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Ron Paul PBS Interview

choggie says...

You'll need more than a desire for radical change and emotionalism to knock down a dynasty that has had already 32 years in the driver's seat.
Bush Sr.
Bush Sr(w/Reagan)

See the pattern of control?? They are not about to give this up and go to plan C.
Plan B being Ghoulianni, A.,being the shoe-in candidate, Skillary Clitless, after the spin-monster cranks into full gear, in 2008......look to January for the hard-sell, which really won't be that hard, (considering she is just mannish enough, to pass as a woman), by the time the summer hits, most of the monkeys on the sift who fancy themselves abreast and informed of Politics, will have bought their party line from the masters of proper-gander, will see the futility of a wasted vote on ol', not-on-the-inside here, and will again, take the lesser of two aliens, Annunaki-Raelian Clinton.

The world will be converted fully before 2020, one world, one love. Surveillance, either no guns or no ammo for guns in private hands in the U.S., and an unstoppable world machine, that we have systematically given everything we have, and have had, to. (the only thing that will stop it is world-wide natural disaster, or full economic collapse that is NOT, orchestrated by those who hold the keys.)

"I am Criswell, I see all!"

Iran Rhetoric

piscatorius says...

Jesus Christ! Iran isn't going to nuke an American city. Why would they? What strategic value would an attack on the United states have? Iran and her allies would be removed from the earth in an instant if a nuke detonated in the US. If this lunacy succeeds all hell will break loose, there'll be oil shortages, economic collapse and the prospect of a world war involving nuclear weapons. Anyway nobody pays any attention to the facts anymore. I know Mr Quantammushrrom won't read this but here's a debunking of the media hype.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

dgandhi says...

re: futility

I see that this is valid, but add futility to the chart and notice that it is a wash, we are in environmental and economic collapse in either column, so the futility case gets us catastrophe for both action and inaction.

Re: pascal

Since Pascal breaks down because it assumes only one god to choose, perhaps the same fallacy applies to his argument, perhaps we have too many possible actions, all with unknown outcomes, it's not a choice of yes or no, but which yes.

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