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It's advisable to apologise to Clint's mule

Once Upon a Time in the West - Opening Credits

wallace says...

This is the best opening credit sequence I've ever seen. The film is very long and slow, but worth it. Bronson is very credible as Clint Eastwood as the (Mexican) Man With No Name. And Henry Fonda is the coldest villain ever.

Fire. Rumsfeld. Now.

rickegee says...

peretz pt 1:

Bush loves the extreme hypothetical of torturing Osama bin Laden as he is on the brink of nuking NYC. We all know that this a comic book fantasy and we love this fantasy in the same way we love it when Jack Bauer tortures the bad guys on 24 or Clint Eastwood shoots people in the face in Dirty Harry. It is pure good triumphing over unalloyed degenerate evil. In this limited hypothetical, I do believe that you can find torture to be moral in a purely utilitarian sense if only because it prevents more harm than it creates.

However, I would still want this behavior to be illegal. I want to live in a society where torture is considered aberrant and disgusting. Would you or I break this law in the bin Laden hypothetical? Absolutely. And then our behavior would be transparent, analyzed by a jury of our peers if necessary, and we would never be convicted (just like thieves weren't charged and convicted during Hurricane Katrina). Would you or I break the law if some Pakistani guy told us that the schlubby brown-skinned guy on the corner was aiming nukes at New York? Maybe we would be more deliberate and careful in our actions and investigate the matter further before we started waterboarding people.

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