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This Man Loves His Food

Stephen Colbert Dumps "Arch Enemy" North Korea

Bizarre Dennis Rodman Interview About North Korea

zor says...

That's what the DPRK leaders tell their people, too: 'Yeah, we got problems but you can imagine how bad it is over there.'

I think like a Nader about this; I'm not willing to compromise.

bcglorf said:

Our world has very, very dark places in it. Places so dark they make America, with all its warts, still look like a bright beacon of eternal freedom by comparison. That's not white washing America, it is just how horrifying and brutal the dark places in our world are, and North Korea is undoubtedly one of the darkest there is today.

Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline

joedirt says...

"For the first time in history, a government has shut down all national Internet and cellular access."

Ok forgetting about China and DPRK use of filtering and control of the internet.
Iran did this EXACT SAME THING about a year ago when they shut off access to Twitter ad much of SMS and internet in major cities when they had the same protests.

So, what is with the lies like Eqypt is different and Iran this never happened.

Prospective Principle Guidelines for the USA? (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Farhad2000 says...

*face palm*

Honestly what are you going to say next? Bush actually cared about democracy while bombing two nations back to the stone age?

The GDR, The DPRK shit even my own nation says they are democratic and for the people while remaining entirely dictatorial.

There is a difference between saying something to again acceptance and power. Then doing something entirely contrary. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and every other great dictator has been a master at saying one thing while pursuing their own agendas.

The Daily Show: William Jefferson Airplane

Diogenes says...

^ hear! hear!

my comment was simply a play on words that sought to illuminate further the simplistic linear thinking of the dprk's strategy -- if you will recall, hillary's point was that those 'children' were best ignored, and then it was reported that the dprk mentioned that if bill were to visit, they'd release the journalists

this, imho, illustrates very well how 'elementary' kim jong il's approach is... 'if mommy says no, then go ask daddy'

The Daily Show: William Jefferson Airplane

Diogenes says...

quid pro quo?? nah, imho the dprk just pulled a quid pro crow...

with hillary eating a bit, because of her recent 'candid' remarks about north korean diplomacy being akin to 'attention-starved children' ... and then kim jong il has her husband come and seal the deal to release the journalists - lol

Tourist snapshots from North Korea

Tourist snapshots from North Korea

Traffic Control in North Korea

Richard Dawkin's The Root Of All Evil (God Delusion & Virus)

N. Korea now has the bomb - Heck of a job Bushie!

KaiEr says...

Please tell me we are not trying to blame this one on Bush. Again, I am not a supporter of Bush... but let's put the blame exactly where it belongs... On the Chinese.

Look, diplomacy even going back to the Clinton administration, has only landed us with the polar opposite of what it was intended to do. As long as the old time commies stood together (China and Russia) in their misplaced sense of loyalty towards their little brother, the path down this road continued. As long as that threat of veto lingers, there will not be any true action to fix this. But this time might be different.

Blaming Bush for this, would be like me blaming Clinton, because the DPRK was working secretly on uranium enrichment during his adminstration. The logic does not fit.

Lets just hope that the Chinese will follow through with their tough talk towards the DPRK now, and not just fall back in their comfort zone.

The Chinese government has been putting on a balancing act of having the understanding that the DPRK has gone nuts, but they must keep up their longstanding propagandist thoughts to the people, by siding with their little brother while vilifying the US. The only problem, is this time it can have some results that they did not intend, like a full nuke Japan... that's not what they really want.

This week, the Chinese gov. is finally seeing how hard it can be to reign in this monster they have created in the 1.3 billion peoples minds, of the US being the instigator of all evil in the world.

Trying to do a quick turn around, while keeping the people from questioning the actions of the CPC, is going to be tough for them.

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