.


GWAR - Maggots - Live From Antarctica

visionep says...


[Verse 1]
Vile form of necros lies rotting your mind
Feasting like maggots, maggots in flesh
Soon it left your ruined cortex behind
Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine

Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

[Verse 2]
Reeking pus-pools vomit bubonic plague
Bowels of the beast stink of puke
How to describe such vileness on the page?
World Maggot waits for the end of the age!

Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

Like rain!

Beneath a sky of maggots I walked
Until those maggots began to drop, I
Gaped at god to receive my gift
Bathed in maggots 'til the planet shift

(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain
(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain

Now in the halls of the necro-lord
Flash of fear when he sees my sword, I
Rape his woman, smoke his bong
Leave a booger underneath his throne

(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain
(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain!

Just like rain, say!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots! Maggots!

Ma-Ma-Ma-Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots! Maggots! Maggots!
Ma-Ma-Ma-Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, he had no defense. The stipulated facts proved him guilty beyond doubt. Just like Giuliani who is $150 million poorer this evening. They didn’t offer a defense and were found guilty based on what they agreed the facts were, now they whine it’s unfair they were found guilty. 😂

The second part of trials are the punishment phase. That’s the only phase that either defendant had because they had no defense to their guilt….And you think this proves some conspiracy?!. Sucker. Idiot! Braying moron! 😂 you don’t understand the world and it’s so big and scary and unfair, isn’t it baby boy? Yes Bob. After guilt is established, there’s more trial before the prosecution rests. Only absolute brain dead slugs don’t understand that, clearly you and MAGA don’t understand it.

And you are so delusional, gullible, and ignorant you think normal trial procedure proves some conspiracy. 😂 you honestly are the dumbest person I’ve ever encountered including the mentally challenged and brain damaged people I’ve known…you take the cake for dumb bob. Congrabulations!

BTW- the idiot whose video you posted clearly has no idea what communism is, he just likes saying the word. The courts making a summary judgement based on the undisputed evidence is not only not communistic, it’s perfectly normal, especially when the charges are proven so conclusively. He claimed on sworn documents his apartment was 3 times the size it was to fraudulently get better loan terms that over years saved him reportedly near $200 million in interest alone that he would have paid had he been honest about the collateral he was using. There’s no way to explain that away, nor the other few thousand examples of fudging the numbers always in his favor for fraudulent financial gains and tax evasion that they have on record with his signature attached swearing to the veracity of the values he supplied.
I know it will all go over your head, but here’s the legal explanation of what you and MAGA don’t understand about the law here….not all your fault, you are clearly ignorant of the law and Trump and team and morons like this are misleading you.

BTW- posted this for you to celebrate all the MAGgots falling like rain.

bobknight33 said:

Trump found guilty even before the trial starts.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

Hunter showed up prepared to testify publicly like he was invited to do by Comer.

Republicans don’t want that, it would make it too hard to lie about his testimony.
If they’re forced to publicly address the facts rather than their lies, their sham impeachment would fall apart immediately.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now we have multiple top administration officials and lawyers like Meadows, Scovino, and Ellis admitting under oath that in December Trump was saying he didn’t care that he lost, and didn’t care what the courts said, he was not going to leave the White House under any circumstances, he was just going to stay in power….as if we didn’t already know.
Because I’m sure you don’t understand, that is criminal intent, direct evidence of election fraud and multiple attempted coups, and 100% undermines any attempt to pretend he thought he won or was doing what he believed was right for him to do as president….in fact now only he can make that claim himself by testifying under oath in open court…and please oh please let his lawyers be that stupid. Er mer gerd, please be that stupid.

Enjoy being firmly on the traitors team. Don’t be surprised to wake up to find a big “T” branded on your forehead some day, Americans don’t like traitors.

Bonus-Lol…today fraud and coward Senator Mullin “accepted” the challenge to physically fight a union leader in the senate chambers knowing that the capitol police were there to protect him and not allow a fight, once again displaying MAGA’s complete lack of respect for America and your total cowardice.
If he wanted to actually accept the challenge, he would have done so either in a place where a fight could happen, or publicly and arrange a sanctioned ring fight, but he instead hid behind his security and only when safe pretended to accept.
If he actually wanted to fight then and there Bernie Sanders would not have immediately stopped him using just words.
Even better, after the union leader accepted the challenge then and there and the senator sat back down at Sanders’s order, he tried to pretend the union leader had gone silent and hid from the fight, a pure fabrication of events that just happened in public view and that we have recorded.
He never intended, nor does he intend to accept the invitation to a fist fight, this was pure false bravado staged for a photo op in congress…that tank of a union leader would have flattened him out thin enough for even you to see through him. 😂
If he’s really a tough guy, let him accept a sanctioned cage match like the guy suggested. MAGgot coward wouldn’t show up because he’s a kindergarten child, not a man.
such infants you crybabies are.

Second bonus- Speaker Johnson is already on the ropes, incapable of putting together a budget plan even his party will vote for (definitely not one that will pass the senate), is angering the same extremist MAGgots that tossed McCarthy and got him the position, and has SERIOUS financial disclosure issues like hiding his wife’s income and assets for his entire 7 year tenure, and pretending that he’s a man of minor means, so poor on only $205k (+ his wife’s income, and her unreported undisclosed LLC’s income, and the millions in freebies he doesn’t report) a year that he doesn’t have any bank accounts, and failed to disclose multiple gifts from multiple sources of at least $20k despite being required to report anything valued over $400. He’s not going to survive the year in office.
Meanwhile Greene and Gaetz are holding sham meetings of (in their own words) “shadow congress” to spout covid and vaccine misinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright lies on taxpayer dollars instead of doing the work of congress.
His criminal failures mean another Republican shutdown just in time to ruin Thanksgiving and Xmas, expected to be the busiest travel season ever while not paying tsa or traffic controllers will be an unmitigated disaster…you think people won’t remember who did that again?

Third bonus- Kevin McCarthy is now accused of battery of another Republican congressman while he was being interviewed in the Senate hallway, confirmed by the reporter. When Burchett chased him down he hid behind security and denied it, then ran away like a MAGA coward.
Gaetz has filed a formal ethics complaint.
MAGA and the Republican Party are falling apart at the seams, so flustered at constantly losing and looking moronic and anti patriotic that they are physically fighting each other and civilians in congress…and it’s delicious. 😂 Kindergartners have better self control, and it’s on full display constantly.

Enjoy political oblivion. White racist bigots are many and loud, but there’s not enough of you to elect anyone, and everyone else in your party has left.

He runs to save his mother

BSR says...

What if she was pregnant other than falling for two?

Next time she goes up a ladder she should wear golf shoes so she doesn't have so far to fall.

jimnms said:

She would have been fine if she let go from the hanging position, as long as she didn't do something stupid like lock her knees straight.

He runs to save his mother

cloudballoon says...

Or mom's just taking the opportunity to teach the kid how to swing.

In all seriousness though, my mom broke her ankle last year just falling backward while gardening. Bad angle and poor bone density worsened the fall. So even a feet or two could cause major damage.

jimnms said:

She would have been fine if she let go from the hanging position, as long as she didn't do something stupid like lock her knees straight. Based on the height her feet were at when she got back on the ladder, and assuming a standard ladder's maximum rung spacing, she was about 4.5ft from the ground.

Family Trip Did Not Go As Planned

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery,Amy Cooper

newtboy says...

Nonsensical long ago debunked racist propaganda, bob.
They tried that excuse at trial, it failed. It was bullshit then, is still now.
More liars lying.

Only one innocent man here, the one being framed after his murder….Floyd.

You are so gullible. There’s a reason you can only find this on “valuetainment”, a no facts needed far right internet propaganda site that’s steered you wrong multiple times before. You never learn. You’re never embarrassed at how many times this type of insulting lie falls apart. You still think you’re going to get away with it THIS TIME….never works out…your optimism in the face of so much failure is impressive though.. Such nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Innocent men framed

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dominoes are falling.

Ken Cheseboro just plead guilty to felonies and agreed to testify against Trump. He’s the third.
This days after Kraken Powell did the same. She’s probably the reason he turned, and they are why the other 16 co-conspirators now thinking about taking a deal…they know those two have all the information needed to convict. D’OH!!!

All the co-defendants are admitting they tried to steal the fair and legitimate election that they knew Trump LOST! Not a good look in a RICO case.

What you gonna do now? Still believe Trump? Probably. 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Wieselberg is caught red handed not turning over emails (and lying on the stand about his knowledge) that are part of his plea deal, which now triggers a forensic investigation of his and the Trump organization emails, and if omissions are found that’s more obstruction AND a violation of Wieselberg’s plea agreement. Too bad Forbes kept and supplied those emails…maybe Trump shouldn’t have gone off on them when he fell off the Forbes richest Americans list? 😂

ant (Member Profile)

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