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3D without glasses, Cross-Eye HD

BSR says...

Practice holding your finger straight up in front of your face and look at the tip of your finger. Move your finger toward and away from your face while focusing on your fingertip. As your finger gets closer to your face your eyes will start to cross in a controlled manner.

Next, do the same thing but this time keep looking at your fingertip but notice 3 images. The middle image will appear 3D. This will help you find the sweet spot and should be much easier to see the 3D effect without using your finger. Remember to keep your eyes level so as to keep the two images aligned horizontally.

I would also suggest making the video full screen so nothing else but the video is showing. Be about arms length away depending on the size of your screen. The further you are from the screen, the less you have to cross your eyes.

I've made many crosseye 3D photos but no 3D videos.

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

newtboy says...

It’s equivalent to giving a monitor lizard a mouse, or a giant snake a rabbit. Have you ever seen large reptiles being fed?

A grown person could feed a large raptor for days, longer if it’s cold. The idea that dinosaurs only ate other large dinosaurs comes from Hollywood, not paleontologists or animal behaviorists. Smaller prey is both less dangerous and much easier to digest. Carrion is even better.

My monitor, nearly 4 ft long, preferred multiple mice to a rat, and hunted small anole lizards too….now that’s like hunting a cracker crumb, and it loved to do it.

P.S. Jurassic Park dinosaurs preferred to eat old male lawyers over blond females.

bareboards2 said:

So these giant lizards that require a great deal of calories to sustain themselves....

Are totally focused on what is not even a big appetizer? Expending all that energy for is basically a cracker?

Humans are so egocentric. Nature is out to get me! Especially if I am blonde and female.

Jurassic Park had the same logic, which annoyed me too.

Land of Mine Trailer

luxintenebris says...

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

no offense, but there was some 'kill, kill, kill' theme in those treatises.

in defense, learn about the Holocaust at an age most youngsters have just mastered tying their shoes. nix the naiveté or naïveté or naivete?* herr? ['tho didn't finish 'Night', as traveling through that deep of darkness, one could easily fall into the abyss.]

seriously. psycop was cool. me, chill. thee? like a blitzkrieg attack on anyone differing in the least. ya' know? like a culling of anyone un-erring.

no. not down w/pedicide. not see the upside. don't know the movie or actual events. found it questionable to put a person in a minefield and tie it to their freedom - - - is that being bold?

you're a bright guy. wound a tad tight, I'd wager, but on this subject, ya' make me yearn for something conversion with my Palestine pal or his Serbian side-kick. that was a blast.

or bantering with bob k.

are you on the west coast? hear it's like an oven out there.

BTW: missed Buhhda on a Bun, Allaha on Baba...and other expansions on the theology theme...Zoroaster in alabaster

fun isn't it!

*who was the 'nazi'?

Perhaps the weakest link in the US electrical system

luxintenebris says...

wonder what the 'industry' thinks in this regard. also leery about how the 'Nannie state' believers would consider this: Nannie over nuthin' or nothing Nannie about unnecessary risks?

it is disturbing. just the tangle of extension cord thing shows how institutionalized this fear, or known risk, has been installed into the public. would reasonably assume this is traceable to having been taught in schools. echoed also in many ads, manuals, etc. although have difficulty understanding why putting inexpensive safeguards would be a bad thing?

but have always believed it's easier to change systems than people. am joining the Nanny crowd.

[also think BSR's advice is worth noting. maybe when the speaker starts in w/the technical jargon, a smaller window opens with a 'normal' person translating the message. i.e. "wire gets damn hot" or "could shock the crap outta yah". maybe not so perfectly clear, but succinct and truthful.]

James May's Tesla Model S has failed!

admiralronton says...

A dying 12v in EVs isn't a problem with just Teslas. When I leased my Nissan Leaf many years ago, they warned me about the same thing, except the battery only charges when the car is actually on, not while it's charging. Fortunately, the battery never went flat on me, and even if it had, I think it was a damn site easier to access than Tesla's.

Covid Vaccines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

great idea. was leaning more toward the Russian capsule in the leg via umbrella delivery system but probably easier to feint accidental shootings. nerf guns would be good cover.

heard they are working on nasal sprays for the vaccine. that'd make it easier. replace the mosquito fogger w/an idiot fogger.

the big-game idea has some merit.

too bad the 'net couldn't spread a lie that side effects of COVID were, suffers suddenly became more tolerate, caring, and gained greater public awareness. mass inoculations would be sponsored by the Heritage Foundation.

BSR said:

Looks like we'll have to start using tranquilizer guns with vaccine darts to reach herd immunity.

Never thought I'd be a gun advocate but, here I am. Better subscribe to GUNS & AMMO now.

Never use Wire Nuts Again - Wago is Better Connector

newtboy says...

Seems ok for laymen installing only 12 gauge wire (they don't work with multiple wire sizes) with no tension (pulls out easier) carefully placed in an empty junction box, but not so much for other sizes of wire, and terrible in crowded boxes because the lever is easily popped open by other wires out of sight and then you may have a bare hot wire loose in your wall. That never happens with a properly installed wirenut.
I'll stick with wirenuts, they work great, are safer, won't let the wire pull out, and only sacrifice 3/4" of wire in the unlikely event they need replacing....and they're cheaper. Sticking with what works.

The Best Explanation of Addiction

vil says...

Some sweeping generalisations, not sure we can solve childhood trauma for everybody including ourselves.

But yes in general ghettoes, lack of education and social mobility, social exclusion of groups of people (say by color for example) are bad. These life circumstances can be improved or alleviated by state or public institutions easier than limiting drug supply.

So instead of assigning every addicted person a better trained shrink it might be easier and cheaper to get some prevention going. Reverse school segregation, make better schools financially viable for poor families, support meaningful social support programmes to allow families to leave problematic neighborhoods etc.

You can only save the fucked up ones if they want to be saved and they sure dont. Give them other options early in life. Save them quickly if they drop out of society the first time rather than punish them for life.

Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

Mordhaus says...

Dose 2 from what my wife's nurse friend says causes minor to moderate flu like symptoms in some people. In most it seems to be no worse than the effects from getting the flu shot.

I can say that compared to full blown Covid, the first dose was a walk in the park. I would wager the second is still much easier than having it directly. I'll post on my profile once I see how it goes, second shot on the 29th.

ant said:

Ouch. Flu shots were nothing to me. Just minor muscle pain. I wonder if we will suffer with our upcoming dose #2.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's become a daily occurrence that people are easily cutting holes in Trump's border fencing big enough to drive a full size Ford expedition through already. That car in the crash that killed 13 people in one car had just driven through one along with another car that caught fire. Still think it was worth the tens of billions, ecological damage, and the division it caused both domestically and internationally? It seems to be easier to get through than what it replaced, just cut 4 spots and push. As a bonus, it's more expensive to repair too. What a brilliant plan it wasn't.
Thanks Trump

Biker Falls Into Cactus Bush

The Worst Gun Control Bill I've Ever Seen

newtboy says...

Not really the first, but the most ridiculous in quite a while.

Some democrats don’t care about sensible gun laws. Some do want little more than actual background checks for all sales, like me. I don’t want violent felons to have easy access to them, nor people with active charges for kidnapping, murder, stalking, terrorism, etc. I don’t see any need for a public registry, although a closed/non public registry would make tracking firearms found after being used in a crime easier, as well as removing guns from people deemed a threat due to real, diagnosed mental defect or disease. This bill was insanely lax in defining what qualifies there, one of many things that made it not just bad, but horrific....and doa.

It’s odd, my brother, who lives in Austin too, says the same thing. He loves to blame ex-Californians for crazy laws, but most of the laws and regulations he complains about don’t exist here. I guess we got rid of our nuts? Thanks for taking them off our hands!

I’ll watch it later when the wife’s asleep.

Mordhaus said:

It's just the first salvo. The underlaying message is the same. Democrats don't care about sensible gun laws, they just want to make it very hard, very expensive, and very punitive for people to own modern firearms of any type.

Thanks to people moving from liberal states, Texas is purple now. Living in Austin, the ultimate far left stronghold, has made me immune to being surprised when a Texas politician submits crazy bills.

In any case, give it a watch. Brandon is funny even when he is upset.

Let's talk about what happened in Rochester, New York

newtboy says...

Aim for the head.
It's easier to get out of prison than the morgue.

Police only protect and serve other police....but they never police them. Immunity means these child abusers might at worst get paid vacation, and likely get a raise.
Write your representatives, insist immunity, even qualified immunity be removed. There's no reason police shouldn't be responsible for their actions, it only leads to them thinking macing handcuffed 9 year olds is fine.

Every single police union rep in the country should be skinned alive in front of their families and melted in acid. They are inhuman scum.

Republicans Try to Dismiss Trumps Second Impeachment Trial

Mordhaus says...

I could quote legal scholars who think otherwise, but since it is kind of split down the middle, you would be able to find just as many that argue that it is constitutional. My opinion goes towards the non-constitutional side. He isn't a sitting President any longer and the only reason Democrats are doing this is because, as you mentioned, it is a much higher bar to convince a jury that using the word 'Fight' means a call to insurrection. If they could manage to force it through the easier method, then they can simply call for a majority vote and block him from running again in 2024.

That is the net goal of the Democrats, because they fear he will win once people realize how badly the new ecological policies and debt from a further stimulus is going to hurt our economy. Let's be realistic in that it took Trump fucking up multiple times, the worst pandemic in 100 years, and the entire Democratic voting bloc turning out for Biden to win by a few thousand in the critical states that gave him the electoral mandate. I can't vote for him again, but there are plenty who would. Mostly poor and middle class working people who are going to be realizing just how bad Biden is going to fuck up the economy in the short term over his appeasement of portions of the green new deal.

We've discussed the gun situation to death. I could post quotes from Kamala and Biden, as well as his stated plan for gun control he put up on his site, but it would again serve no purpose. You feel that nothing will happen or it will only be limited to scary 'assault rifles'. I feel otherwise. We can bang our heads against the metaphorical wall over and over, but in the end neither of us is going to change the other's mind on gun control.

Sadly, in my case, that still means that unless Democrats do a 180 on gun control and illegal immigration I will continue to be forced to vote for Republicans. Also, yes, I mean the trial, but can we not split hairs? It's like asking for a Kleenex and getting nagged that you really meant Puffs.

newtboy said:

Impeachment already happened for a second time. You mean the trial.

It is pretty definitely constitutional because he was impeached while still the sitting president.

One reason for it is, in a criminal trial, they have to prove he intended to start a violent insurrection, a very difficult bar to clear especially considering his contradictory instructions in his speech and his mental an impeachment trial they only have to show that his words incited it, not his intent. That’s a no brainer.

The only way it hurts Democrats in 2022 is it would hinder his creating a new party that would split “conservative” votes and guarantee victory for democrats across the board. Thinking conservatives should be itching for conviction and a ban from office to save the Republican party in 2022, if he’s let off conservatives are domed....republicans can’t win without Trumpists, Trump can’t win without Republicans. Conversely, letting him off with no consequences would hurt the democrat vote badly...why elect them if they let Republicans get away with everything including violent and deadly insurrection and attempted assassination.

Your fear of libs coming for your guns makes me sad. You drank the fear flavored koolaid, they just aren’t unless you go violently nuts, stalk someone, or beat your wife up, or if you need to buy them illegally because you’re a felon. Note, the NRA went bankrupt under Trump and McConnel, not Biden.

If Republicans want to fight everything because a murderous and treasonous coup is prosecuted as if it were disturbing the peace with no prison time possible, they should be tossed as traitors to the constitution that they swore to uphold that requires a punishment for inciting insurrection and attempting a government overthrow. Really, they want an excuse for fighting everything, it’s a foregone conclusion that they will no matter what, they have zero interest in compromise or bipartisanship. They insisted Trump had a mandate and should ignore Democrats completely because he won the electoral college, but now that Biden won it and the popular vote and the house and senate they insist he has no mandate and must let the minority call the shots. It’s not consistent because they aren’t honest about anything anymore.

No one that thinks prosecuting directing an attempted coup is wrong would be voting democrat anyway. Prosecuting incitement of murderous insurrection is not vengeance, it’s barely a thin slice of justice, but it’s the best that can be reasonably hoped for in today’s hyper partisan climate.


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