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Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

MichaelL says...

Thumbs up to this...
There's a particular website -- no names but you know the one -- where dumbass stuff like this pops up with increasing regularity. Or, they regurgitate some bit of common sense that been around for decades and pass it off as a previously unknown 'life hack'.

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

Shepppard says...

How many people doing something stupid did you actually see filmed by the reporter?

Short answer: one.

Yeah, we had the dingus stop in the middle of traffic, but the biker was just as anonymous as everyone else until that helmet came off. Everybody in their car, dumbass move or not, was completely anonymous.

The reporter isn't reporting anybody to the cops, and the only reason that the biker actually got any form of punishment is literally because he decided to confront the reporter, and that caught the attention of the gate security guards.

Seriously, it doesn't matter what you think the reporter did wrong.. in the end, he didn't actually DO anything. He literally stood there and filmed idiots. We see this on youtube 10000x a day, and think nothing of it, he just happened to get paid for doing it.

oohlalasassoon said:

^ I don't know guys, I still say if I had to choose which of these dipshits to defend it'd be the biker guy. I wouldn't defend his actions because they're obviously idiotic. Check. I get that part. But I can respect that he actually speaks his mind to pseudo-journalists like these. They're scum and are a sideways step from paparazzi. Does the biker not have a point that it's rude to film people without their authorization? Who here likes that?

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

shatterdrose says...

Surprised this wasn't already up here . . .

But anyway. To answer above questions:

Police are fighting jurisdiction. Because it's a car on a pedestrian bike way, there's lots of people involved. For instance, we have a road here in Orlando that's owned by the state (FDOT), the city and OUC, our power company. So if someone was to wreck and hit a power pole, all 3 would be involved. If a pedestrian was hit while on the sidewalk, FDOT or OPD would be called and if they wanted to bicker about it, they could endlessly. That's essentially what's happening here, because whomever takes responsibility can be sued.

As for why the biker didn't see the car: when we climb (not saying that was a hard climb, but I don't know her skill level) we tend to not look too far ahead of us. In a case like this, it's almost perfect for us to glance, see no walkers, and then mash the pedals up the hill. Head down, aero and aggressive, gives us the most efficient power usage.

The car, well, I can't attest to how much of a dumbass you must be to not realize you are no longer on the road.

Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Conservative Media

VoodooV says...

we never asked you, dumbass. unlike religion, science works whether or not you believe in it. News flash, the world changes every day without consulting @lantern53. If you don't like what your taxes go towards, put your money where your whining mouth is and GTFO of the country.

we won't miss you

go back to whining about kids being on your lawn, it would be more productive for you.

lantern53 said:

A consensus is not reality, as I've already stated.

I don't care what people believe about global warming. My problem is that when govt's believe we can do something about it, they begin to take my private property i.e. money, to fight it, when gov'ts do little but waste huge amounts of money and increase our debt.

Do whatever you want about global whatever, just don't ask me to believe that what you do will accomplish anything.

man fell into Nepalese crevasse

chingalera says...

Lower him down a monkey with a sandwich and a camera on it's head with a note suggesting that he chose some other death-defying hobby, call the six-o-clock news and shut-him-the-fuck-up...Oh wait, he's there for some crucial research and simply slipped.....'Todays' a good day to die, let's do it again!!'

Hey needs to get him the "DUMBASS" tattoo on his fucking forehead...

Truck Smashes Into Overpass

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

ChaosEngine says...

Oh fuck man, those are some of my favourite vices, but you forgot lust, you sexy dumbass.

The people aren't innocent. We have brought this on ourselves. At least I recognise that. Unlike your holier than thou stance, I recognise that I am a part of the problem, I recognise that there is a problem, and I recognise that the solution is going to be incredibly hard work either way.

Like @newtboy, I try to do my own small part, I grow some of my own food and I try to source what I can't as locally and sustainably as I can. I don't have kids, and I have plenty of trees on my property.

But I also like to snowboard and camp and lots of other things where I need a 4wd. I hate the fact that I drive it to work everyday, but it's really my only option (I don't have room for a second car, I live 15kms from work and there's no shower at my office, otherwise I'd bike.).

Despite your pathetic little insinuation to the contrary, I went to university, and I'm a highly paid professional. That means that as someone who's better off than most people in the first world country I live in, I am probably among the worst in the world in terms of resource consumption. Unless you're dirt poor and living in the third world, you are too.

I've travelled in Europe, Asia, Oceania and a small part of North America. The carbon footprint of that is massive, but I still want to see more of the world.

These are all my contributions to fucking up the environment. I recognise them, and I do what I can to mitigate them, but if I'm honest with myself, I know I'm having a net negative effect. The fact that it's less of a net negative effect than others in my socio-economic bracket is irrelevant.

But the fundamental difference between us is that I believe that if the problem can be solved (and at this stage, I'm dubious that it can) it will be solved by working together, not individually. If we are going to fix this, it will only be fixed by efficiencies of scale.

And the only way that we encourage clean industry is to level the playing field with regulation. Until there's no competitive advantage to polluting the environment (and it's always cheaper not to clean up after yourself), business will continue a race to the bottom.

But hey, you know what will fix this? Go downvote a bunch of completely unrelated videos because the nasty man was mean to you.

Trancecoach said:

(And lest you think "the people" are innocent victims, know that they seem more like willing participants; the extent to which they can be "victimized" depends on the extent of their own personal vices: anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, etc. I'm looking at you @ChaosEngine.)

Man Saws Tree into Truck Bed

chingalera says...

Yeah, the guys a fuckin' dumbass or this was'd like to think there aren't such embarrassments to the species around...

ChaosEngine said:

I'd say fail all round. Using a short bar chainsaw like that is a recipe for serious injury. You should never bury the tip of the chainsaw in a tree like that.

Piers Morgan Finally Fucks Off With A Great Parting Shot

mxxcon says...

Too many gun-toting hillbillies couldn't handle the truth.
OMG! somebody has a different opinion from me! let's make him lose his job and chase him out of the country!


TDS 3/13/14 - Fox News Welfare Academy

VoodooV says...

If the poor have it so good, why aren't the rich people throwing away their fortunes?

oh wait..that's because the poor don't have it so good.

If Fox news and their pundits want to fix fraud, that's great..more power to them, but it just seems like they could care less about that...they'd rather just demonize the poor even though a number of those poor probably do vote republican.

so hey, way to expand that big tent GOP.

It always cracks me up at how the right might make a genuine observation like fraud in a system, but instead of coming up with a way to fix that fraud, they either come up with a solution that is completely worse or more expensive than the problem (requiring drug tests for food stamps...drug tests aren't cheap yo) or they just demonize anyone who might use that system regardless.

news flash, demonizing an entire class of people isn't a great way to get them to vote for you. more poor people than rich people dumbasses

newtboy (Member Profile)

LA Gang Members Fighting in Syria Don't Give a Hoot, Homie

shatterdrose says...

Might not be a bad idea. We should invent some massive war on a deserted island and convince all the dumbass gangbangers to go out there and shoot each other . . . . At least they'll stop playing Call of Duty . . .

Meet The Store Owner Who Shot Five Gang Members

chingalera says...

Glad to see fewer and fewer 'NRA bad (cue chimpanzee sounds)' comments here as well VoodooV. I would also point-out that the 'new west, cops and robbers' scenario is much more frightening a prospect considering that it's the intentional breeding grounds for absurd levels of criminal activity that is the systemic result of the insanity of a once prosperous country's hijacking by political/totalitarian criminals since the 60's 'hippies' sold-out and became corporate lackeys and lawyers of and for, the criminally insane.

"NRA soundbite of "buy a gun! pew pew pew! bad guys dead, live happily ever after!" would be one interpretation of the NRA's message, another would be, "Hey dumbass? Arm yourselves against being one of the first to go when the government fails you and the future you thought you had disappears overnight."

@Sundamx-He won, he's alive and the bad guys are dead. Five people dead IS a win if those 5 people still walked the planet the broken, unrepentant, criminal thugs that they were destined to remain.

You're ill-informed if you think that 'no amount of training will stop a bullet' besides, that sounds like a sound bite from an idiot and all-to-vocal fringe of semi-conscious do-nothings.

Not so much dumb luck in this scenario when you crunch the outcome and consider the body count.

VoodooV said:

Good on him. I'm glad this didn't get portrayed as just some guy thinking he was playing cops and robbers in the old west

he knew he was in danger, he armed himself and not only that he actually trained vigorously, something I don't think most people do. He did what he needed to do...and he doesn't glorify it. In the end, he pays a price and lives in fear anyway even though he succeeded.

you're exactly right @SDGundamX, it doesn't fit into the NRA soundbite of "buy a gun! pew pew pew! bad guys dead, live happily ever after!"

Ford Model A oil change after sitting for 50 years

chingalera says...

Bought a 72 Dodge Dart from a mail-carrier that used to drive the thing up to a store I worked at every day after work to get his nightly beers-Paid $400 bucks for it and he told me, you might wanna change the oil-Same thing but a bit less hardcore sludge-

Changed the oil about three times in as many weeks to give it a good clean-out....then, about 3 weeks later, after the car was running just fine (put about 200 or so miles onnit so far by then), I decided to on a back road one day, punch-it and see what it could 'do'??

Engine seized, and when I took it to my mechanic at the time, he had to pull both the engine and tranny together, because the transmission had seized as well and he couldn't get them apart!

Had to ditch the car, wasn't worth the cash to get that pos back on the road

He had loaned me a car while he had the Dart in the shop, and Idid a similar thing to that car trying to get some speed out of her Windsor engine....threw a rod!

He gave me all kinna shit for THAT dumbass move!

Bad car year, doing stupid shit with old junkers!

Food Channel Contest Time (Food Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

Oh my god, I'm a dumbass, I seemed to have skimmed over the cookie part, haha. Ok, well I've never made them before, I'm not much of a baker, but I heard about these bacon cookies this one time...

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