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Amazing acappella and boxslapping song

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'call your girlfriend, robyn, erato, a cappella, singing, harmony' to 'call your girlfriend, robyn, cover, erato, boxslapping, singing, harmony' - edited by calvados

dag (Member Profile)

Everybody Wants To Be A Cat

Cheating in College

jmd says...

Payback, uhmm, an atm spitting money out would need to be reported to the fbi if they want their cash back. Now sure, about all they would have is you on that awesome studio grade camera on the atm machine, but since it would become a federal investigation they MAY pull close by security cameras to locate a car.. or another place you shopped at and may have used a card. The whole process is pretty much the same as if a money bag was left or fell off a brinks truck. The money isn't traceable and the bets they can really do is however involved in security cameras they choose to get.

Its such a rare incident though, there are so many electronics that need to fail in perfect harmony for money to continually spit out, so you never hear of it. There are easily way more atm attempted breakins to worry about.

I Can’t Go for That (No Can Do) Cover

60 minutes - depression and the placebo effect

NASA: 130 Years of Global Warming in 30 seconds

bcglorf says...

Let me add that I've previously pointed out:
-We are warming
-We are emitting measurable CO2 levels
-CO2 emissions WILL cause warming

My prior post stands together with these in perfect harmony, but I was afraid without pointing this out again we'd circle back again to acting like I deny those 3 points.

Girl can say any word backwards (surprisingly impressive)

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I used to play this game where we would use the old win 95 sound recorder to reverse a word, figure out how it sounds, then rerecord us saying it in "backwards" speak, and reverse it to see if we got close. It was a lot of fun, but there are some sounds I just can't make

Myself and my bandmates used to get very drunk and do this with entire songs. It was just the funniest thing, especially when you went to the trouble of doing the harmonies in a vocal. Learning backwards melodies is well hard because when reversed they make absolutely no sense. Often we'd do only a few words at a time.

Amazing skill that she has, I'd be even more impressed if she could pronounce them phonetically backwards, rather than pronouncing them as if the reverse spelling was an actual word. I enhanced and reversed some of the audio to see how close she was. You can listen on dropbox:

all is quiet, all is well

Hockey player contemplates the universe

What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

Ron Paul On race, drugs and death penalty

gwiz665 says...

Well, to expound on my view:

Naturally, you have the right to do anything. Anything that is possible is your "natural" right to do. Society limits those rights such that we can live together in reasonable harmony. Some rights are explicitly forbidden, like murder, while others are explicitly allowed (with limits often) like the right to life.

Anything society does not make laws against is within your rights to do, so yeah, in that sense you could say that you have a right to learn. Rights can be natural like this, but they are not inalienable like some people think them to be. The US constitution, for instance, is just a societal declaration about which rights it deems "natural" and inalienable.

I tend to lean towards "a right" being granted by something, but we're obviously debating semantics then.

>> ^Pantalones:

If you need permission, then it's not a right at all, it's a privilege. And while learning may be innate, it's also an active exercise that can't be taken away or allowed by permission. Forming opinions, having beliefs, simply existing, the idea that these things are granted by society, even if you could take them away seems...unnatural.>> ^gwiz665:
A "right" implies that you need permission. There is no "right to learn", it is a biological construct. You learn, because your brain works that way.

Your white noise generator is no longer required

AeroMechanical says...

Negative chronitom particles ejected at high velocity from phased plasma amplifier interact with low entropy bosons crossing the warp manifold event horizon. These bosons, now drained of trigonometric energy, collide with the gravimetric shielding surrounding the fusion relays thereby inducing oscillations in the ship's hull integrity field, thus producing low frequency oscillations in the ship's artificial atmosphere.

edit: Hm, that was supposed to be in response to raverman. Well, that doesn't make any sense now.

>> ^Zyrxil:

It's the Quantum Calmness Generator installed on all Starfleet ships to promote harmony and wellbeing between Borg attacks.

Your white noise generator is no longer required

Where AC/DC, Aerosmith & Tina Turner Got Their Voices From.

FlowersInHisHair says...

I love this for so many reasons. The bafflingly uncoordinated dancing at 0:58. The completely uninterested audience at 1:18. The fact that the backing singers aren't even bothering with harmony. The fact that the backing sounds like the theme from Sesame Street. The utterly pointless swapping of places. And the unintended innuendo of catching your girlfriend "eating with another man". 60s magic.

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