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New York Nuclear PSA what to do in case of an attack

newtboy says...

Sad that the article and @StukaFox both forgot the emp, that kills all electronics, making your car your tomb if it was made after 1980.
A car is only a decent shelter if it’s at the bottom of an underground parking structure that doesn’t collapse in the blast.
Cars are not escape vehicles in this scenario. There won’t be many erratic drivers, like the article claimed, because any car with a computer chip will be dead.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Charges? Plenty of obstruction charges so far. Well over 850 (874?) Trumpists have been charged with attacking the capitol and police, some charged with treasonous sedition, some admitting to sedition….at Tump’s request and direction.

Perhaps you don’t know, the committee doesn’t charge criminals, it makes criminal referrals to the DOJ. The point is to find out what happened, and who caused it, not to charge anyone (except those who ignore their subpoenas or lie under oath, even then they only make referals). They don’t have that power, they have referral power only. They have made referrals for defendants that were charged, so you’ve been misled.

New charges? That’s up to Garland, who is dragging his feet, but criminal referrals to the DOJ with verified evidence of serious crimes Trump himself and his lackeys committed leading up to, during, and after the Jan 6 Trump led attack on democracy and against America are definitely coming soon. Cheney has said exactly that, there is more than enough direct evidence that Trump personally committed multiple serious crimes in relation to the Trump Treason of Jan 6…but the investigation is ongoing.
After the last hearing tons of new witnesses and evidence has come flooding in from people who finally realized they are on the wrong, and losing side of history here and are no longer hiding or refusing to testify about what they know or have proof of. There’s no statute of limitations on treason, or attempted murder, or actual murder (and everyone involved is guilty of killing a police officer legally just as much as if they murdered him themselves because they acted as a group, a gang, or a private army trying to take over a country.) The criminal referrals will come after testimony and evidence stops flowing in….but there are already multiple referrals in the works based on what they know now, with more coming if more comes to light.

Q: do you have any idea how many denials have become admissions due to the work of the committee? Hundreds. “I never gave tours.” Became “I gave one small family one tour.” Became “I gave 20 or so young militia members tours of security stations, back hallway routes to Democratic offices, and the secret escape route for congress and let them photograph and video all of it, then denied it, but now that the video is public I admit I did that, but it’s perfectly normal and not a bit suspicious.” That’s just ONE failed denial of hundreds the cons have tried.

Sorry, that’s hardly nothing. Maybe to a Russian troll it is, but it’s not nothing to Americans.

How are those rapidly dropping gas prices working for you? Democrat policies at work! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

D’oh! They (finally) got Eastman’s (Trump’s lawyer) phone records, he gave up his fight to hide them after over 6 months of losing cases, so now we’ll know who was calling Trump and his lawyer on Jan 6 and can subpoena them to find out more.

Jenny Thomas, come on down!

Edit: AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! After saying how she couldn’t wait to get to testify, Thomas now says she’s too stressed out to testify. So sorry.
I don’t think that excuse is going to fly. She’s going to get subpoenaed and she’s going to fight tooth and nail to escape. Don’t be surprised if she flees the country soon. Poor little seditionists traitor, must be stressful when your coup fails and your involvement becomes public knowledge.

Video Of Republicans Giving Tours To Insurrectionists

newtboy says...

You are so stupid you think the accusation is that violence took place during the planning stage on Jan 5th as they cased the joint in preparation for the planned assault against America and democracy the next day?

Wow, I never gave you any credit for intelligence, but that’s just brain dead sluggery. If you were capable of shame, you would be feeling it now.

What was Benghazi if not dumping on Clinton to try to keep her from running in 2016? Don’t start whining now, snowflake.

The difference is there’s an actual investigation, a bipartisan one at that, going on here, not just baseless accusation, and actually evidence of a plot to subvert democracy and stage a violent coup, where the charge against Clinton was indecipherable and without fact or evidence, and multiple investigations and hearings that SHE didn’t hide from proved it.
Trump tried to stage a coup, but is a loser so he failed. He wants another try, and you want to give it to him despite 2/3 of the country despising him and refusing to go along.

Edit: I wonder, if these tours were so innocuous, innocent, and just normal families….why did Loudermilk spend so much time vehemently denying they ever happened….then more time denying there were no more than 4 people including 2 children, eventually admitting he gave tours to up to 22 red hat Maggots that took photos of back hallways, stairs, security posts, representative escape routes, routes to Democratic representatives offices, etc? False denials are indicators of guilt, and he gave denial after denial that he eventually admitted were lies.
Asking for pardons is also an admission of guilt….who asked for them again?

bobknight33 said:

People walking around peacefully.

Such violence.

All this dump on Trump just to try to keep him from running 2024.

I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

newtboy says...

Tuning out of star-light, the innocent lifetime flickers and flashes onto a canvas. But no, nobody seems worth it

And while the feeling's sophisticated, the view is so restrained. The past is nearing closer, and closer I fear.

So let's just cut the bullshit, and tell me who's independent. Thumbs twiddling' and your life's escaping your mind

Keep In mind, well the air ain't as free as it used to be but that's quite alright while you're still eighteen

It seems, to be, and i'll tell you who's over-rated. What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams?

And while the lining isn't silver, we're verging on the side of the road, that'll take us home.

The edge of us is getting weighed, read about your life in your local papers.

Realize, the end of us is getting near, you're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas.

Delirious, illusions flowing backwards through the river of colour while we analyze to try to see it clearer. Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner. Now what's your vision?

Initiate your shading, blend the universe together in time it only gets a little easier. Suddenly you piece yourself back together. Now what's your vision?

And I don't wanna have to give a damn about you or your inhibitions.

After all, you're the one who taught me love was not for every body.

However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light, yet still gets darker.

You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting? Whatever

This unnatural path, it spans infinitely, but my world is crumbling.

Let it collapse into the abyss, in the midst of summer it won't exist.

This emptiness, it's just a blank slate, waiting for a painter to interfere.

It's quite complex, but what do I know?

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

newtboy says...

If you want to convince me, you’re going to have to do one hell of a lot better than that silliness. He clearly went to the right wing propagandist school of YouTube even though he seems to imply he’s a liberal.

I’ll tackle one…the bread price fixing claim. He worked for a consulting company, the companies that are hired by failing and struggling businesses to suggest solutions and often that means cut their staffs in half to try to save the company…bad ones then sell all the assets, bankrupt the companies intentionally, and escape any obligations to the employees. There’s no indication the company he worked for did that (that I know of). They did apparently consult for a grocery store chain that, also apparently, was involved in bread price fixing at or near the same time his company was being consulted. It’s ridiculous to believe they REPORTED that crime to the outside consulting firm they hired.
Trying to tie one corporate customer’s unrelated crimes to Pete because you can string a tenuous thread between them (with many pegs between) is pretty damn dishonest. So is saying Pete never answered questions about it, he absolutely did…it was in the video.

Massive layoffs….I didn’t get that far, stopped around 7 min in…but that’s what consulting firms often do. If companies are failing because they’re way over staffed, they suggest layoffs to save at least 1/2 the jobs. Not always successfully.

I don’t know what ICE is if it’s not immigration cops, and I don’t know what he would have to do with it, but I’m not going to keep listening to these convenient edits and hyperbolic claims in the video. I can’t stand the narrator, nor can I trust him.

I’m not claiming Pete is perfection incarnate. I’m saying it would be nice to have a president who’s driven to public service, is insanely intelligent, is well spoken and polite, likeable, and young enough to have to live with the consequences of their own leadership, and that those are all positive traits we’ve been lacking of late.

eoe said:

He's also a bit smarmy having worked for McKinsey & Company. He never really answered any of those questions about ICE, bread price-fixing, massive layoffs, etc.

A fun video about all this: Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg - SOME MORE NEWS.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A Republican-appointed judge issued a stunning attack against Donald Trump in a trial of a Capitol rioter who was found guilty this past week by a jury. The judge blasted Trump as a "charlatan" who is taking advantage of gullible people, and said that the former President doesn't seem to care about democracy. These are strong, and very true, words against Trump, especially from a Republican judge.

“ You know, I think our democracy's in trouble because unfortunately we have charlatans like our former president who doesn't in my view really care about democracy, but only about power.
And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart. I have a concern that we unfortunately, [have] American citizens who were so gullible that they were willing to accept what was being said without any proof that the allegations about the election had any merit whatsoever. People are just outraged at how they feel our system is not taking seriously what happened on that day because of their fear of the future for this country.”

That’s what Republican judges are saying on the bench.


P.s. Another hero, Alex Jones, closed shop on his network and other businesses, claiming $1-$10 million in liabilities and $0-$50k in assets for each one. It seems he thinks this lie will let him escape hundreds of millions in liability for the Sandy Hook lawsuits, even though he reported earning over $165 million just since they began.
Bye Felicia.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not true, you used to praise them…especially Yertle….but your memory has never been your strong suit.
Not Cheney? Or did you just forget who to hate?
Sad for you the (anti) freedom caucus that I know you love is likely going to be ineligible to hold office…Cawthorn only escaped by redistricting the plaintiffs out of his district and technically invalidating their lawsuit….another is probably in the pipeline. MTG’s was given the green light in court yesterday….bye Felicia.

You might be shocked to hear….Pelosi….and any others over 70. That should be forced retirement time, for judges and presidents too….no control over a society when you won’t have to see it deal with the consequences of your actions, says I.

Senima and Manchin too… neither of which have ever been Democrats, they’re secret Q nut jobs and on the take big time.
Edit: literally minutes after writing that I found Senima’s latest poll numbers in her district….17% approval, 75% disapproval! It looks like I’ll get that wish at least.

Also, Al Frankenstein needs to be replaced…re-placed back in office. He should never have left. He wasn’t just funny, he’s smart as fuck and knowledgeable too.

bobknight33 said:

Never cared for him. Rino like Lindsey Graham, Mit Romney, Susan Collens, and about 4 others. All needed to be replaced.

His only good deed is pushing supreme Court nominees.

What Democrats in your opinion needs replacing?

Jim Carrey reacts to Will Smith Chris Rock Slap @ The Oscars

newtboy says...

I had heard that not only is he selling out now, tickets are $750!! That said, in a month when the excitement dies down, who’s to say it won’t swing the other way.

And there’s the damage to his reputation, if not his career, that is also worth something. Not $500million, but you start big…who knows, maybe Will would hand it over to escape. He’s got it.

I think the appropriate measure is what would Will say was enough restitution if someone did that to his loved one, wife or child, on an international broadcast…that’s what he owes Chris’s family. That’s got to be in the hundreds of millions, not a few thousand….but I don’t decide so my opinion is moot.

Edit: really, I think the DA should press charges. He doesn’t need Chris, he’s got it on video from a dozen angles. Case closed.

cloudballoon said:

That's hard to prove. And actually the end result would be the opposite. His recent tour's sold out. He's (rightfully) benefitting from the incident financially because he took the high road. Sue for the physical damage, sure, but whatever the amount a judge & jury would award him, it'd be just a drop in a bucket from Smith. Probably end up settled out of court. But I would most definitely take all the money from Smith. Then give it to charity to rub it in.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

If that were true, why did you make up the sexist, disrespectful lie that she slept her way into office….repeatedly? You clearly cared that she is a woman despite your denial, and obviously care that she’s black even though you know better than to admit it.

I don’t expect an answer….I would say you should go pander your idiotic propaganda elsewhere, but it seems that since the day Putin’s troll farm was shut down you’re gone, and it’s going to be a while before they get back online, so I’ll instead say enjoy your time out, and enjoy real inflation of your rubles and true leadership failure that Trump praises.

Lol…Manafort caught trying to flee to Dubai yesterday, pulled off the plane with his invalid passport trying to escape to a country with no extradition….a trial run for Trump fleeing to mother Russia or Belarus?

Remember, Trump said Russia’s invasion was genius, near perfection, and indicated it’s what he would have done….with the same disastrous results.

This is you guy. This is you pick? (You’ll never live down your pigeon Russian/English, comrade).

bobknight33 said:

Like Obama, no give a fuck if she is black, orange or purple.
An no one cares if she is a woman.

She is lacking leadership skills. That it.

Go pander your stupid thoughts elsewhere.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

luxintenebris jokingly says...

bobby, baby...check your head. slow your roll.

do you know don jr's squeeze was ca gov newsom's wife? go easy on the 'sleeping to the top' garbage. (sound like an old out-of-touch geezer)

your man-boy raw-dogged a porn star. go easy on the imprudent sexual escapades. (more fossilized thinking)

and the idea of 'selling out' shouldn't be a thing if you're truly a covfefool fan...or any of his that is the m.o. of the all of the russian-loving rascals. (the amount of gall would cover a forest)

honestly, try freezing your cantankerous old-coot comments. it solves nil, proves null, and offers zilch of a challenge to any other's viewpoints. (babe, you're missing more than realized)

succinctly; it's taking more away than giving. escape the trap...ya' angry badger.

[omitting what our patriotic grandparents had to do without during their fight against fascism - gas was only one]

bobknight33 said:

anti American,??? Think again.

blah...blah...blah...spit - hiss - cry - wail - tears of fear - confused sobbing

Tesla’s TOTAL DOMINATION (new data)

newtboy says...

The cars compared were as I described. There are no truly comparable electric vehicles available today. Somehow you think that’s a dig at Tesla? It’s a compliment, and a lament.

Not at all. I would love one. They have made missteps however.
Not a fan of Musk.
What should be clear is I’m not a fan of bullshit.

I’m also not a fan of monopolies.
I’m also not a fan of successful companies bargaining away their tax liabilities for little in return for the public.
I’m not really a fan of space tourism for billionaires either, not while poverty exists. What a waste of resources for no return.

Chip shortages are the only real obstacle, the rest are speed bumps.

It’s a problem if you don’t want to pay $60k for a $25k car…I thought inflation was bad. Now you love it?

Tesla made deals to not pay taxes. You can pretend that’s patriotic, it’s not. I didn’t say they ignored or committed fraud to escape taxes, I said they don’t pay them. That kind of agreement shouldn’t be acceptable for any company, especially one as profitable as Tesla. Yes, it’s a “the governor and/or legislature can waive taxes for companies he likes” policy issue, I find it abhorrent no matter which party does it, they both do.

If you backroom deal with right wing governors/legislatures to avoid taxes, you are far right, at least economically. I thought he came out as a Trump guy too, but might be wrong.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh, you sure got me, Garth.

Biden sure kicked his ass at the ballot box!
Whatever you would like to say about Biden, however you want to belittle him, you can’t escape the fact that he’s the guy that beat Trump by a landslide. Every time you insult him, you insult Orange Daddy a tiny bit more, cause old sleepy grandpa Joe mopped the floor with him. D’oh!

Biden’s made it an entire year without having anyone I’ve heard of in either his campaign or administration arrested and convicted for serious crimes on Biden’s behalf….how many of Trump’s people were convicts, or state witnesses, or under investigation that would lead to conviction by one year in? I don’t THINK it was triple digits that early, but it might have been.

Oh, and Biden didn’t try to overthrow democracy by coup….so, point set and match-Biden.

bobknight33 said:

Yea Biden is incredibly better than Trump. NOT

Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

newtboy says...

You’re correct. Some of the hydrogen likely hasn’t been part of another star. I should have said every atom heavier than hydrogen. I don’t think any came from Sol, however. I don’t think gravity lets it escape.
Mea Culpa. I prostrate myself and beg forgiveness. Please-do-not-punish!

eric3579 said:

Every atom? Correct me if i'm wrong but Hydrogen didn't come from stars, and it makes up most of the atoms in the human body. Although it does make me wonder if stars consume all of their Hydrogen before dying.

Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

newtboy says...

Where’s the exit? What a terrifying trap of existence that could only be escaped by human extinction, otherwise there would be no end to the lives you live. Me no like this theory.

If the point is for us to mature, it’s not working.

I think Stan Marsh had it right. When asked “What’s it like after you die?” He answered “I think it’s pretty much like before you were born.”

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