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Fox News Reports on Cronyism

Fiat e Decreto Chama Violeta-"I Am The Violet Flame"

Doc_M says...

dubya tee eff...
Somehow I've managed to never hear of this cult. Odd. and they have like a bazillion websites.
What does your comment mean?

edit: After a quick Wikiducation, I get yer comment now and I guess i have heard of it by other names... nevertheless, out there.

sl666 (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Wow. Where to begin?

Your comparison to a policeman shooting an unarmed suspect is flawed, because cocaine and other illegal narcotics happen to kill an enormous amount of people, directly and indirectly. More so, in fact, than armed fleeing criminals, by a significant factor.

This leads into your argument about shooting down a defenseless plane. No, they could NOT have followed them until it landed. By the time it landed, it would have been outside of their jurisdiction, meaning the criminals on the plane would have gotten away scot free. But hey, how could you know, you're just tossing out comments on the interbutts, nobody's actually going to call you on your incorrect assumptions of international interdiction procedures, right?

And as for "absolutely no threat"....see:
US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Office of Applied Studies. Results from the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: national findings. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; 2006.

Over 15,000 people will die this year in the United States alone from narcotics overdoses. Just because those people on the plane weren't putting a gun to Americans' heads and pulling the trigger doesn't mean they weren't contributing in a very real way to the deaths of thousands.

And don't tell me what I assume about people on that plane. Those people on the plane were very likely middle-level runners, with slightly-above average income for their country because, as you suggested, it was the best job they could get. That does not, however, mean that they could not have gotten other, lower-paying-but-non-criminal jobs, especially the pilot. That also does not mean that they did not have a very good idea of the effects their successful run would have on other faceless people. That also does not mean they did not have fair warning, or have full knowledge of the possible retribution for their actions. The terms of engagement have been well-declared, documented, and acknowledged for a long time. They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to run drugs for a cartel. Hell, they were warned repeatedly by the military jets, yet they chose to ignore those warnings and continue anyway. Or did you miss that?

As for your bit about Bush, way to make a baseless accusation - I guess anybody who disagrees with you has to be evil incarnate, just like Dubya? I was for Gore the first time around, and campaigned for Dean and later Kerry during the 2004s. So the hell with your throwaway lines, if you're so quick to judge that I'm the kind of person who votes for Bush, you're the kind of divisive, whiny airhead that lost us the elections.

In reply to your comment:

In reply to your comment:
Sl666's comment was just pure idiocy, and I'm not in the habit of suffering idiots.

Thing is rembar, i think you are the idiot - sorry for the delayed reply,

I would prefer none of them had to die, but i cannot sanction actions to shoot down a defenceless plane.. they could have just followed it until it landed and arrested them? they were absoloutely no threat.

Would you say the same if a policeman shot someone who was running away from them? no weapon?

You assume that everyone on that plane was some evil Columbian drug lord, that probably isn't the case, it was probably flown and crewed by people that work for a drug lord because it was the best job they could get.

Defend my country, no worries, defend my family, no worries, shoot down a civilian plane? f**k no, thats an act of terrorism.

Its people like you that voted for bush.

Bush faces a new threat

George Bush earned his Purple Heart

Game Show Idiots and Other Bloopers

Fred Thompson avoids debate with Michael Moore

theo47 says...

Democrats don't have any more to fear from this bozo than they do any of the other Republican candidates.

They could run Jesus Christ himself for the White House and they'd still lose after what Dubya's put this country and the world through.

John McCain interviewed by Jon Stewart Part 2

Bill O'Reilly cuts mic of retired Army Colonel Ann Wright

yonderboy says...

Not sure why everyone keeps asking "How is he still on the air?"
Two words.


"Fox News" needs to enter the American vocabulary as an oxymoron like "Miltary Intelligence" and "Microsoft Works." This is the network whose "news" programs (and even THEY admit that O'Reilly isn't honestly news, it's editorial and commentary) have anchors who give their opinion every 5 seconds and sensationalize things to the point where the Enquirer and the Star would blush. They openly mock stories and spoon-feed their viewers exactly what they should be thinking. While I'll be the first to admit that the verbage on most Republican-labelled-liberal media outlets are offensive to the concept of journalism (CNN, his name is PRESIDENT Bush, not Mister Bush), Fox News is more biased (to the right) than most of the "liberal media" that Republicans hate so much. Just this week, the Washington Post, the poster-child for the "liberal media" that the Republicans love to hate, called Pelosi "foolish" for her little trip to Syria. When was the last time Fox News called Dubya "potentially criminal" or even "irresponsible"?

Yeah... thought so.

But yeah... O'Reilly is a moron and a juvenile.

Kerry Confronts Funder of Swift Boat Smear Campaign

winkler1 says...

"I don't remember"...sure sounds familiar. It'll be the lasting refrain of the Bush administration as they try to hide their crimes.

What comes around goes around..nuf said.

QM- Kerry is a good man and a war hero. Not a chickenhawk like your boy Dubya and his cronies. So he married a gal with money? Good on him.

Vote Different

BicycleRepairMan says...

McD or BK. Take your pick. Do you want Coke or Pepsi to ruin your country and spend all your money?

Well, if you are talking dems vs republicans is pepsi/coke, well I also disagree with alot of the dems views, but face it, when you look at the people who actually have been presidents, as opposed to those striving to be one, you cant help but to wonder.. What are their motives, their goals? personal fortune, money?, Power? or is there something real there, like an urge to help, or change things for the better? In this light, I would suggest looking at what ex-presidents do, after all, they've already had the power and glory, now what can they do?`Look at Carter, ever since leaving, he has been a strong peace advocate, a negotiator and uniter.. look at clinton, his foundation and his fight against HIV/Aids. None of them had to do any of that, and indeed I cant think of any republicans who have done similar things, Nixon retired in shame, Reagan, well he got ill, Bush Sr. continued to pet the Bush clan business relations, and pulled the strings on junior so he could fuck up everything he himself never got around to fuck up.

I cant Imagine Dubya going into charity work on retirement day either..

Again, not saying the democrats are all angels or something, but there seems to be this fundamental gap in the sort of values these two blocks represent. The only "decency" to speak of among the republicans seems to be this rather fake and mad "christian values" they profess. Values derived from 2000 year old judean life and war rules that doesnt make sense in the 2007 western world.

Both parties use the same lies and rhetorical clichés to win the votes, but the real test is what they do with the power when or if they get it

Sift Clean Up (Sift Talk Post)

President Nixon Resigns

Barack Obama on Conan

Mah diction ain't that good - Bush admits it

legacy0100 says...

"now look, my diction In't all that good"

Yea, some people down those states may find him a 'down to earth' kind of man. But for others such as myself, it just looks too darn unprofessional.

Buut it does tell you how much a candidate's personality comes into play when getting the votes. Say two man has same exact educational background and has same exact plans for the future when taking over the office. Obviously the guy with the more 'attractive' personality would have the edge.

Now I'm not saying Gore and Bush had the same policies nor background, but this 'personality' factor certainly came into play for their voting outcomes.

Personally I'd rather like a president who is not as uptight and be as casual as Dubya. Too bad he doesn't have any political skills. If only you could combine Gore's vision with Dubya's personality, that would've been great for this country.

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