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Mah diction ain't that good - Bush admits it

Oh, he's running, alright ("Meet Barack Obama")

theo47 says...

As Obama himself says when asked about Iraq, there are bad options and there are worse options.

Clearly, we have to withdraw, and will at some point, possibly before the end of the year - but let Dubya pound the final couple of nails in the GOP's coffin with this "surge".

His bonehead move was to invade in the first place;
every day we stay just compounds the problem and keeps a few more Republicans out of elected office the next time around.

Seven Signs of the Apocalyptic South

3003 Soldiers Dead, Bush wants to Increase Troop Levels

winkler1 says...

What's disturbing is the black and white ("them") thinking.. politics, international relations, realpolitik is all shades of gray. Not the "with us or against us" of dubya's cowboy persona. Being ignorant and arrogant is a good way to make enemies.

Fox Host Confused About Bush Cocaine Abuse

theo47 says...

She's not confused - she just didn't get the old talking points about Dubya's cocaine use.

Bush's people never denied that he used cocaine (and more than the one time Obama did), but they didn't deny it, either (for fear of Dubya's old coke partiers coming out of the woodwork) - which is pretty much an admission on their part.

Besides, if there's any question of lingering effects of using the drug, Bush is a much easier target than Obama.

donny bonaduce puts the 911 conspiracy into perspective

theo47 says...

Funny thing is, the administration has only itself to blame for the leaks; placing the blame on intelligence services and the military for "bad intelligence" when, in fact, the intelligence was correct and they chose to cherry-pick it for their own devices.

Considering what they're capable of, I certainly wouldn't want the CIA (who have to walk in a building every day bearing Dubya's father's name) mad at me.

Richard Dawkins responds to Jerry Falwell's students

theo47 says...

Dawkins is a breath of fresh air precisely because he's not a product of the American politeness which often hides the sort of hypocrisy and nastiness in someone like Ted Haggard. I live in Cincinnati - people are nice to a fault here, yet still vote in backwards ways on gay rights and taxes and such. It's pretty ugly.

That anyone would think Haggard, with his backward ideas and false front, would win an argument with Dawkins merely because he seems like a nice guy is almost as perverted as Haggard himself.

Remember how many people voted for Dubya because he seemed like a swell guy and they (ironically) wanted to have a beer with him? See how that turned out?

I don't push my beliefs on people in my personal life either, because I know how it makes me feel when it's done to me. But considering the generations of slimy televangelists who've been doing it over and over, it sure it nice to have someone like Dawkins on our side who isn't concerned with being polite.

"Tolerance", in my opinion, is a notion for bigoted people - people who hate someone else for no reason other than that they're different.
It doesn't mean tolerating intolerance, hoping it'll go away. If we tolerate the hate, the bigots, the ignorant - then nothing will ever change for the better.

Fox News correspondant gets waterboarded

theo47 says...

Now I know you're a red-blooded Republican, have absolutely no sense of humor.

And if you really believe this is "the same treatment" that they get at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, you're living in the same false reality Dubya's created for himself.

How many days are in February, President Bush?

theo47 says...

I'm pretty convinced that we'll get some sort of early senility diagnosis about 10 years or so after Dubya's left office, just like with Raygun.

Because if not, then America really did elect him because he was "one of them", i.e. stupid.

George Galloway vs Jeremy Paxman, Election Night 2005

deputydog says...

I love Galloway. He's impressively eloquent and speaks a lot of sense - even when I don't agree with his politics I enjoy listening to his opinions. He's the exact opposite of Dubya.
Just a shame he dressed up as a cat in a leotard and purred on national tv.

George W. Bush and Jesus through the years

George W. Bush and Jesus through the years

David Bowie/Trent Reznor - "I'm Afraid of Americans"

theo47 says...

This song is coming up on 10 years old now, which puts it pre-Dubya - but one could argue it's taken on a completely different meaning now.

Bowie, then:
"It's not as truly hostile about Americans as say 'Born in the USA': it's merely sardonic. I was traveling in Java when the first McDonalds went up: it was like, 'for fuck's sake.' The invasion by any homogenized culture is so depressing, the erection of another Disney World in, say, Umbria, Italy, more so. It strangles the indigenous culture and narrows expression of life."

Bush saying something about Clinton comments on Fox

Picture your family dead - then go vote

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